108 years ago today, April 15, 1912, the RMS Titanic hit an iceberg and sank in the North Atlantic. On April 15, 1912, the Titanic, the pride of the British White Star Line, sank after accidentally hitting an iceberg 150 kilometers away from Newfoundland on its maiden voyage.

On this day, 108 years ago, on April 15, 1912 (February 28, 1912 in the lunar calendar), the RMS Titanic hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic and sank.

On April 15, 1912, the Titanic, the pride of the British White Star Line, sank after accidentally hitting an iceberg 150 kilometers away from Newfoundland on its maiden voyage.

The Titanic was about 269 meters long and had a displacement of more than 46,000 tons. The first-class ticket price was equivalent to US$50,000 today. This giant ship has 16 drainage tanks and is said to be unsinkable. The largest and most luxurious ship in history was originally scheduled to arrive in New York Harbor on the 16th.

html On April 10, the Titanic began its maiden voyage from Southampton, England. In order to win the highest honor of a North Atlantic ocean liner, the Blue Ribbon Award, Captain Edward Smith chose a shorter summer route across the Atlantic. Courses usually do not follow this route to avoid collision with icebergs. But Captain Smith still sailed forward across the glacier zone of the North Atlantic at full speed at 22 knots (equivalent to a speed of 41 kilometers per hour). At 23:45 on the 14th, this 269-meter-long giant ship collided with an iceberg. A 90-meter crack was torn from the starboard side to the center of the hull, and a large amount of seawater poured into the hull. Captain Smith immediately sent out CQD (Coming, Danger) and SOS distress signals, and ordered the lifeboat to be released. Because there were too few lifeboats to accommodate all 2,340 passengers and crew, there was chaos on the ship. The Titanic, carrying many rich and famous people, finally sank at 2:20 a.m. on April 15, killing 1,595 people. The dead include some of the elite figures in industry, such as John Jacob Astor and Isidore Strauss, who founded the famous American department store Macy's, and Thomas Andrews, the designer of the Titanic. .

There were many touching stories during the escape: the orchestra on the ship was still playing until the last moment of the sinking; most of the staff on the ship and their wives refused to be rescued. They held hands with their husbands on the ship and followed the Titan The ship sank into the sea; millionaire John Jacob Astor put his bride into the lifeboat and stayed on the ship, never to be seen again... Because of this In response to shipwrecks, the first International Conference on Safety of Life at Sea was held in London in 1913, calling for strengthening safety and rescue measures.