The teacher at the epidemic prevention station mentioned to me that our working environment is much better now. When they first entered the epidemic prevention station, in order to increase the vaccination rate, they had to carry a table to work every day to places with a lot of

text | Jingma

Jingma majored in prevention. After graduation, she went to an internship at an epidemic prevention station. The teacher at the

epidemic prevention station mentioned to me that our working environment is much better now. When they first entered the epidemic prevention station, in order to increase the vaccination rate, they had to carry a table on their backs to places with a lot of traffic every day, such as the vegetable market. , such as parks, set up stalls to promote the benefits of vaccination and let parents vaccinate their children.

The latest standard schedule for children's vaccination has been released. Children can receive 11 kinds of vaccines for free.

When they are born : Hepatitis B and BCG vaccination.

months old : strengthen hepatitis B.

months old : Take polio sugar pills, and injections may have been used in some places.

months old : Strengthening polio sugar pills and vaccination with diphtheria-pertussis.

months old : polio sugar pill for the 3rd time, for 100 days and for the second booster shot.

months old : DPT booster shot 3.

months old : Hepatitis B booster shot 3, Group A meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine shot 1.

8 months old : The first shot of measles, mumps and rubella, to prevent measles, mumps and rubella, plus the first shot of Japanese encephalitis attenuated vaccine.

9 months old : The second booster shot of group A meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine.

8 months old : The 4th shot of diphtheria-tetanus vaccine , the second shot of measles-mumps vaccine, and the first shot of inactivated hepatitis A vaccine.

Of course, doctors will advise parents to stagger their vaccinations, such as measles, mumps, and mumps vaccine at 18 months of age, DPT at 19 months of age, and hepatitis A at 20 months of age.

child 2 years old : The second shot of inactivated Japanese encephalitis vaccine and the second shot of inactivated hepatitis A vaccine.

Child 3 years old : The third shot of AC group meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine.

Child 4 years old : The fourth shot of polio sugar pills.

Child 6 years old : The 5th shot of diphtheria-tetanus pertussis vaccine, the 4th shot of inactivated Japanese encephalitis vaccine, and the 4th shot of AC group meningococcal polysaccharide.

Common infectious diseases can be prevented through vaccination. Many parents have misunderstandings about vaccines, and even do not want to vaccinate their children because of some rumors.

Parents should avoid these misunderstandings about vaccination to better protect their children.

Myth 1: Vaccination is useless. You will still get sick after taking it.

The protection rate of the vaccine is not 100%, it can reach about 90%. %about.

The biggest role of vaccination is to avoid infection to the greatest extent and avoid severe infectious diseases.

For example, if a child is vaccinated with hand, foot and mouth disease vaccine , it does not mean that he will never get hand, foot and mouth disease. The vaccine only prevents severe hand, foot and mouth disease. In other words, even if a child gets hand, foot and mouth disease, it is not too serious.

Myth 2: Children have a fever after being vaccinated, which means they cannot be vaccinated.

Some children have special constitutions and are prone to vaccine reactions after vaccination. Some have fever, some are irritable, and some do not want to eat.

This is actually very normal. Generally, children can recover to on their own in about 12 to 3 days. However, compared with the benefits of this vaccine, these vaccine reaction adaptations are acceptable and overcome.

Children are prone to fever after being vaccinated. It is recommended that parents choose to vaccinate their children when they are healthy. When children have a fever, they can use physical cooling in a timely manner.

Myth 3: Other children have been vaccinated, so my child does not need to be vaccinated.

Don’t take this kind of luck. Other children have been vaccinated and have immunity. Your child does not have immunity. Once it occurs, Infectious diseases, your children are most likely to get seriously ill.

Myth 4: My child is prone to allergies and cannot be vaccinated.

Allergies are not a contraindication for vaccination. . You must consult the corresponding doctor whether your child can be vaccinated. If the child cannot be vaccinated, the doctor will write a non-recommendation to the parents. Certificate of vaccination.

Misunderstanding 5: There is no need to vaccinate children after the vaccination time.

Some children miss the time for vaccination due to illness or isolation. At this time, can be arranged to make up for vaccination. This does not mean that vaccination is not necessary. It is beneficial for children under the age of 18 to be vaccinated.

Myth 6: There is no need to vaccinate with paid vaccines. For example, 13-valent pneumonia, such as Hib vaccine, influenza vaccine, , chickenpox vaccine, , and influenza vaccines all need to be paid, but paid vaccines do not mean that they are useless.

Vaccines that are charged in our country are likely to be free abroad. If the family is not too difficult, it is recommended to vaccinate, which can prevent children from getting sick.

For example, 13-valent pneumonia can prevent pneumonia caused by 13 kinds of pathogens. If a child is infected by these 13 kinds of pathogens without vaccination, it will cost a lot of money to go to the hospital for treatment, so vaccination is actually the cheapest. of.

Is there anything else you want to say about vaccination? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.

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