****Refuse to wash manuscripts and plagiarize~** At the moment when the zombies were about to bite someone, I couldn't care less about Yuan Biao's explosive acting skills. My attention was completely drawn away by the zombie couple's nails.

The following content is my own opinion. You are welcome to forward it to the voting circle or reprint it. refuses to edit or plagiarize ~

I never thought that a zombie movie from more than ten years ago would open the door to a new world of fashion knowledge for me.

At the moment when the zombies were trying to bite someone, I couldn't care less about Yuan Biao's 's explosive acting, and my attention was completely diverted by the zombie couple's nails.

because, really, too! TM! good! look! Got it! ~~~

"Mr. Zombie 2" you deserve to have it again.

Come on, let’s masturbate one by one~~

- the macaron color from more than ten years ago -

First of all, the color, is the fried chicken attractive?

I have to sigh how come there are such pure, elegant, gorgeous but not tacky blue and mint blue, and I just want to ask for a link to the color code.

If I’m not wrong, the nails on the female zombie’s hands are darker in color, probably a darker candy blue, between 009 and 010 in the picture below.

The nails of male zombies are much easier to find. They are the Macron color system that has been very popular in recent years, leaning towards almond ocean blue.

In addition to the otherworldly beauty of the nails of the zombie couple in "Mr. Zombie 2", the nails of the literary talent when they are about to transform into corpses in "Mr. Zombie" are also very bling~~

In " Yimei Taoist ", the red color of Plantain Essence is also great!

In addition to the nail color number of Zombie Films, my friend also recommended ZOYA Matte 781, which is a light olive green and makes the hands white.

And the dirty orange color of HM is on point~~~

However, the editor found that the reason why these nail polishes look so gorgeous, besides the color, there is another reason: the coating technology is good enough, and it won’t make your hands crooked. , different thicknesses, no cracks, naturally quite clean and tidy.

cooperated with the movements and was blinded by the nails.

Just applying it to look good is of no use, maintenance is also very important. Sometimes after doing some work or struggling, the nails that have been painted with so much effort will become useless.

In the fourth episode of "River God", Guo Deyou relied on Xue Yuanyuan's missing nails as one of the evidence to prove that she did not fall into the water and die.

Last point, the length of nails is also very particular: too long will look dirty and unhygienic; too short will look short and the fingers are not delicate enough.

Of course, except for Yang Liping teacher’s nails, her nails are part of artistic creation.

However, lay people like me who are not artists should try not to keep their nails too long. It will look mean and may hurt yourself if you are not careful (really)

PS: Most people actually refuse long nails. If you don’t believe me, watch it, it’s a horror movie that’s going on in minutes~~

You can feel the scary atmosphere through the screen.

So, only nails with delicate, round and moderate length can hold various beautiful colors.

The nails in zombie movies all give people this feeling. Although I was scared at the time, after improving my fashion literacy (time wasted), I suddenly discovered: It turns out that when I was a child, I liked such beautiful and delicate nails.

- A foundation that is so white that it is so white -

Some friends are also concerned about the foundation of zombies, they think it is very white (it is really gypsum white

, everyone has such special taste)

No problem! I also found Zombie Foundation! As long as you search for "white foundation" on a certain website, you can easily get the same zombie makeup ~~

In fact, you don't have to choose the same foundation, you just need to choose a color that is 1-1.5 shades whiter than usual No., you can draw beautiful zombie makeup~~

Secondly, you can’t choose foundation that is too glossy, matte or pearlescent is the first choice.

Blush can be discarded directly. Anyway, zombies do not need to have rosy and shiny faces. On the contrary, a pale face or even a pale face can make the face more three-dimensional~~

By the way, I would like to remind you that besides the face, the neck and The exposed parts of the hands are also very important. The color must be relatively uniform so that it looks natural. Otherwise, a white face and a dark neck will show off.

So, if you look at zombie movies, the zombies’ little hands, faces, and makeup backgrounds are all seamlessly connected.

Now that we have talked about foundation, how can we leave out eyeshadow and eyebrows? After all, we have to be frightened at the sight~

If you have the conditions and like it, the center of your brows is also very important. It is the only way to be kawaii.

Of course, lip makeup is also indispensable. The biggest killer of straight men is that they have to be gorgeous enough to pout and ask for kisses~~

Every girl should have N lipsticks (someone can give me all the MAC Full color, you may consider getting married)

Finally, choose the color you like according to your mood every day. Remember to match the color of your nails and clothes to be perfect~~~

- I am suddenly serious about dividing lines ——

All makeup is to serve the plot, and can also reflect the photographer’s intentions. Therefore, with such a conscientious production, it is reasonable to infer that the plot must be properly online.

Uncle Ying will indeed not disappoint. Even after so long, the design scenes in many films can still resonate with people.

First of all, the art design. The scene in "New Mr. Zombie" where "Partridge" and Nianying encounter the "Red and White Evil". The sharp color contrast and the bizarre BGM are still amazing in my mind. (Fear) Top 3 lenses.

The burning plantain essence in "Yimei Taoist" and the fried ghost in " Mr. Phantom " [ Mr. Zombie 3] are all so imaginative.

Although the special effects seem a little outdated now, they are still unique and I admire the dedication of the actors!

The second is the connotation of the story. In addition to the tense scenes of fighting zombies, there are also many reflections and reflections on reality.

criticizes the feudal system -

In " Ghost Fighting Ghost: The Golden Taoist ", female ghosts are educated to learn to resist "male superiority and female inferiority", "submit", and not condone domestic violence. The corresponding lines are quite incisive, but sadly it did not attract enough attention. social feedback.

The female ghost Ajuan is played by Stephen Chow’s ex-girlfriend Luo Huijuan .

Although the film later beautifies "Yoshiko Kawashima" a bit, the concept of "one needs to strengthen oneself to defeat powerful enemies" taught me a lot when I was a child.

For another example, in "Humans, Ghosts and Gods", the young master said that he liked the female ghost Suwen, and Shou Bo suggested that the beautiful female ghost borrow his "body" to resurrect him, so that they can be a pair for life.

In the end, everyone rejected her. In fact, what the young master loves is the appearance of the female ghost, not the inside.

Uncle Ying can be regarded as the originator of domestic zombie films that take the route of warmth. There are many humanistic scenes that can easily arouse people's emotions.

The love of licking a calf -

In "Zombie Taoist 2", the zombie parents find the little zombie, and the mother and son meet and embrace.

In " Music Zombie ", the zombie grandfather will become quiet when he hears the tune of "A Bird Fell into the Water".

The reason is that it was a gift he gave to his beloved granddaughter during his lifetime, and he still remembers the sound of music from this pocket watch. Although the movie doesn't go into too much detail, when he caressed his granddaughter's head with his hand, the love between grandparents and grandchildren overflowed the screen.

A cross-border friendship boat -

"Zombie Taoist Master 2" The moment the little girl and the little zombie shook hands, the harmonious atmosphere created between the two did not make people worry about the little girl's safety at all, but only wanted to cross the border for them. A toast to the friendship boat.

In the final analysis, the truly terrifying thing is never the zombies, but the greedy human heart.

The professor in "Mr. Zombie 2" is a representative of greed. If he had stopped earlier, he would not have died.

I am very grateful to Lin Zhengying's films for accompanying me when I grew up. Because of him, I especially like to have glutinous rice at home, because glutinous rice cures zombies.

I miss the time when I was a child and watched it with my friends and held my breath together.

I miss the days when I was scared to death and felt full of security when I saw Uncle Ying.

It’s a pity that there are no more zombie movies that keep me awake at night. These ingenious and creative movies and these childhood memories belonging to our generation seem to be far away.

But it's still there. Whenever you want, you can look at it again.