Source: People's Daily Online People's Daily, Beijing, March 3 (Reporter Hao Shuai) The CBA League announced the lineup for the southern and northern regions of the 2021 All-Star Game. The list shows that the only foreign player selected for the All-Star Game this time is Wimes o

Source: People's Daily Online

People's Daily Online, Beijing, March 3 (Reporter Hao Shuai) The CBA Alliance announced the South and North Zone lineups for the 2021 All-Star Game. The list shows that the only foreign player selected for the All-Star Game this time is Wimes of the Guangdong Team. At this point, the Guangdong Team will have 5 players selected for the All-Star Game, becoming the team with the most players participating in the All-Star Game.

In the previously announced All-Star starting list, Zhao Rui of the Guangdong team and Guo Ailun of the Liaoning team topped the votes in the South and North districts with 188,370 votes and 231,553 votes respectively.

According to arrangements, the 2021 All-Star Weekend will be held in Qingdao from March 19th to 21st. Among them, the Star Challenge and individual challenges (dunks, three-pointers and Skills) preliminaries. On March 21 (Sunday), the All-Star Game and the finals of the individual challenges will be arranged.

2021CBA All-Star Game South and North Division lineups. Picture source: CBA League official Weibo

The following is the specific list of the South and North District lineups:

North District lineup: Han Dejun, Zhang Zhenlin, Zhou Qi, Guo Ailun, Zhao Jiwei, Jiang Yuxing, Gao Shiyan , Yu Changdong, Qilin , Tao Hanlin, Liu Chuanxing , Zhai Xiaochuan .

South District lineup: Zhou Peng, Shen Zijie, Ren Junfei, Zhao Rui, Hu Mingxuan, Hu Jinqiu, Xirelijiang, Wu Qian, Sun Minghui, Wu Guanxi, Wilms, Wang Zhelin .