In mid-March, the sudden lockdown interrupted my originally fast-paced life. When I had time to look through my friends circle carefully, I was suddenly surprised by the marigolds in the park. The first thing I did after the lockdown was to go to a nearby park to check out the ch

Thanks to the author [Shenzhen Fashion] for the original and exclusive authorization to share

Edited and compiled: [Succulents Encyclopedia] Encyclopedia

Coordinates: Shenzhen, Guangdong

In mid-March, the sudden lockdown interrupted the originally fast-paced life. If you have time, you can I carefully browsed the circle of friends, and I was suddenly surprised by the marigolds in the park. The first thing I did after the lockdown was to go to a nearby park to check out the check-in spot. Unfortunately, the flowering period has passed, but when I was in the beautiful scenery, I realized that a happy life is not only about having enough food and clothing. , also lies in the clear water and blue sky.

Falling flowers come from time to time, and the fragrance of the flowing water is far away. The beautiful scenery makes people unable to bear to leave; the red and purple colors have turned into dust, and the sound of cuckoo is the new summer. The breath of summer can be felt everywhere. I wish that time would freeze.

Since I became obsessed with meaty , the complicated life has become a little more peaceful and simple. People are happy when they are simple, and they grow old when they are sophisticated. Keep a young heart and enjoy the sunshine and warmth.

My maintenance conditions are not ideal. I have a balcony, not full sunshine, and I am in a free shipping area. Not many can be raised well. Due to the large differences between succulent varieties, the individual differences of the same variety are also not small. After After seven years of screening, I am still somewhat able to adapt to my own maintenance conditions. Now I have learned to lower my expectations and stick to my own interests, so every day is happy.

The maintenance conditions cannot be changed, but the maintenance methods can be gradually improved. My soil mix has also been changed several times. It is currently 70% to 75% granular. Depending on the differences in pots and individual succulents, it will increase or decrease. Granules and water control are also compulsory courses for people like me who live on the balcony. In addition to the period of rooting in pots, watering will be based on the condition of the succulents and the weather at other times. The hot and humid weather in Shenzhen in summer is extremely long, coupled with the frequent typhoons, control Watering and watering should be done very carefully. It is often said that watering takes ten years, but I am still on the road. In addition to slowly exploring watering methods, maintaining good ventilation is also a necessary condition. If there are no conditions, you must also find ways to create conditions. I started to provide proper shade from the sun and rain in April. I tried my best to keep them healthy in early summer so that they would have the strength to survive the bitter summer for half a year.

From January to the end of March, I selected a few favorite photos of each beautiful day.

The succulent month of January often makes people forget to leave.

Spring mountains should be good everywhere, and you can see flowers reaching several peaks in January. Chang'e, her parents are excellent, no matter how she raises her, she won't be too bad.

Yoselin, beautiful for two months and ugly for ten months is a common problem of this type of moon shadow type.

I have been carrying my baby snow lotus for more than a year. They were originally a pair, but the other baby was killed by a bird. I wonder if the baby will still be so cute after losing the baby fat next year.

The succulent baby in February is still very charming. Yue Yingza, who has been with Yue Yingza for more than two years, has no choice but to be favored by relatives. It seems that dragging people into the trap is risky.

The unknown hybrid has also changed its owner.

Lu's Brocade, the skin is solid and durable.

Morning dew is my favorite variety. You don’t have to worry about balcony maintenance at all. It becomes crystal clear as soon as winter comes.

As time passes, the seasons change, and the grass becomes green and yellow again. It’s also a pleasure to see the contrasting changes in different seasons.

The snow lotus after the rain has a cool temperament. I just found the photos of my childhood not long ago. It has been more than four years. This year, two leaves were damaged by birds, but the profile photo is still beautiful.

latest photos in April, how fat have you become? Is it because your master rarely visits you recently and drinks a lot of rainwater secretly?

The Queen of Salsa is not as noble and enchanting as the Queen of Wheat Straw, but I have a soft spot for her.

Lindsay has been a pittant for more than six years. I don’t know whether it is due to individual differences or breed reasons, but she has never been able to raise Chihuahua .

There has been too much rain this winter, and the color of the ebony trim is not impressive.

Female chick, she had only five little heads when she came, and then she went crazy with babies. She is really a heroic mother. The picture below is the little side shoots that have been broken off. They have grown a lot. In February, they cut off three heads and put them into a new pot. .

Mont Blanc is fatter than when he came.

Oranges, which are never absent from the home of meat farmers, are firm and attractive.

I’m not sure this one is an orange, so just treat it like an orange.

Did they look like oranges before?

I brought up a bunch of oranges from seedlings. I blame me for being biased and never put them in a place with good light. I will try to give you a VIP position next year.

The little orange I bought last fall has grown a lot.

The succulents in March make people reluctant to part with them. Chihuahua, if there is no dew, we will make it artificially.

Seconda , other people are like little buns, why do I develop a big face, for the sake of my popularity, I show my little face.

Another pot of morning dew, although it is not as transparent as winter, it is still fresh and fresh.

used to look pitiful.

PinKy, I prefer its other name Pink Angel, which is thicker than Guanghan Palace . I got powdery mildew before, and sprayed the leaves and roots with fungicides. Now I have just recovered from the serious illness, and my appearance is damaged. I am not as good-looking as before. This kind of Varieties should be exposed to as little rain as possible.

Orange decoration, from ugly to beautiful, and then from beautiful to ugly, there are disappointments and frustrations, but also surprises and joys, this is the fun of meat farmers!

At the end of February and early March this year, I moved a small amount of meat and raised it under the lights. The current condition is good, and next year I can share my light-raising experience with my meat friends. This pot of old orange lamp has been cultivated for a while. The first picture was taken in early March and the second picture was taken in early April. It has not been long, but the shape of the plant has become tighter and the color is more purple-red.

Champagne miscellaneous, I don’t know whether it’s because it didn’t live up to expectations or because I was too impatient, and the situation this year is not ideal.

The ice jade group brought up by the seedlings is also the favorite of birds this winter. Especially the old ice jade was the worst affected. It was collected on the inside of the balcony at the end of December. There was insufficient light and most of them were in bad condition.

Finally, I have a few pots of hibiscus and snow lotus that have been with me for more than four years, with oranges and leaves inserted into the flesh, a recent photo in April.

I don’t know why this year, when some of the meat slowly faded away its red makeup, Hibiscus became more and more in shape. Could it be that she was angry with the owner before because she thought the new pot was ugly.

Old orange, the leaves are somewhat thinner, but there are not many left.

I planted some leaves of the variety I liked back then. Later, my new love replaced my old love. I kept it in the corner without changing the pot, and it lived well.

Due to the limited maintenance conditions, after seven years, I am still wandering around among ordinary products. If the ordinary products are well maintained, then I will be quite satisfied.

At the beginning of autumn last year, I harvested a few twelve-volume seedlings. Now they have grown up. It is my first time to raise them. I hope they can spend the summer safely.

Masters are miscellaneous. The Masters are rarely raised, and they are small and happy.

The most beautiful thing on the balcony is longevity flower . Stop on the balcony in your spare time and watch the wind blow by. The longevity flower sways with the wind, as if dancing on the leaves. It is very touching. May the flowers always stay with you and lead a long life.

Many cities are now in the midst of an epidemic. Life comes and goes, but I hope to be with you forever. With love and hope, wait for the epidemic to subside. When He Qing and Hai Yan arrive, we will meet in peace and prosperity.


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