To gain weight in autumn, does it mean eating meat to make up for it? On the contrary, the main focus of autumn is to nourish the lungs. The diet should be light, warm and soft, and blind supplementation is not allowed. The lung is one of the five internal organs in traditional C

To gain weight in autumn, do you just need to eat meat to make up for it? On the contrary, the main focus of autumn is to nourish the lungs. The diet should be light, warm and soft, and blind supplementation is not allowed.

The lung is one of the five internal organs in traditional Chinese medicine. The lung is the organ most susceptible to invasion by external evils. In autumn and winter, the temperature drops and the weather is dry, which is most likely to damage the lungs, leading to the onset and exacerbation of colds, coughs, asthma, etc. Therefore, you should pay attention to the maintenance of your lungs in autumn and winter.

Traditional Chinese medicine has a theory of "medicine and food come from the same source". By using the biased characteristics of food's nature and taste, it can adjust the yin and yang of the human body in a targeted manner and bring it into balance, so as to achieve the purpose of health care, physical fitness, and disease prevention. It is a good way to nourish the lungs through diet in autumn and winter.

Traditional Chinese medicine attaches great importance to the balance of yin and yang. Preventing lung diseases in autumn and winter focuses on harmonizing yin and yang. "Huangdi Neijing": "If the Yang Qi loses its place in the sky and the sun, life will be shortened and the sun will not shine. Therefore, the destiny should be brightened by the sun. Therefore, the Yang Qi rises and defends the outside." The human body's Yang Qi has resistance. The important role of external evils. The temperature in autumn and winter is low, which can easily damage the human body's yang energy. During the winter solstice, the yin energy has reached its peak and the yang energy has begun to sprout. In line with this trend, yang energy should be properly nourished in autumn and winter.

People with yang deficiency constitution can eat some warm foods such as mutton, onions, ginger, leeks, wolfberries, jujubes, and longans. Eat less cold drinks, seafood and other cold foods.

"Huangdi Neijing" has the saying of "nourishing yin in autumn and winter". In autumn and winter, when all things gather together, people should let nature take its course and collect yin essence so that the essence can cohere to nourish the five internal organs, resist diseases and prolong life. The climate in autumn and winter in the north is generally dry, with frequent windy weather, which easily consumes the body's yin fluid. Therefore, nourishing yin essence is also an important part of health care in autumn and winter.

People with yin deficiency constitution should drink more water and eat more foods that clear the lungs, moisten the lungs, nourish yin and moisturize dryness, such as pears, lilies, white radish, cabbage, white fungus, lotus seeds, water chestnuts, duck meat, etc. Eat less spicy, spicy, barbecued and fried foods.