In 1996, Jin Yong never imagined that "The Swordsman", which disappointed him so much at the beginning of filming, would be well received after it was broadcast. Lu Songxian, who played Linghu Chong, became an overnight hit. Many years later, the audience still remembers that the

In 1996, Jin Yong never imagined that "The Swordsman", which disappointed him so much at the beginning of filming, would be well received after it was broadcast. Lu Songxian, who played Linghu Chong, became an overnight hit.

After many years, the audience still remembers that there will be no Linghu Chong after Lu Songxian.

When the filming of "The Swordsman" started in 1996, it received a lot of complaints. Some people complained: The male and female protagonists don’t look very good; some people complained: This is a garbage drama. Despite the audience's doubts and scoldings, the TVB version of "Swordsman" began filming. It was originally planned that Linghu Chong would be played by popular niche actor Ku Juji. Unfortunately, Ku Juji was too popular at that time, and his recording and acting careers were both booming. The schedule that year was already full. Ku Juji himself also liked Jin Yong's martial arts novels, but it turns out that TVB had no interest in this movie. After the investment in the play was very small, they had no intention of squeezing out any more time from their own precious time. The crew had no choice but to start looking for other people, but no matter how hard they looked, there was no suitable person to star.

After going around for a few rounds, Lu Songxian came to the crew for an interview. Compared with Leo Ku's popularity, Lu Songxian's presence was not high, but when he put on Linghu Chong's makeup and walked out, the directors couldn't help but be stunned.

His face is not absolutely handsome, but he is suave, young and frivolous. Isn't this the hero Linghu Chong written by Jin Yong? Even the appearance is very consistent with Linghu Chong's temperament. At that time, some people also pointed out that Lu Songxian was not famous enough to support the ratings. After all, both Chow Yun-fat and Jet Li had played Linghu Chong, and both had received good responses.

How can an unknown actor attract the audience to watch now? But no matter how strong the opposition was inside and outside the crew, the director overcame all objections and settled on Lu Songxian. Lu Songxian was also under pressure when filming, but the greater the pressure, the more he had to break through himself. For this reason, he repeatedly read the original work, constantly figured out the psychology of the characters, and often took time to discuss with the director how to perform better and more prominently.

Lu Songxian seems to be born for the role of Linghu Chong. The Linghu Chong he plays is free and unrestrained. He does not deliberately act handsome or pretentious, but he vividly portrays the unrestrained and bold character of the world without being greasy at all.

Even Jin Yong gave him a very high evaluation after watching his performance. Mr. Jin Yong said: I think he has the same eyes as Linghu Chong. The young man's performance is natural and not artificial.

Some viewers commented like this: Linghu Chong has always been the man I love deeply, and when I think of him again and again, the image of Lu Songxian appears in my mind.

For many people, the Lu version of "The Swordsman" is just an ordinary Hong Kong drama. The production is not exquisite, the scenery is rough, and the actors are not top-notch. But to me, it means a lot Emotion and resonance.

I remember the hot and humid summer vacation on the southern coast. I participated in military training and was waiting to enter junior high school. I was just a little girl with good grades and ignorant of everything. The future is still very chaotic, with abundant possibilities, and the various ideals written in the composition are waiting to be realized. The world is small, but my heart is broad, because I don’t understand the constraints of the adult world.

At that time, love, world, and desire were all far away from me. Unconsciously, I fell in love with Linghu Chong played by A Lu, and I looked forward to seeing him every day when I opened my eyes. And after the one-hour drama with four commercials every night, I felt like I was missing something, and when I fell asleep or Smiling excitedly or crying secretly, I want to become a beauty with red sleeves and fragrant flowers, hold him when he is injured, heal him, and wander around the world with him, as carefree as the wind. At that time, I would feel that such romantic fantasies were shameful, even if I only fantasized about an imaginary character, I was careful not to let anyone know. He usually pretends to study well above all else, cuts his hair short like everyone else, walks with splayed legs, and tries his best to put traces of gender on his body, with a rough boyishness.This is probably the beginning of adolescence: avoiding the keen and probing eyes of parents, locking the most secret emotions deep in the heart, and trying to deny the yearning for love.

When I was in college, I reviewed the original work of Xiao Ao and watched A Lu's performance again. By the way, I recognized Ren Yingying, who I thought was too ugly when I was a child. Discover a person's most essential preferences and they will never change throughout his life. As I mature, I no longer feel that this kind of martial arts is like what middle school teachers taught me: fighting, killing, childish and boring. Instead, I understand what the world is, what the sinister human heart is, and I understand the desolation and loneliness behind the vigorousness. As a very tangled big girl, I love Linghu Chong even more strongly for his bohemianness and freedom, his rebellion against hypocritical systems and rules, his sincerity and magnanimity that transcends good and evil and values, and even his "flaws" ": Drinking alcohol and telling dirty jokes ruined his image, his popularity was in a mess, and he was soft-hearted at critical moments.

96 version of Swordsman has that chivalrous and joyful feeling, and the soundtrack is particularly great, which gives this version infinite points.

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