Since December 2020, health officials in the US state of Georgia have destroyed more than 110,000 unused doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, and the state's vaccine wastage rate remains lower than the national vaccine wastage rate. Previously, the US media had criticized the United St

Americans are vaccinated against COVID-19

Overseas Network, July 20 (Xinhua) Since December 2020, health officials in Georgia, USA, have destroyed more than 110,000 doses of unused COVID-19 vaccines, and the state’s vaccine wastage rate is still lower than Vaccine wastage rates across the United States. Previously, the US media had criticized the United States for hoarding large amounts of COVID-19 vaccines, leading to serious waste.

According to a report by the New York Daily News on the 19th, Georgia Department of Health spokesperson Nancy Nidan told the media that the number of officially wasted vaccine doses has reached 110,079 doses. The spokesperson explained that in addition to vaccines being discarded due to lack of demand, there are many other reasons why large amounts of vaccines in the state are not being used, including parents or children refusing vaccinations, damaged vials or syringes, and contamination. US media reported that once the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines used in the United States leave the refrigeration equipment, medical staff only have 6 hours to administer the injections, otherwise the vaccines will be discarded.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that wasted vaccine doses across the United States average about 5% of total vaccine doses, which is much higher than Georgia's 1.4%. In terms of vaccination, Georgia lags behind the national average, with only 39% of residents fully vaccinated.

The American " Washington Post " published a commentary article on the 13th, criticizing the United States for hoarding large amounts of COVID-19 vaccines, resulting in serious wastage of vaccines. The article pointed out that the United States only pays attention to the domestic epidemic and neglects to consider the virus threats abroad. In order to achieve the previously impossible goal of getting 70% of American adults to receive at least one dose of vaccine by July 4, the United States is hoarding a large amount of excess vaccines. Millions of vaccines are about to expire and will eventually be thrown into the trash. , and this vaccine waste is expected to continue into the fall. (Overseas Network Zhang Ni)

Source: Overseas Network