Viewing path: Open the Xinhuanet client, click "Recommend" in the upper right corner, find the "Xinhua Cloud Going to School" column in the highlight column, and you can see the wonderful "I'm Going to the Forbidden City" public welfare video class.

Due to the sudden epidemic, children across the country have to stay at home. They can neither go to sports fields, libraries, nor museums. Xinhuanet client "Xinhua Cloud School" platform has introduced a wonderful open class for children across the country - "I'm Going to the Forbidden City" public welfare video class, allowing you to "travel" around the Forbidden City without leaving home Forbidden City , understand the secrets of Forbidden City .

Viewing path: Open the Xinhuanet client, click "Recommend" in the upper right corner, find the "Xinhua Cloud Schooling" column in the highlight column, and you can see the wonderful "I'm Going to the Forbidden City" public welfare video class.

This set of public welfare video lessons is produced by the Palace Museum . On the occasion of the 600th anniversary of the founding of the Forbidden City and the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Palace Museum, it is a cultural gift for children across the country. In the recommended audio at the beginning of this set of courses, Wang Xudong, Director of the Palace Museum, said: "The public welfare video course "I'm Going to the Forbidden City" uses a novel form and easy-to-understand explanations to help you understand the palace architecture, history and culture, and exquisite cultural relics of the Forbidden City. .”

Scan the QR code and watch immediately.

This set of public welfare video lessons can be listened to by children over 5 years old with their parents and children; it is suitable for upper elementary school and middle school students to listen independently and expand their reading; adults who are interested in the culture of the Forbidden City can also listen to relax their mind and body. In the public welfare video course "I'm Going to the Forbidden City", you will have three benefits:

First, you will get a clear tour route of the Forbidden City.

Over the years, visitors to the Forbidden City have often encountered these problems: The Forbidden City is so big that they don’t know where to start. Similar courtyards and palaces look so much the same that it's hard to tell them apart. After looking for a tour guide and listening to the explanation, they still just skimmed and it was difficult to leave a deep impression.

For many people, traveling thousands of miles to visit the Forbidden City is not that easy. Therefore, the course will take you from Meridian Gate to Imperial Garden , and experience the 10 most unmissable attractions on the central axis of the Forbidden City.

Second, harvest the little-known details of the Forbidden City.

The functions of each area in the Forbidden City are different, some are independent and some are related to each other. The course will help you connect these areas and find interesting designs among them.

For example, the buildings in the Forbidden City are all made of wood, so fire prevention is particularly important. When visiting the Forbidden City, you may notice that there are iron or copper vats near important palaces. They are called "menhai" and are an important source of water for fire fighting. In addition, when the Taihe Hall was rebuilt during the Kangxi period, in order to prevent a fire in one house from spreading to other areas, the original wooden structure sloping corridors on both sides of the Taihe Hall were deliberately changed into brick fire-sealing walls, and the left-wing door, right-wing door, and Tiren Pavilion, Hongyi Pavilion and other door pavilions are independent and connected by walls. This forms the unique connection method of the Hall of Supreme Harmony and its ancillary buildings that we see today.

Third, gain knowledge about history, architecture, traditional Chinese etiquette, and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

How to judge the grade of a building? There are five main styles of roofs in ancient Chinese buildings. From high to low, they are , veranda roof, , resting top, zanjing, hanging top and hard top. Double-layer eaves of the same style have a higher grade than single-layer eaves. The Forbidden City has Clock Museum . What the gorgeous clocks convey to us is another cultural exchange and cultural collision between Chinese and Western cultures since the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

This set of public welfare video courses has also published a children's book of the same name, published by CITIC Publishing House. This set of books will soon be published in the "Reading for You" column on the Xinhuanet client. At that time, Guo Meixia, deputy director of the Publicity and Education Department of the Palace Museum, will read out the exciting contents of the book for you. stay tuned!