Li Jiawei, an associate researcher at the Kuomintang think tank, wrote in Taiwan media that for the DPP authorities, no matter how high the priority is on epidemic prevention, it seems that it cannot compare with the priority on political correctness! However, seeing that the vot

Li Jiawei, an associate researcher at the Kuomintang think tank, wrote in Taiwanese media that for the DPP authorities, no matter how high the priority is on epidemic prevention, it seems that it cannot compare with the priority on political correctness! The insistence on pushing for a "boycott of South Korea" in June only once again highlights the double standards of epidemic prevention. At the end of February this year, when it came to whether the Dajia Mazu circumambulation could be held as scheduled, Chen Shizhong said not to worry Mazu and directly appealed that the circumambulation activity should be suspended. In the end, the temple could only accept the suggestion. However, seeing that the vote to "boycott South Korea" is about to come, not only is there no tender appeal from Chen Shizhong, but "Chairman of the Central Election Commission" Li Jinyong even ignores political neutrality and expresses his determination to "boycott South Korea" with "beheading theory", and the priority of epidemic prevention may be far away.

The epidemic in Taiwan seems to be slowing down recently. Except for the 36 cases in Panshiship, there have been no local confirmed cases for 20 days, and there are only 7 sporadic overseas cases. People have begun to relax about the epidemic, and are even more concerned about the "election meeting" The decision to take the lead in politics has lost its vigilance. In fact, the "Central Election Committee" meeting to confirm the date of the recall vote was not in May, but on April 17, which happened to be the day before the Panshiship epidemic broke out. At that time, Taiwan was at the end of the peak period when a large number of overseas students and people returned to Taiwan for confirmed cases, and many home quarantine and self-management restrictions had not yet been lifted. However, in the decision of the "Chinese Election Committee" at this time, there was no trace of concern about whether the recall would aggravate the epidemic.

Looking back on February 28, when Chen Shizhong called on Dajia to suspend border crossings, the number of confirmed cases in Taiwan at that time was 34 people inside and outside the country. The intensity of the epidemic was far less severe than the 255 people in March and the 73 people in mid-April. In addition, the Tsai administration also invited Internet celebrity doctors to shoot a video on February 6, which heavily promoted that healthy people do not need to wear masks when going out. Some green camp representatives even accused Ma Ying-jeou and Han Guoyu of wearing masks as the worst example. However, starting from April 1st, the "epidemic center" formulated and promulgated "social distance precautions"; starting from April 3rd, the Taipei MRT began to require people to wear masks compulsorily; on April 15th, the "Ministry of Transportation" also officially required all members of the public to wear masks. Transport follows. Obviously, the Tsai administration has raised the level of epidemic prevention requirements after April, but the decision of the "election meeting" on April 17 went in the opposite direction.

Kaohsiung City The number of citizens who have the right to elect the mayor is about 2.3 million, and there are a total of 1,800 polling stations. In other words, an average of more than 1,200 people may vote in one vote, not including election staff. Even if the turnout rate is only 40%, and even the "tent setting up" response, it still exceeds the standards promulgated by the "Epidemic Command Center" on March 25 that public gatherings with more than 100 people indoors and more than 500 people outdoors are recommended to be suspended. The "Chinese Professional Baseball League", which was the first to start playing in the world, is still considering allowing only 250 people to enter a single game in a huge baseball stadium. Elementary and middle schools have even banned the entry of people from the border areas before the summer vacation in July, and even canceled them one after another. Graduation ceremony; the number of people entering each recall voting station will be far more than this, but there is no limit.

The epidemic incident on the Panshi ship has exposed the blind spots of the "epidemic center" that cannot control the "national security" military system under Tsai Ing-wen. The civilians and the military apply two different sets of epidemic prevention standards, allowing the epidemic to slow down. There was a resurgence of heat. Now it seems that the "Chinese Election Committee" is also another place outside the "epidemic prevention center". Under the premise of political correctness, the "Chinese Election Committee" does not care whether the "boycott of South Korea" will become a gap for another epidemic. "Center" seems to be invisible. It is generally estimated that the total number of participants in Mazu's 9-day and 8-night circuit is about 1 million to 2 million, and the daily scale is about 100,000 to 200,000. The "epidemic center" is only worried that the 200,000 people a day will cause the epidemic to get out of control, but it does not Isn’t it puzzling to worry about the risks that may arise from a recall vote that could see 2 million people a day?

If the recall is passed, it means that Kaohsiung will have to risk a gathering of 2 million people for a by-election three months later; the worst-case scenario is that if a breach in epidemic prevention occurs after the recall, will Kaohsiung City face a 14-day lockdown? , a situation where all citizens have to quarantine at home? Under political correctness, not only does Chen Shizhong win the election from time to time. What makes people even more curious is, will "1968" issue a warning to Kaohsiung on polling day?