Taipei Veterans General Hospital confirmed that writer Li Ao, who suffered from brain stem tumors, recently passed away at 10:59 a.m. on March 18, 2018 at the age of 83 due to a critical condition.

Taipei Veterans General Hospital confirmed that writer Li Ao, who suffered from brain stem tumors, recently became critically ill and passed away at 10:59 am on March 18, 2018 at the age of 83.

Li Ao

Taiwan's "Dongsen News Cloud" reported that after being diagnosed with brain cancer early last year, he began to receive radioactive treatment in May, which led to a decline in immunity and an acute pneumonia infection. In June last year, there was even an open handwritten letter, hoping to "follow Farewell to family, friends and enemies." After taking medicine recently, although his condition stabilized and improved for a time, he unfortunately passed away. Friends from all sides also expressed their condolences.

He is a legend, a big book, and a controversial figure

Li Ao, born in 1935. He went to elementary school in Beijing and went to Taiwan with his parents in 1949. Famous Taiwanese writer and scholar of modern history. He is the author of "The Complete Works of Li Ao" in 80 volumes with 30 million words. He is a maverick, and his writing is full of laughter and scolding.

Li Ao spent his whole life as a warrior, making countless enemies and causing more damage than praise; he worked diligently throughout his life, wrote numerous books, and had both talents and talents; he was suave and romantic throughout his life, and had deep feelings.

He is a legend, a big book, and a controversial figure.

Enemies say he is arrogant, flamboyant, domineering, difficult, talented but not virtuous; friends say he is loyal, heroic, chivalrous and courageous. His seventeen-year-old girlfriend said that he was tender, talented, romantic and the most charming; his ex-wife Hu Yinmeng said that he was self-imprisoned, closed-off and demanding; his son Li Kan said that his knowledge was unmatched by anyone, but his financial management was a mess.

And he himself said: "If I want to admire someone, I will look in the mirror." "If I am not Li Ao, I would like to be Li Ao second."

Others say that he is the Sun Wukong who caused trouble in the Heavenly Palace, but he says that he is Qu Yuan

Others He was said to be Sun Wukong who was causing trouble in the Heavenly Palace, but he said he was Qu Yuan. But he is not willing to sink into the river. He wants to be a warrior. He said that if you are a weak person, you will not have a good life; if you are a strong person, you will not have a good life. However, I still want to be a strong person.

When he got old and sick, he was so sick that he even started talking to God. He said: "I don't envy other people's youth, I only envy me last year or me in the first half of the year.

Li Ao

In a sense, Li Ao's life is a life of "scolding". He scolded the ancients and scolded today's people. , scolding intellectuals and entertainment figures. Looking back on his life of scolding people, Li Ao said that no matter who he was, he always fought against the group. How could he survive? No one in the group doesn't criticize me. Others admire me but don't like me. As for whether he has scolded anyone in recent years, he said: "Almost not." I am talented and bold. "Behind these gags is his independent thinking in life.

Li Ao was imprisoned twice. He found that there are 500 disadvantages of being in jail, but there are also five advantages, that is, "No time; no space; no enemies. "No more friends; no more women."

Despite the ups and downs in life, the 80-year-old is still wild and energetic. He said that he has three major advantages in his life. One is a great personality, and the other is good writing. , and thirdly, he is a positive, hardworking, and happy person. For many years, Li Ao has maintained the habit of getting up to work at three o'clock in the middle of the night and going to bed at six o'clock in the morning. In his words, "daily life is unpredictable." Such a diligent writing attitude has also contributed to many of his works.

"I have been unruly and fierce throughout my life, and I have never lived in contentment, and I have repeatedly broken through snares. The ancients said that those with great ambitions could "overthrow the heroes of a generation", but I think they were talking big words, and the one who truly achieved this level of courage was Li Ao himself, who walked alone in thousands of mountains, and he was just one person throughout the ages. "This is Li Ao's evaluation of his own personality and status.

Li Ao's bizarre behavior is more of a survival strategy chosen to gain more space for speech. He has been a warrior throughout his life, making countless enemies, and causing more damage than praise; Romantic and suave, deeply affectionate.

He hopes to "say a good goodbye to his family, friends, and enemies."

In June last year, Li Ao, who was ill, wrote a public handwritten letter, hoping to "say a good goodbye to his family, friends, and enemies."

The following is the content of the open letter:

Li Ao’s handwritten letter before his death

We miss Li Ao like this!

Let us review this introduction to "Li Ao's Autobiography" again:

As long as you have read even one of Li Ao's texts, you will never forget him.

As long as you have known one of Li Ao's identities, you are interested in knowing all about him.

He is a famous writer, a famous political prisoner in Taiwan, and a litigation king that everyone is afraid of;

He is a follower of Hu Shi, a student of Qian Mu, Hu Yinmeng's ex-husband, and a good friend of Chen Wenqian.

He likes to brag and curse. When he brags, he is cunning and cute, and when he curses, he is hearty.

Now, such a Li Ao is about to take his legend away. Languages ​​like

, let’s review them.

Li Ao

Throughout his life, Li Ao said many Li Ao-style famous sayings:

1. "If I were not Li Ao, I would like to be Li Ao second."

2. "If I want to admire someone, just look in the mirror."

3. Life Ah, N is great, why pursue N+1?

4. Sadness is not a memory. Sadness is a wrong attitude towards life, which makes happy memories covered with dust.

5. "In the darkroom, I want to create my own light."

6. "As a person who is fascinated by the sorrows of mankind at midnight, and as a person with unique thoughts and talents that last through the ages, I was born at the wrong time and in the wrong place."

7. “I should have been born fifty years later, because my realm on this island is at least fifty years beyond. Many of my enemies and friends are not ‘lucky at the time we met’, but ‘lucky for each other’. ”

8, “My profession is a bit like that of a butcher, but I have to kill many pigs every day. It’s just that he uses a knife, and I use a pen.”

9, “I am not afraid of loneliness. There is a long way to go, and I can hardly find anyone who shares the same path with me, so I just stumble forward alone. "

10, "My way of scolding others is that others call them bastards, but I have a skill. I can prove that you are bastards. ."

11, "The British say that Britain has no eternal friends and no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. For me, Li Ao, I have no eternal friends and no eternal enemies, only eternal justice."

12. , If you are a weak person, you will not have a good life; if you are a strong person, you will not have a good life.

13. Sometimes explanations are unnecessary - your enemies don't believe your explanations, but your friends don't need your explanations.

14. The terrible thing about stupid people is not that they are stupid, but that they are smart. Stupid people cannot do the stupidest things, and smart people do the stupidest things.

15. I can't wait for the final judgment to deal with all the villains and enemies. I also want to kill a few of them in the middle of the journey.

16. Someone challenged me and said, "Come here." I didn't reply, just sprinted away and shot him down in hindsight.

17. A thinker and writer of the new era has appeared, namely Li Ao, who created "Virtual Seventeen Years Old".

18. I don’t envy other people’s youth. I only envy me last year or me in the first half of the year.

19. The ancients had great ambitions and "took down the heroes of the whole generation", but I think they were talking big words, and the one who really achieved this level of courage was Li Ao himself, who walked alone in thousands of mountains, and Li Ao who was alone throughout the ages.

20. I don’t have many friends in my life, and I don’t spend time recruiting friends, so I am “arrogant” and rely solely on myself to flatter myself. Those who can't stand my boasting should be ashamed. You should have been bragging for me, but you dodge, so I had to do it myself. I brag because you are silent.

Shared by: Global One - Yang Gang

Shared by: I would like to express my deepest condolences! A person who changed mankind's understanding of the universe, and has had infinite reveries about the vast universe since then. A person who changed my view of literati, Politicians, feelings, love, culture, women, fashion... too many cognitions. Today it has been 8 years since I read "Collected Works of Li Ao". This person taught me how to release my personality in adolescence and taught me how to deal with the low points of life. How to build self-confidence during this period taught me that a person's feelings really have nothing to do with age. From being wild and unrestrained to self-confident, Li Ao never had an idol again.