Recently, USAID Administrator Power delivered a policy speech, announcing that the United States would launch a "global dignity revolution." The first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is that "all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." Ho

Recently, USAID Director Power delivered a policy speech, announcing that the United States would launch a "global dignity revolution." Power claimed that this revolution was to implement the "Presidential Democratic Resurgence Initiative" launched at the first "Global Democracy Summit", establish a "Democracy Partnership Fund", and defeat " authoritarian countries" such as China and Russia. Ball also systematically slandered China on the so-called human rights issues in Xinjiang, the Hong Kong extradition bill storm, and the truth about the origin of the new coronavirus. It can be called the "sister chapter" of Secretary of State Blinken's China policy speech.

On June 7, 2022, USAID Administrator Power delivered a policy speech, announcing that the United States would launch a "global revolution of dignity."

The first article of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" is that "all human beings are born free and shall live in dignity and dignity." "Equality in rights", but this ideal has not yet been realized. History has repeatedly proved that where there is US hegemony, there is no human dignity. A major source of human inequality is the US policy of aggression and intervention.

The United States Agency for International Development did not honor the United States' commitments on foreign aid and climate change funds, did not pay the US$2.4 billion in debt owed by the United States to the United Nations , and did not atone for the sins of the people who suffered from US aggression and intervention, but suddenly What is the purpose of raising the banner of "global dignity revolution"?

Does the United States really care about the dignity of other countries, or is it offending the dignity of other countries? Are we really opposing "authoritarianism", or are we creating excuses to suppress the sovereignty of other countries and maintain U.S. hegemony? Do we really want to promote democracy, or do we want to instigate a new round of "color revolution" and mess up the world? Is it to benefit all countries through aid, or is it to create a "new cold war", obstruct cooperation, and create a barrier? In the annals of human dignity, the United States has left the most miserable record. The United States has carried out "revolutions of dignity" in Ukraine , Afghanistan , and Latin America. What was the result? Please answer the United States:

First question:

Do the Ukrainian people in the war-torn country have dignity?

At the beginning of 2014, Ukraine was in chaos. Many media called the street movement that overthrew President Yanukovych a "revolution of dignity." But have the Ukrainian people received dignity? Ukrainian scholar Olga Sukharevskaya believes that the United States created this "revolution of dignity", which led to war, poverty and the raging of the far right. Now, everything has come true.

In March 2014, near the Independence Square in Kiev, Ukraine, fierce clashes broke out between anti-government protesters demanding Yanukovych's resignation and the police.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has lasted for four months, and civilians, especially women and children, have become the biggest victims. By. The latest data from the United Nations Refugee Agency shows that the number of refugees in Ukraine has reached 6.5 million, and the number of internally displaced persons has reached as high as 8 million.

The Ukrainian refugees who have poured into Western countries are in extremely difficult situations. In Romania, Hungary, Germany and other countries, Ukrainian women and children refugees are frequently trafficked and violated. On April 12, the German Federal Police disclosed that it had learned of 18 cases of sexual assault against female Ukrainian refugees. Some traffickers take children from orphanages and sell them. According to Ukrainian government figures, 5,000 children are missing. A British charity said, "When you find a large group of very vulnerable people in urgent need of funds and help, this is a breeding ground for exploitation and sexual exploitation."

Faced with Ukraine's desperate need for help, Western leaders rushed to "One-day tour" of in Kiev, performing "performance art" with Ukraine. However, Biden said that "it is their own business for Ukraine to cede territory and seek peace." NATO tore up the document welcoming Ukraine to join in 2008. The EU told Ukraine that if it wants to join the EU, it must queue up honestly.

On June 3, 2022, Biden delivered a speech on the U.S. May employment report in Delaware . When asked "whether Ukraine should cede territory and seek peace," he tried to distance himself from the relationship, saying, "I won't tell them. What to do and what not to do”

Western media began to hype corruption in Ukraine and the misuse of Western aid. This is an excuse and a signal that aid will be reduced or stopped in the name of “anti-corruption”, and the West wants to get out.Ukraine is like an ignorant girl whose emotions were toyed with. She thought she was pursuing happiness, but in the end she was ruthlessly abandoned.

Second question:

Do the Afghan people, whose country has been destroyed and their family destroyed, have dignity?

In August 2002, former US President George W. Bush claimed that the United States had "restored the basic human rights and freedoms of all Afghan people by liberating Afghanistan." In 2021, with empty promises of "will always stand with the Afghan people", the US military panicked and withdrew early, leaving the Afghan people with a future riddled with holes and full of crises. Where does dignity come from?

In the 20 years from 2001 to 2021, more than 70,000 Afghan civilians were killed in military attacks, more than 60,000 civilians were injured, nearly 33,000 children died or were disabled, 3.5 million children were out of school, and 11 million people became refugee. For the sake of their own absolute safety, the US military and its allies frequently carry out indiscriminate bombings. Sitting in the control room, they can blow up a village with just a flick of their fingers, accompanied by the sacrifice of a large number of innocent lives. Former Afghan President Karzai believes that the US military is inhumane and cruel in using Afghanistan as a testing ground for new and dangerous weapons. There are also killing children, "killing good people and taking credit for merit", letting dogs bite people, slitting throats, torturing prisoners, and humiliating corpses. All kinds of bloodthirsty and perverted evil behaviors are common.

In January 2010, a U.S. military team killed a civilian named Mudin in a village near Kandahar, Afghanistan. They then took off the deceased's clothes and excitedly took a photo with the "trophy"

Due to the war, Afghanistan is losing an average of 60 million US dollars every day. , unable to build new infrastructure, the economy was completely destroyed, industry was almost in ruins, and the development of agriculture and animal husbandry was stagnant.

About 72% of the people in Afghanistan today live below the poverty line, and only 5% of the people in the country have enough food every day. Facing the hungry Afghan people, the United States chose to freeze the US$7 billion in reserves held by the Central Bank of Afghanistan in the United States, which directly caused the Afghan financial system to be on the verge of collapse and more people to lose their jobs due to the economic depression. The United States has single-handedly caused extreme war and poverty in Afghanistan, and has trampled under its feet the last dignity of the Afghan people.

In December 2021, children on the streets of Afghanistan's capital Kabul lived in garbage dumps all day long

Third question:

Do the refugees on the Central American "caravan" have dignity?

Since the advent of the " Monroe Doctrine" in 1823, the United States has made a fortune by seizing the land of American countries, and then turned American countries into vassal states through political intervention and armed intervention. Its only purpose is to control Latin America and other countries. The Western Hemisphere is within the sphere of influence of the United States. As for poverty everywhere and gangs running rampant, that is the "truth" of American dignity. When the people of Cuba and Venezuela live their own lives and maintain their dignity, the United States responds with sanctions, blockades, interference, and subversion. For more than 60 years, the United States has ignored multiple resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and implemented the longest-lasting and most severe systemic trade embargo, economic blockade and financial sanctions in modern history, causing Cuba to suffer more than 100,000 direct economic losses. Hundreds of billions of dollars.

In June 2021, the United Nations General Assembly voted on the draft resolution "The U.S. Economic, Commercial and Financial Blockade against Cuba Must End" submitted by Cuba. In the end, the resolution was passed with an overwhelming majority of 184 votes in favor, 2 against, and 3 abstentions. In 2020, the Venezuelan Foreign Minister criticized US Secretary of State Pompeo for "shamelessly" interfering in the Venezuelan parliamentary election. Since Morales came to power in Bolivia in 2006, he has firmly defended his country's dignity and resisted bullying by the United States. The United States used the Organization of American States to intervene in the Bolivian election, causing the country to fall into long-term political chaos. Recently, the Biden administration did not invite the heads of state of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua to attend the Summit of the Americas on the grounds of being "undemocratic", which was collectively condemned by leaders of more than 25 countries. Mexican President Lopez called the U.S. move "a continuation of the old policy of interventionism and a lack of respect for the country and its people" and announced that he would not attend.

On June 6, 2022, Mexican President Lopez gave a speech and refused to attend the Summit of the Americas, saying that the United States was still pursuing blockades, discrimination and "the same interventionist policies as usual"

"too far from God and too close to the United States". This is The lament of Latin American people for two hundred years. Before the Summit of the Americas, a "caravan" of tens of thousands of Central American immigrants flocked to the U.S.-Mexico border. They demanded that the United States honor its promised "freedom" and "dignity," but were violently deported and treated inhumanely by the United States.

In September 2021, when a Haitian immigrant tried to enter Texas, the United States, he was driven away by Border Patrol agents on horseback with whips.

U.S. law enforcement officers riding tall horses rushed to drive away immigrants. Critics said this scene was reminiscent of hundreds of years. Scenes of former American slave owners driving away black slaves. Democratic U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters said it was "worse than the days of slavery."

For a long time, the United States has used the banner of democracy to undermine the stability of other countries and endanger regional security (Comics | Liu Rui)

Dignity is a universal pursuit of all mankind, but the "dignity" in the United States is the privilege of a few and is based on the majority. It is anti-humanity to insult the dignity of people and most countries. The ancient Roman Cicero proposed the earliest concept of "dignity" in the West, but dignity specifically refers to the dignity of nobles, not the dignity of civilians. Since the founding of the United States, the United States has advocated the dignity of pursuing life, freedom, and happiness, but that is the dignity reserved for white slave owners and capital oligarchs . The United States is talking about "dignity" today. The essence is to maintain its crumbling hegemony. The essence is to mess up other countries and make others live without dignity. The United States can be like a master and experience the self-centeredness and supremacy of the "upper castes" alone. The supreme emperor of the empire.

The world wants fairness, the nation wants dignity, and the people want democracy. This is an irresistible historical trend. In order to defend dignity, the logic of people around the world is that wherever there is oppression, there will be resistance. In order to trample on dignity, the logic of hegemony is that wherever there is resistance, there will be more cruel oppression.

The "Global Dignity Revolution" is exactly the tool of this oppression and a blatant provocation to human justice. They want to subvert through Western-style democracy, color revolutions, and coups to plunge the people of all countries into fragmented internal strife and become silent lambs waiting to be killed.

Communist Youth League Central Committee

On August 31, 2021, U.S. President Biden gave a speech on the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. He still did not forget to blame China and Russia, saying that what China and Russia most wanted to see was that "the United States is stuck in Afghanistan for another 10 years."

True To safeguard the dignity of the nation and the people, we must organize ourselves and turn the loose state of being at the mercy of others into an indestructible organizational state.

A hundred years ago, the Chinese people were closely organized on the road to national salvation. The Chinese people stood up and their national dignity was established. Today, the United States regards the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as its greatest threat, revealing its profound hostility. The Chinese people are uniting more closely on the road to national rejuvenation. The United States' slander of this as "authoritarian" just exposes its guilty conscience and fear. This is not authoritarianism, but the power of unity. Material power can only be destroyed with material power, and the material power that defends dignity is unity.

"When a whale falls into , all things come into being." The fall of hegemony is the rebirth of human democracy and the elevation of national dignity. Today, only when people of all countries organize themselves and countries around the world unite to fight against hegemony, interference, and bullying, and to pursue development, fairness, and dignity, can we carry out the just cause of democratizing international relations to the end!

Source: Chaoyang Shaoxia