I often hear people say that people want to replenish yang, strengthen yang, and support yang, but they never understand what yang energy is? "Huangdi Neijing" says: "Yang Qi is like the sky and the sun. If it loses its place, life will be shortened and the life will not be prosp

I often hear people say that people want to replenish yang, strengthen yang, and support yang, but they never understand what yang energy is?

"The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" says: "Yang Qi is like the sky and the sun. If it loses its place, life will be shortened and not flourish." Therefore, if you want to live longer, Yang Qi must be sufficient, so what kind of person needs to replenish Yang Qi? ?

What are the symptoms of insufficient Yang Qi?

Simply put, people with insufficient Yang Qi need to supplement Yang Qi. So what are the symptoms of insufficient Yang Qi?

Director Wu Xin of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Beijing Millennium Monument Hospital, Capital Medical University pointed out that people with insufficient yang energy mainly have the following four symptoms:

1. Being afraid of cold

Cold is the main manifestation of insufficient yang energy. People with insufficient yang energy are prone to reduced resistance and may become afraid of the cold. Moreover, these people are also the most susceptible to colds during the change of seasons.

2. People who often feel tired

People with insufficient yang energy are also in a poor mental state. Not only are their faces pale and dull, but they are also prone to feeling tired and weak all over. This kind of fatigue is difficult to relieve even after adequate rest.

3, loss of appetite

Insufficient Yang Qi will lead to a decrease in appetite. You always feel a loss of appetite and are prone to diarrhea, especially after eating cold food. Diarrhea is most likely to occur. Many people with insufficient Yang Qi have chronic diarrhea. The problem.

4. Recurrent rhinitis

The occurrence of rhinitis is essentially a manifestation of decreased immunity. The fundamental reason for the recurring rhinitis, especially in spring and winter, is insufficient yang energy.

People with sufficient Yang Qi live longer, while people with insufficient Yang Qi have poorer mental and health conditions. In fact, there are many people who lack Yang Qi because they do not pay attention to it in daily life, resulting in the continuous depletion of Yang Qi. If you also have the following behaviors, you'd better pay attention, as these behaviors will deplete your yang energy!

What behaviors will deplete Yang Qi?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that if you want to have sufficient yang energy in your body, there are "three don'ts". The first is "don't hurt or freeze", the second is "don't burn the abdomen and back with fire", and the third "don't let hibernation occur, follow the way of heaven".

First of all, , not paying attention to keeping warm will consume Yang Qi. Some people often eat cold foods in the summer, such as frozen drinks, watermelon, etc., but do not pay attention to keeping warm in autumn and winter, and do not pay attention to adding clothes when the weather turns cold, which leads to the invasion of cold air and damages the yang energy. Therefore, in order to avoid depletion of yang energy, we must pay attention to keeping warm and eat less cold food.

Secondly, cupping and moxibustion in winter. When the weather is cold, do not use fire to roast the abdomen and back, including cupping and moxibustion, otherwise it may cause cold air to enter the body, thereby depleting Yang Qi. Cupping and moxibustion are both traditional Chinese medicine methods of health care, and they are also two very popular health methods at present. However, when cupping and moxibustion, you must avoid the abdomen and back to avoid damaging the yang energy.

In addition, staying up late is also one of the behaviors that depletes Yang energy. Chinese medicine says, "Don't hibernate, follow the way of nature." It means that people should follow nature. In winter, many animals enter a state of hibernation, and people are the same. They should ensure adequate sleep and avoid staying up late. Staying up late is very harmful. Behavior that depletes Yang energy.

In daily life, the above three behaviors that deplete Yang Qi should be avoided. In winter, we should also pay attention to replenishing Yang Qi. Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to dietary therapy, and learning the following dietary supplement methods can effectively replenish yang energy.

Eating more of these food supplements in winter can replenish yang

● Longan and astragalus boiled eggs: Longan has the effect of replenishing qi and blood and strengthening the spleen and stomach, while astragalus nourishes the middle and replenishes qi, and eggs nourishes yin and nourishes blood . The three ingredients are shared. It can nourish qi and blood and enhance nutrition, especially suitable for consumption in winter. After washing the longan and astragalus, add appropriate amount of water and cook for 30 minutes. Boil the eggs in another pot, remove the shells, add the longan and astragalus and continue cooking for 10 minutes.

● Fresh ginger soaked in white vinegar: Ginger is mild in nature, can promote blood circulation, warm the body, and has a sweating effect. Fresh ginger soaked in white vinegar can not only be eaten as a snack, but also has the effect of replenishing yang energy. It is not difficult to make. You only need to cut the ginger into thin slices and soak it in a bottle with white vinegar for a week before eating.

● Cook mutton with yam: "Compendium of Materia Medica" states that mutton is a good product for "tonifying yang and replenishing blood and qi". Eating mutton in autumn and winter can dispel cold, replenish qi and improve blood circulation. Cooking mutton with yam is not only delicious, but also beneficial. healthy. Cut the mutton into pieces and blanch it, add yam, scallions, star anise and other ingredients. Cook until cooked, add the mutton and continue cooking for a few minutes before serving.

● Astragalus, black-bone chicken and red date soup: is also suitable for drinking soup in winter. Astragalus, black-bone chicken and red date soup is a good recipe. Black-bone chicken can nourish yin and blood, and jujube can nourish qi and promote fluid, nourish blood and calm the mind, plus it is warm and replenishing qi. Astragalus can effectively replenish yang energy. Wash all the ingredients and simmer for 30 minutes, then add a little salt to taste.

People with sufficient Yang Qi are energetic and energetic, but those with insufficient Yang Qi are not only "sick" but also have no energy to do anything. Winter has arrived, so hurry up and try the above dietary supplements to replenish Yang Qi. Bar! #39Healthy Super Energy Group##Qingfeng Plan#


[1] "Keep your health in mid-winter, hide the "Yang Qi" and avoid illness in the coming year". Guangzhou Daily.2020-12-13

[2] "Longan and Astragalus" Boiling Eggs to Replenish Yang Qi".Life Times.2018-10-31


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