In today's smartphone market, Apple is its own faction, and the Android camp is crowded with heroes. However, there is one name that has been gradually forgotten. It is HTC, the former leader of the Android camp.

In today's smart phone market, , Apple, and are in their own right, and the Android camp is emerging. However, there is one name that has been gradually forgotten. It is HTC, the former leader in the Android camp.

For various reasons, HTC's smartphones quickly fell from the altar, and its mobile phone team was also sold to Google in 2017. In the past four years, HTC has not produced another smartphone and seems to have lost interest in smartphones. Instead, it has been focusing on developing its VR business.

However, HTC does not seem to be as "negative" as rumored. At the 2022 World Mobile Communications Conference , HTC released a metaverse platform called "VIVERSE". HTC said that the platform will adopt an open architecture and can be accessed by mobile phones, tablets, computers and other devices.

HTC hopes to make a comeback in the smartphone market by taking advantage of the "Metaverse". Huang Zhaoying, general manager of its Asia Pacific region, said that HTC has not given up on the mobile phone market and plans to launch a new mobile phone in April this year, which will be closely integrated with VIVERSE to support Metaverse applications.

It is understood that VIVERSE will support functions such as holographic music, virtual exhibitions, VR interactive social networking, VR conferences, and NFT. Any developer can use VIVERSE's development kit for software development and can seamlessly transfer to other platforms. Huang Zhaoying said that the reason for adopting this approach is because he believes that "the Metaverse must be about cooperation rather than competition."