Text | Liu Lanchang Chu Lilun, the current chairman of Taiwan’s Kuomintang, will visit the United States starting on June 2. Huang Jiezheng, the party’s representative in the United States, said that he could not confirm who he would meet but “everyone who wants to see him should

text | Liu Lanchang

The current chairman of Taiwan’s Kuomintang Julian Chu will visit the United States starting from June 2. Huang Jiezheng, the party’s representative in the United States, said that he could not confirm who he would meet but “everyone who wants to see him should be able to see him.” In fact, it doesn’t matter who you meet. What matters is, can being “pro-American” boost the KMT’s electoral support? Tsai Ing-wen's indifference shows that "big green" doesn't care about "little green". No matter how "pro-American" the KMT is, it can't compare to the DPP, and the Biden administration will definitely not "change horses."

Compared with the "Korean whirlwind" sweeping across Taiwan four years ago, Han Guoyu not only won the mayor of Kaohsiung that the Democratic Progressive Party had held for more than 20 years, but also led the Kuomintang to win fifteen county mayor seats. , "green land turns into blue sky", a significant increase of nine seats from the original six seats. The Democratic Progressive Party's seats dropped from 13 to 6. The KMT is so powerful that in order to keep her position in 2020, Tsai Ing-wen, with the support of the United States, will use all kinds of conspiracies to "anti-China and disrupt Hong Kong." The Kuomintang, on the other hand, was not only engaged in internal fighting, but Han Kuo-yu was also unable to contain his inflated ambitions to fight for a big position. As a result, a good game was ruined. Not only did Hanguo Yu lose his position, but he was also dismissed as the mayor of Kaohsiung.

As a result, the situation of the Kuomintang took a turn for the worse. The local young faction Jiang Qichen took over the chairmanship from Wu Dunyi. Thinking that the blue camp was being dyed red, it suddenly changed its course and followed the green camp to worship incense. It not only attempted to negate the 1992 Consensus , and ended the third cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. After Zhu Lilun took over as chairman last year, he was "deeper" than Jiang Qichen. On the surface, he did not deny the 1992 Consensus, but pursued a "pro-American and anti-communist" line, so he actively went to the United States to "greet" the Biden administration. However, the Biden team still feels that the DPP is easy to use because their pursuit of "Taiwan independence" makes it easier for the United States to play the Taiwan card to "use Taiwan to contain China." Therefore, Allen Chu was very afraid of being ignored this time.

In any case, the Kuomintang is currently in an extremely embarrassing situation of "having no commanders and no generals". Zhu Lilun "wanted to choose but refused to choose" at first, and finally "deposed Hong Xiuzhu" and failed miserably. He has long been regarded as an irresponsible person. At present, it is impossible to design a line for the Kuomintang that is in line with public opinion. Originally, Tsai Ing-wen’s administration presented three major problems. First, the extreme “anti-China and independence-seeking” policies put the situation in Taiwan in turmoil, and the people demanded peace and stability. Second, the DPP has been riddled with problems of alienation and corruption. It recently imposed legislation to overturn the case of the corrupt Chen Shui-bian, and public opinion rebounded. Third, due to the Tsai administration's anti-China influence on epidemic prevention, the epidemic broke out and the people were dissatisfied. There are many good cards to play in the blue camp election, but Zhu Lilun has never been able to create a good main theme for the campaign.

Moreover, Zhu Lilun has no cohesion in the Kuomintang. After taking office, he was unable to convene the fourteen current Kuomintang county mayors to discuss election strategies. In addition, the candidates for this election will be selected in a "recruitment" mode instead of "selecting the best among the best" through primaries. Only this, comments in the island said: The KMT is in decline.

Looking back four years ago, we can’t help but admire Hanguo Yu’s “heretic combat power”. Wu Dunyi originally agreed that he would go to Kaohsiung to "cope with it". Who would have thought that he could set off an earth-shaking whirlwind? Unfortunately, he did not stick to Kaohsiung. If Terry Gou had been elected and Han Kuo-yu had held on to Kaohsiung, then the KMT's current situation would be completely different.

The problem is that except for Hou Youyi, Lu Xiuyan and others who are seeking re-election, there are no capable generals. "Pity, the Kuomintang no longer has Han Kuo-yu!"

At present, Zhu Lilun has confirmed that Jiang Wanan will run for Taipei mayor, Xie Guoliang will run for Keelung mayor, Xu Shuhua will run for Nantou County magistrate, Zhang Shanzheng will run for Taoyuan Mayor, Xu Zhirong ran for Miaoli County Magistrate. Zhu Lilun's election strategy is to "battle decisively in the north and north, defend central Taiwan, and storm southern Taiwan."

However, Zhu Lilun’s choice of Jiang Wanan, a descendant of the Jiang family, was not good. A recent poll conducted by Blue Camp showed that Chiang Wanan’s support was 23%, that of the People’s Party and current Taipei City Vice Mayor Huang Shanshan was 21%, and that the Democratic Progressive Party’s possible candidate and epidemic prevention commander Chen Shizhong was 19%.It seems that Jiang Wanan is slightly ahead in , but it is actually within the error range. More importantly, Jiang Wanan and Huang Shanshan's votes are highly homogeneous, which means they will split their votes and lose together. Hopefully, it won’t be unfortunate.

Taipei cannot be taken. The so-called "holding on" and "attacking" are just doing everything possible.

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