While Axie Infinity has risen rapidly over the past year or so, its origins date back to 2018, when the blockchain-based game was first launched by tech company Sky Mavis.

As major digital projects continue to emerge in 2022, competition in the metaverse will only become more intense. How valuable is all this? The answer was: absolutely worth it. Global consulting firm McKinsey predicts that virtual worlds could generate up to $5 trillion in revenue by 2030. In addition, the company said it is possible that more than 50% of their in-person events can be held in the virtual world.

You may be wondering what we will be able to do in the metaverse that could be so exciting.

First of all, games have attracted millions of users into the virtual world. And this is just a prelude to greater things to come. With that in mind, we’re going to look at the 20 best virtual world games of 2022 that you’ll definitely want to keep in mind or even try out today.

The Top Metaverse Games of 2022

1.Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity is the start of our list of the best Metaverse games that players should try in 2022. This may come as no surprise to you as Axie has become the undisputed leader in Earn Money, a game mode that rewards players with cryptocurrency that they can later spend with real-world money Trading. While Axie Infinity has risen rapidly over the past year or so, its origins date back to 2018, when the blockchain-based game was first launched by tech company Sky Mavis. Since then, it has become a global sensation for its engaging gameplay, which allows users to breed adorable digital characters called "Axies" and enter them into fun tournaments and battles in exchange for two in-game tokens: Smooth Love Potion (SLP) and Axie Infinite Shards (AXS). Players can also try to generate passive income by staking their tokens. The Pokemon-inspired game may be a staple of the Metaverse gaming industry, but its developers say they have ambitious growth plans for Axie that could up the ante.


While the Metaverse is far from a fully realized concept, there are still many Metaverse projects getting off the ground - and attracting a lot of attention from players around the world. Sandbox has managed to solidify its status as one of the top virtual world platforms, thanks in part to how valuable its lands have become. By the end of 2021, a parcel of land there sold for a record $4.3 million as investors and brands rushed to snap up more metaverse real estate.

Sandbox is a community-focused platform where players can purchase land and develop any application of their choice, from mini-games to virtual infrastructure and digital clothing using the Sandbox Game Maker mode. Following the sandbox game model, this Metaverse game is entirely developed and controlled by players, who can also create NFT avatars to explore the many lands in the sandbox. All transactions are settled using the platform’s currency, SAND. One of the main draws of this free-to-play Metaverse game is the ease with which participants can purchase digital land, develop their NFT creations, and sell them on the marketplace. If all this isn't enough, players can rely on the platform's well-known tenants like Snoop Dogg, Atari, and Adidas for even more fun.


Illuvium is an open-world RPG that is generating a lot of buzz ahead of its release later in 2022. The game is built on the Ethereum blockchain and aims to explore a vast virtual world and collect powerful creatures called "Illuvials". Each Illuvial has its own strengths and weaknesses, and they can be divided into four categories: Warrior, Rogue, Psion, and Empath. Illuvials can "fuse" to create increasingly powerful creatures. Players can participate in tournaments where they can also equip their Illuvials with weapons and armor and receive prizes worth several ILV tokens. They can also simply choose to sell their beasts. Metaverse fans can also rejoice in knowing that Illuvium is not only a very addictive game, but also visually appealing.Judging from the few clips released so far, the virtual world game is expected to be one of the first true AAA games. While we're still waiting to see and hear more from the project, it's safe to name Illuvium as one of the top Metaverse games of 2022.

4. Decentralized

Decentraland is already a mature Metaverse project that has received a lot of investment, thanks to people willing to snap up the virtual land there for millions of dollars. Additionally, this fully decentralized world offers its players a wealth of entertainment options, from creating to exploring and selling original content. Similar to The Sandbox, Decentraland has a vibrant community and the platform often hosts interesting events. The

Decentraland world is entirely owned by its users. At the beginning of 2021, this metaverse had a monthly active user base of approximately 300,000 people and 18,000 daily users. In addition to interacting with the many Metaverse games available on the platform, users can also have fun by creating NFT wearables for their avatars, including shirts, hats, and shoes. All in-game assets can be easily sold through the marketplace in exchange for Decentraland’s in-game currency - MANA. One of the best parts about this Metaverse node is that you don’t need an account to access it, but you’re planning on going in for an in-depth experience. Players are required to register themselves for an account and a digital wallet like Metamask k to help players gain all the advantages of Decentraland.

5.Star Atlas

When it comes to Metaverse games to play, Star Atlas is the name to keep in mind.

Star Atlas aims to be one of the first AAA Metaverse games - it has all the right features to achieve that status; it has a cinematic feel, has a complex and engaging storyline, has a mesmerizing collection of virtual worlds, and has Great community and all gaming and cryptocurrency goodies packed into one place. This is possible because the developers are using Unreal Engine 5, which supports real-time environments with cinematic quality. That alone is enough to make you curious. But wait, there are many more features that make this game one of the top virtual world games of 2022.

Star Atlas is built on the Solana blockchain and can achieve many things that other crypto games cannot do, such as ultra-slow fees and higher network speeds, which makes the transaction of NFT within the platform easy and relatively affordable for players. Starting from .

Powering all transactions in this space-themed metaverse game are two native tokens – POLIS and ATLAS. But what exactly is Star Atlas? The game is set in the year 2620, with three main groups vying for control of the universe. The MUD territory ruled by humans, the Ustur Sector controlled by sentient robots, and finally the ONI region, an alliance of alien races.

Players can explore alien planets as a spaceship captain and crew, discover various resources and participate in different space races along the way. The best part is that you can enjoy it all with your friends and family. Of course, as we mentioned, this metaverse is still in development, but given what we know so far, it's safe to say that Star Atlas has a very good chance of being one of the top games of the year.

To be continued….