It’s the beginning of autumn, but the weather is still very hot. Don’t think that you can enjoy the cool weather after the beginning of autumn. The summer heat is still behind you. There is still heat~ Moreover, according to the calculation of dog days, there is still one day aft

It’s the beginning of autumn, but the weather is still very hot. Don’t think that after the beginning of autumn, you can enjoy the cool weather. The summer heat is still behind, and there is still some heat~

Moreover, according to the calculation of dog days, there is still one volt after the beginning of autumn. , that is, "Mofu", after coming out of the Fu, there is still "Autumn Tiger".

So, what should you do now to take good care of your body?

Don't worry, the key points of health care at this stage have been mapped out for everyone~

Eat a flower, soothe the liver and regulate qi, improve eyesight and nourish the skin

This flower is jasmine.

Jasmine has extremely high medicinal value. It can be used to make rich and refreshing tea, and it is also very delicious when made into flower meals.

Specifically, jasmine tea has the functions of promoting qi, relieving depression, soothing the liver and improving eyesight, and being antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Women who drink it regularly can not only beautify and whiten their skin, but also delay aging.

Jasmine flower meal recommendation

① Jasmine sugar drink

Ingredients: 5 grams of jasmine flower, appropriate amount of white sugar.

Method: Fry jasmine flowers, white sugar and 1500 ml of water, remove the residue and drink.

function: soothes the liver and regulates qi, stops dysentery and detoxifies.

② Jasmine tofu

Ingredients: 30 grams of fresh jasmine, 100 grams of tofu.

Method: boil tofu , add jasmine flowers after boiling, then boil again and serve.

function: aromatizes moisture, relieves greasiness, and loses weight.

Drink 2 teas to remove dampness and nourish yang, nourish the kidneys and soothe the nerves

During the dog days of summer, it is natural to remove dampness and nourish yang to maintain health. I recommend two health-preserving dietary therapies to everyone.

1. Dampness-removing diets

Many dampness-removing diets are relatively cold, so naturally they are not suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach.

However, there is a kind of food that is mild in nature and taste and suitable for the general population, especially those with weak spleen and stomach. Eating more white lentils can strengthen the spleen and stomach.

That food is white lentils.

Mung bean and lentil drink, a good drink to dispel dampness and clear away heat.

Wash 30 grams of white lentils and 50 grams of mung beans. Add appropriate amount of water to the pot and cook until the beans are cooked. Then filter the residue and take the juice for later use. Take 1 dose per day, you can drink it on an empty stomach.

This is the mung bean and lentil drink from "Shou Shi Qing Bian".

2. Food therapy to nourish yang and nourish the kidneys

In the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine, yang refers to the power of life. "Nourishing yang" is often combined with "tonifying kidneys". Now it is perfect to warm yang and nourish kidneys.

Health Recommendation: Black Bean Ball Meat and Red Date Soup

Ingredients: 50 grams of black beans, 315 grams of longan meat, 50 grams of red dates, and appropriate amount of water.

Method: Wash the black beans and red dates; put the black beans, longan meat, and red dates into a casserole, then add 3 bowls of water, and simmer over low heat; wait until 2/3 is cooked, and remove the scum from the soup noodles.

Longan and red dates both have the effect of regulating the spleen and stomach. Regular consumption of black bean, round meat and red date soup can nourish yang, nourish the kidneys, moisturize the hair and soothe the mind.

Do 3 things to lay a good foundation for autumn and winter

1. Keep exercising

Although exercise is encouraged all year round, winter is too cold and summer is too hot. Autumn is a good time to exercise.

Although the beginning of autumn has not yet fully entered autumn , it is still possible to start to increase the amount of exercise appropriately.

In line with the climate characteristics of the Beginning of Autumn, jogging is an ideal autumn sport.

The running speed can be customized, and the running distance is not limited. It can improve blood circulation, improve cardiopulmonary function, increase blood supply to the brain and oxygen supply to brain cells, and prevent cerebral arteriosclerosis.

2, sunbathing

"The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" points out that maintaining Yang Qi is the foundation of health care and treatment: "If Yang Qi loses its place in the sky and the sun, life will be shortened and not flourish."

In daily life, the easiest way to maintain Yang Qi is to bask in the sun.

To replenish the sun, you only need to face the sun with your back, raise your head slightly (so that you can bask in the top of your head), and spread your hands (so that you can bask in the palms of your hands). During this period, you can properly massage your lower back.

time: is recommended to choose 6 to 10 o'clock in the morning and bask in the sun for 15 to 20 minutes.

The specific time and duration can be adjusted according to your own feelings, whichever is more comfortable.For example, in sunny and hot seasons, it is better to bask in the sun early, and the time of a single bask in the sun can be relatively reduced; in sunny and cold seasons, it is better to bask in the sun later, and the time of a single bask in the sun can be relatively extended.

3, Post autumn fat , prepare first

As the saying goes, "Autumn is here, autumn fat is posted."

Although the weather is relatively hot now, it is still the beginning of autumn, so you can prepare your body first.

First of all, you should have an autumn routine in autumn. Autumn is a very suitable time to go to bed early and get up early~

Secondly, after most of the summer, many people have a weak spleen and stomach. At this time, you must pay attention to regulating the spleen and stomach in order to maintain good health. Qiubi is ready.

Therefore, we should pay attention to eating less foods that are difficult to digest and too cold, and eat more foods that strengthen the spleen and stomach, such as lotus seeds, lentils, and winter melon.