The red rope glutinous rice is still there today, but Uncle Jiu is nowhere to be seen. Speaking of "Mr. Zombie", of course what comes to mind is Uncle Ying and his two apprentices Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai. Especially the movie "Mr. Zombie". It is no exaggeration to say that I have w

A half bowl of water illuminates the universe, and a talisman brings ghosts and gods to life.

His feet are on the Yin Yang Bagua steps, and he is holding a wooden sword to kill the demon soul.

Tears are shed and wine is shed, and the spirit of heroism lasts forever.

The red rope glutinous rice is still there today, but Uncle Jiu is nowhere to be seen.

Speaking of " Mr. Zombie ", of course what comes to mind is Uncle Ying and his two apprentices Qiu Sheng and Wencai.

I am also a fan of Lin Zhengying . I have watched all his ghost films, more than once. Especially the movie "Mr. Zombie". It is no exaggeration to say that I have watched it more than ten times and I never get tired of it.

During the initial production period, the management of Jiahe was not optimistic about the market of "Mr. Zombie".

The cost of filming "Mr. Zombie" was 8.5 million. At that time, Jiahe's bosses Ho Guanchang and Sammo Hung expected that the film could sell up to 6 million.

As a result, "Mr. Zombie", which was predicted to lose money, grossed more than 20 million at the box office in Hong Kong alone. It was ranked as one of the top ten Chinese films of the year by the Hong Kong Film Awards judges, and it has since launched the "zombie film" as a A prologue to the independent film genre.

The story begins with a prank between Uncle Nine's apprentices.

When Wen Cai was putting incense on the corpse in Yizhuang , he was teased by Qiu Sheng, another apprentice of Uncle Jiu.

During the fight, the talismans on the foreheads of several other zombies in the village fell, and the zombies began to move.

Fortunately, Uncle Jiu and his junior brother arrived in time, and this "zombie war" finally subsided.

The next day, Uncle Jiu received a new job.

Master Ren, a wealthy businessman in the town, wanted to bury his dead father in a coffin, so he asked Uncle Jiu to help him tell the time.

But on the day of the relocation, they discovered that the tomb had another mystery.

Although this is a good Feng Shui land, the tomb is also an excellent "dragonfly-pointing water hole".

But because Master Ren’s father snatched this good Feng Shui land from Mr. Feng Shui, Mr. Feng Shui held a grudge and deliberately made a bad move, destroying the good Feng Shui of Dragonfly’s water hole.

As a result, not only did the good points that were originally thought to be able to bless future generations not work, the Ren family's business has become worse and worse in the past 20 years, and even the body of Mr. Ren's father has remained incorruptible for 20 years.

Obviously, this is a precursor to the corpse transformation.

The safest solution is to be cremated on the spot.

But Master Ren was a filial son and did not agree to cremate the body on the spot.

In order to prevent Mr. Ren from transforming into a corpse, Uncle Jiu decided to take the body and the coffin back to Yizhuang.

That night, Mrs. Ren’s corpse changed. His face changed drastically, and long nails grew. It seemed that the corpse changed faster than expected.

Uncle Jiu mixed chicken blood, glutinous rice, and talismans with black ink to create talismans that could temporarily trap zombies.

As long as you use the ink fountain to flick the entire coffin onto the line, you can temporarily trap the zombies in the coffin.

Unexpectedly, the bottom of the coffin was missing.

Here, they are still looking for a new tomb for the body of Mr. Ren. Over there, Mr. Ren has already opened a breach from the bottom of the coffin and escaped from the shackles of the coffin.

And on the night he escaped, he came to Master Ren's house and bit Master Ren to death.

Ah Wei, who is responsible for investigating criminal cases at the police station, is Mr. Ren’s nephew. He is an incompetent person who likes to bully others.

Because he likes Mr. Ren’s daughter, who is his cousin, he wants to gain favor for Mr. Ren.

didn’t ask any questions and just arrested Uncle Jiu to pay for his crime.

At night, Master Ren’s body turned into a zombie because of the corpse poison.

Although as a businessman during his lifetime, his lethality was not as good as that of Mr. Ren, Mr. Ren's fighting power was something that ordinary people could not resist.

Finally, with the joint efforts of Uncle Jiu and Wencai, Master Ren was finally subdued.

But the matter here is over, but Master Ren’s daughter Tingting still has unfinished matters.

Mrs. Ren came to Tingting, but Wencai, who was responsible for protecting Tingting, was defeated by Mr. Ren. Wencai was also infected with corpse poison because he was scratched by Mr. Ren.

Fortunately, Uncle Jiu and Qiu Sheng arrived in time, and finally Mr. Ren was entangled in the ink thread and fled.

Although Mrs. Ren’s problem has been solved for the time being, Uncle Jiu’s two apprentices, Wencai and Qiu Sheng, are both in trouble.

Wencai could turn into a zombie at any time because he was scratched by Mr. Ren.

Qiu Sheng was entangled because of his initial show of affection towards Xiaoyu.

Mr. Ren is hiding in a cold cave to "recuperate" and wait for the next war.

At this point, the film is about to reach its climax.

Wencai eliminates the poison from the corpse, Qiu Sheng gets rid of Xiaoyu with the help of Uncle Jiu, and the final battle with Mr. Ren finally comes.

After watching the entire film, you can clearly feel that this is a film that combines horror, comedy, and action.

Although the length of the movie is only 96 minutes, the whole movie has a full plot, not a single stroke is missing, and is relaxed and enjoyable.

The success of "Mr. Zombie" is that it brings traditional Chinese folk culture to the extreme.

Like Feng Shui culture: In the film, the wealthy Mr. Ren moves to his father's tomb to change the Feng Shui fortune, but this turns his father into a zombie. It wasn't until Maoshan Taoist was invited that he discovered that this so-called Feng Shui treasure land was originally created by someone in revenge.

Before "Mr. Zombie", Maoshan Taoism rarely appeared in movies (usually unclear). "Mr. Zombie" and Lin Zhengying introduced me to Maoshan Taoism. When I was a kid, I would be scared by zombies when watching theater, but when I think of this "Maoshan Taoist", I don't have to be afraid anymore!

There are corpse exorcists , female ghosts sucking souls and other strange things in the film; there are also ink threads, raw glutinous rice, yellow paper charms, peach wood sword , Bagua mirror , etc., which have become well-known magic weapons to the audience.

Most of the original zombie movies imitated foreign zombies, walking stiffly and slowly. "Mr. Zombie" has successfully created a unique Chinese zombie image. A zombie wearing Qing Dynasty official uniform jumping up and down, opening its mouth to reveal dark yellow and sharp tiger teeth can be said to be the biggest feature of this film.

In addition, the movie also depicts many classic folk superstitions. For example: the theory that raw glutinous rice can remove poison from corpses, that zombies will pounce on you as soon as you remove the paper charm, and that you can avoid zombies by stopping breathing all impressed me deeply.

Mr. Zombie deftly blends comedy and horror. While being funny and entertaining, the martial arts scenes are also very spot on. There are funny fights like Jackie Chan action movies, and there are also real action movies like Sammo Hung's action movies. Coupled with the zombie theme, the two stupid apprentices fight each other like Tom & Jerry but work together to deal with the zombie king, forming a fun and unforgettable movie!