Although Hotcha debuted as a group in 2007, seven years after their formation, they accepted their respective solo careers and decided to "officially disband and never get back together." Many fans were very reluctant to part with them.

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This article is edited by the spoiler agency: Jessica

"A good sister will grieve for me and wipe away my tears, no matter the earthquake, the sky is filled with dust, it will not affect us, it is absolutely sincere... "Whenever I hear this song, it brings back memories of my high school days with a group of good sisters. I wonder how many of my friends still remember the song "Good Sisters"?

Although Hotcha debuted as a group in 2007, seven years after their formation, they accepted their respective solo careers and decided to "officially disband and never get back together." Many fans were very reluctant to part with them. Fortunately, on the 11th anniversary of the establishment of Hotcha this year, the three announced that they would reunite again and hold concerts under the name of the group Hotcha.

A few days ago, Li Meiyan, one of the members of the group, went to the gym to work out and lose fat. She was always good at dancing and even had a lot of imagination. She sang and danced vigorously on the treadmill, twisting her waist and shaking her hands. The more she danced, the more energetic she became. She also left a message and wrote: "I'm so tired! The treadmill is boring. Let's dance!" After

finished the dance, she even gave a victory gesture to the camera. She also reminded everyone not to imitate to avoid getting hurt. It was really considerate. Thumbs up!

Speaking of Lai Meiyan, it turns out that before her debut, she went to Avex, a famous acting training school that has trained many Japanese superstars, to receive training. If you don’t tell me, you don’t know. It turns out that she and Chen Tingxin, the 2010 Miss Hong Kong champion, were classmates in school, and she also participated in the Girl Scouts from the age of 13 to 18.

Lai Meiyan, who has been developing her singing career, rarely takes on film and television projects. She has been in the industry for many years and can count the number of films she has participated in on her ten fingers. For example, Winkie played in "The King's Guide", the soju girl in "Five Flavors of Life", Fanny in "Love Comes Home"... and Farlei in the movie "The Best of Us", Winkie in "Dear", "Home" Happy Event 2009", Winkie from "100 Star Hotel"...

Lai Meiyan is also in the reality show "G-1 Fighting Club", with "Jing Girl" Tang Zirui, Deng Yingzhi, 2013 retired Miss Hong Kong Liu Yanni and other eight Two beauties signed a life-and-death contract and fought hand-to-hand in the ring. Before the competition, several girls went through hellish training together, but Li Meiyan, who has always been competitive, strived to win the competition and went all out.

Lai Meiyan, who devoted herself to the show, aroused the passion in her heart. During the competition, Deng Yingzhi's cheeks were bleeding, Guo Silin's lips were swollen, "Jing Girl" Tang Zirui suffered bruises on her legs, and Miss Hong Kong, known as the "younger version of Vivian Hsu" Liu Yanni was even labeled as a "pig head" and later announced her retirement from the entertainment industry.

Li Meiyan left a message on the social networking site: "This time I just want to break through and defeat myself! Other issues that are not related to boxing, those troublesome problems of girls, I have no feeling at all. I am not participating in this competition to make friends. , Nothing can get into your ears, what you do is to be generous, decent and respectful!"

Many netizens said that Li Meiyan probably didn't make a fuss, but just devoted herself to the show. No matter what, the editor is very much looking forward to Hotcha’s next joint concert~ What about you? ?