The emotional manipulation technique of setting up so-called step-by-step traps may even lead the other person to commit suicide to achieve the purpose of emotional manipulation. The full text is about 4,534 words and takes about 9 minutes to read. Due to his inappropriate remark

What is PUA? In fact, its full name is Pick-up Artist, which literally means pick-up artist. Lu Xuan, a former PUA instructor, said that in the early days, he only shared how men can approach and chat up the people they like through techniques and psychological applications, but later it evolved into a means of defrauding sex and money, and setting up so-called step-by-step traps for emotional manipulation. , even at the risk of causing the other party to commit suicide to achieve the purpose of emotional manipulation.

The full text is about 4534 words and takes about 9 minutes to read.

The controversial Internet celebrity and "emotional guru" Ayawawa has aroused widespread public doubts due to his inappropriate remarks about comfort women.

Ayawawa, who uses "emotional coaching" techniques to attract fans and then monetize traffic, has a social community called "Flower Town" and also owns an online community called "" that claims to solve men's emotional problems. He calls himself "This is The male emotional community is the birthplace of China’s pick-up culture and the concentration of mainstream PUA.”

According to a survey by a reporter from the Beijing News, on many well-known websites, PUA is often associated with terms such as seduction, money fraud, and marriage fraud.

What is PUA? In fact, its full name is Pick-up Artist, which literally means pick-up artist. Lu Xuan, ’s former PUA instructor, said that in the early days, he only shared how men use techniques and psychological applications to approach and chat up the people they like, but later it evolved into a means of defrauding sex and money, and setting up so-called step-by-step traps for emotional manipulation. Techniques, even leading the other person to commit suicide to achieve emotional manipulation.

Currently, there are still PUA courses for sale on the Internet with the selling points of "suicide encouragement", "pet cultivation", and "crazy extraction" of , and there are many students. A reporter from the Beijing News recently went undercover to participate in a PUA teaching organization. There are more than 300 students in the group from all over the country. In addition to teaching, the instructor also instructs the students in the group how to disguise their identities and deceive them.

Beijing Jingshi Law Firm Zhang New Year lawyer said that such deceptive behavior obviously violates public order, good customs and legal regulations. On the one hand, it challenges social ethics and morals. On the other hand, for behavior that infringes on personal and property rights and hinders social management, Depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, corresponding legal responsibilities should be borne.

The instructor claims that the course breaks the moral and legal bottom line

Search for "PUA" on the web, WeChat official account, and QQ group. Many of the pop-up information is PUA enrollment information. The reporter counted nearly 50 PUA enrolling students. "Even PUA doesn't know about it." , you deserve to be single” and other words are flooded on its promotional page.

"", which claims to be the "mainstream PUA concentration center", is one of them. The website could no longer be opened on the 23rd. 's official website previously showed that Ayawawa is the "chief female relationship expert" of

In the single-month consultation package of, the price of 8 one-on-one telephone consultations with top tutors is 15,000 yuan. A 2-year system learning license for multiple instructor graphic and audio courses is priced at 4,999 yuan, a monthly internal YY private course is priced at 1,999 yuan, and the discounted price of all the above courses is 9,800 yuan.

"The prices on the official website are only for ordinary members. If you want to consult Ayawawa, you will have to pay at least hundreds of thousands." A staff member of said that this will customize advanced packages according to customer needs. Data from shows that as of May 22, there were 1.823 million members.

▲The instructor "Temptation" and the teaching assistant "Feng Yin" teach students through video.

As the investigation deepened, the Beijing News reporter found a PUA organization called "Xianniu Legion", which recruits students through WeChat official accounts, YY Voice, etc. According to the contact information above, the reporter contacted a mentor named "The Danger of Temptation" (hereinafter referred to as "Temptation").

According to him, the course offered by "Henniu Legion" is called "Five-Step Trap Emotional Manipulation Technique", with private lessons costing 2,000 yuan and customized lessons costing 3,000 yuan.

's so-called private classes are where the instructor conducts group videos in the group, and the class is taught chapter by chapter based on the content of the courseware. As for private customized classes, the instructor conducts one-on-one video lessons after assessing the student's personal situation.

After the Beijing News reporter signed up, a teaching assistant named "Feng Yin" sent courseware consisting of 11 documents.The

course introduction shows that there are sixteen chapters in total, and the last few chapters are titled "Crazy Extraction", "Exclusive Brand Tattoo Encouragement", "Pet Breeding", "Suicide Encouragement" and other . Regarding this courseware, "Temptation" also calls itself "evil magic": "My courses have broken through the bottom line of morality and law." After

signed up, the reporter was pulled into a QQ group called "The Fifth Training Fortress of Xiangniu Legion" by the assistant coach. There are more than 300 students in the group, mostly young men, from all over the country. Members of the group call women who have been deceived "prey" and "pets" and exchange various experiences.

"Temptation" and teaching assistant "Feng Yin" often spread pictures and videos of women among students to prove that "the tuition is worth it."

▲The course schedule has sixteen chapters in total. The last few chapters are titled "Crazy Extraction", "Pet Breeding", "Suicide Encouragement", etc.

If you want to become a PUA, you must first pretend to be "tall, rich and handsome"

Kong Weiwei specializes in anti-bad actors The person in charge of PUA's public welfare organization "Little Red Riding Hood". Two years ago, she discovered that many female victims were deceived by "routines" and were miserable. Therefore, she established the "Little Red Riding Hood" organization to expose and prevent bad PUAs to prevent more women from being deceived.

According to the victim’s narration and his own investigation, since June 2017, Kong Weiwei has exposed three times on the Weibo of “Little Red Riding Hood” the “Niu Girl Corps” live broadcast of female suicide, secretly recorded women’s private videos, etc. There are hundreds of comments at the bottom of Weibo, and some netizens also commented that "the current PUA market is too chaotic, and women continue to suffer from it."

“Exposure has almost no effect.” Kong Weiwei said that multiple exposures have not cut off the recruitment and profit-making chain of the “Henniu Legion”.

Recently, there were more than 300 students in the fifth training camp of "Xianniu Legion" where this reporter belongs. If all are counted according to the private classes with the lowest tuition fees, the tuition fee for this period of students alone would reach 600,000 yuan.

html In late April, "Temptation" used videos in the group to teach students the first lesson: image transformation. Let the students package themselves through hairstyle, clothing, display in their circle of friends, etc.

assistant teacher "Feng Yin" sent a compressed package to the students, which contained more than 900 pictures, including food, pets, luxury cars, golf, travel to various countries, red wine dinners, etc., and asked the students to use these pictures to post on their WeChat Moments to "show off" Rich" and disguise himself as "tall, rich and handsome".

reporters found that the instructors required the students not only to make up their circle of friends, but also to make up their names, occupations, and experiences during real-life interactions. Dozens of students among the students have the compound surname Ouyang, all of whom were given fictitious names according to the instructor's requirements, "using rare surnames to interest women." In addition, their fictitious occupations were also made into bartenders, painters, racing drivers, band members, etc. Make women curious. Meng, a student in the

group, claimed that he dated a girl from Guangxi to Beijing as an "overseas general manager of a real estate company."

"Preventing bad PUAs is like guarding against fraud." Kong Weiwei said that many PUAs package themselves as successful people and show luxury cars and mansions in their circle of friends, but these are all false and used to defraud women.

The "Five Step Trap" targets not only eroticism but also money.

"Seduction" courses are all conducted online. As the course progresses, the teaching content also begins to teach how to psychologically control. guides students on how to make the other party's emotions collapse and lose their rationality. .

In addition, "Temptation" also teaches how to use violence to conquer, "You can even slap her. After beating her, let her kneel there, you can train her like this."

Kong Weiwei told reporters that one of the people who consulted her The female victim was often choked and slapped in the face by her PUA boyfriend. Although she finally left her PUA boyfriend, she suffered from depression because of this experience.

According to "Temptation"'s self-report, after the "Five Step Trap", in addition to eroticism, the goal is naturally money.

"The art of extraction is to make women invest crazily in you," Temptation often shows off the wealth he has obtained during his lectures.

Kong Weiwei said that more than 150 female PUA victims have asked her for help.The psychological trauma of women hurt by PUA is almost irreversible. This is different from ordinary lovelorn situations. Many victimized women will doubt men for a long time, have hatred and disgust for men, and resist intimate relationships. It will take several years to get over it.

Zhou Man, who co-founded the "Little Red Riding Hood" charity organization with Kong Weiwei, was a victim of PUA. She said that she accidentally saw the chat history of her "boyfriend" and discovered that he was not only a PUA student, but also dated five girlfriends at the same time. There were thousands of female photos and chat screenshots stored in the cloud disk.

After comparing the PUA courseware, Zhou Man found that her "boyfriend" almost followed the courseware and made her fall into the trap step by step. For half a year, Zhou Man was on the verge of a mental breakdown: she cried for no reason, had insomnia all night, and was depressed and anxious; and for the next two years, she was extremely repulsive and suspicious of any boy around her.

Instructors even instigate students to implement "suicide encouragement"

"temptation" The last course is "suicide encouragement".

"Temptation" said that suicide encouragement refers to making the target have the urge to die for you after emotional manipulation through PUA. In the courseware

passed to reporters, there was content teaching students how to control subjects to commit suicide. "Doing this will only make our relationship better." The instructor said in the group.

Among the female PUA victims who asked Kong Weiwei for help, some suffered from depression , some were infected with sexually transmitted diseases, some suffered violence, some were defrauded of money, and some girls discovered their photos and privacy and became PUAs Teaching materials for the team.

"PUAs never pay attention to how deeply their actions will hurt the other party." Kong Weiwei said that a female victim named Yang Lan she came into contact with had already committed self-harm.

Beijing News reporter When contacted, Yang Lan only agreed to communicate via text, “because I haven’t communicated with strangers for a long time and I was nervous and scared. "

According to Yang Lan's self-report, she started dating her "boyfriend" in 2014, but during the process she felt that she was not in the right state. She checked online and found that her experience was very similar to the PUA reaction.

Yang Lan was carrying her "boyfriend" behind her back. She signed up for a PUA organization under a pseudonym and found that her "boyfriend" treated her exactly the same way in the course. What shocked her even more was that many of the students in this PUA organization knew her "boyfriend"

After that, Yang Lan accepted a plan. After years of psychological counseling, Yang Lan cut off all contact with the man under the intervention of a psychological counselor.

"I haven't had a job for four years, and I have been crying with depression for three years. If I hadn't received psychological counseling, I don't think I would have survived at all." , Yang Lan said that when her depression was severe, she would not even go out of the bedroom, lying in bed unable to do anything, not eating or sleeping, and thinking wildly.

Student Meng claimed that she was also under the guidance of "Temptation". The girl who came to him in Beijing implemented "control". The girl called him 120 times that day, but she didn't answer the phone. Finally, the girl sent him a picture of cutting her wrists.

"I was afraid that something would happen, so I went to find her immediately. , took her to the hospital for bandage. "Meng Mou said that he felt that this process was very evil.

"The 'couple' relationship makes it difficult to protect rights."

At present, the student group established by "Temptation" still exists, and there are still many students who post their "deceived" chat records. Go to the group and let the instructor guide you on how to act.

Kong Weiwei believes that the 150 people who consulted her only account for a small proportion of the total number of female victims of PUA. More women are afraid to come forward, and many women are still kept in the dark.

"Many of them are students who are not experienced in the world. They are novices who have just graduated and started working. They are unprepared for the traps carefully laid by PUA. "Kong Weiwei said that in addition to providing psychological counseling for female victims, it also involves legal rights protection issues.

However, Kong Weiwei also believes that it is equally difficult for victims to protect their rights. The behavior of many PUAs is difficult to define by legal means. PUAs pretend to be in a "couple" relationship. Because of the disguise, it is difficult for many victimized women to defend their rights through legal means. What "Little Red Riding Hood" can do is to expose this ugly phenomenon.

For this reason, "Little Red Riding Hood" has been exposing bad PUAs on the Internet. Kong Weiwei herself is often intimidated by PUAs. ,threaten.

With the efforts of the "Little Red Riding Hood" public welfare organization for more than two years, some PUAs have also changed. Kong Weiwei said that many PUA or emotional consulting companies have formed industry self-discipline groups. Reporters from

saw that the self-discipline group is writing binding clauses including, "It is prohibited to contain illegal content such as pornography, violence, pyramid schemes, etc." and "It is prohibited to disclose privacy, including chat records, photos and personal information."

Kong Weiwei summarized a set of methods for women to prevent harm from bad PUA: Before encountering, stay vigilant; when encountering, stay awake and use your wits; if you are hurt, report it to relatives, friends, and relevant government departments (such as the Women's Federation) , relevant social organizations asked for help.

▲The instructor "tempts" the students to teach them crazy extraction techniques and teaches them to cheat money and sex.

PUA’s bad behavior is suspected of being a crime

As for the behavior of the PUA organization similar to the "Girls Enjoying Legion", lawyer Zhang Xinxien of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm said that such behavior that deceives and even encourages others to commit suicide clearly violates public order, good customs and legal regulations. On the one hand, misconduct that challenges social ethics should be morally condemned; on the other hand, for behaviors that infringe on personal and property rights and hinder social management, the severity of the case should be considered and corresponding legal responsibilities should be borne.

"The relevant actions of this PUA organization constitute civil infringement, public security violations and even suspicion of several crimes." Lawyer Zhang Xinyin said that the PUA organization shares chat records, bed photos, self-mutilation photos, etc. with so-called "prey", and spreads sex videos and pictures , instigating and committing fraud, teaching criminal methods, etc., which not only violated the woman's privacy, portrait rights, and reputation rights, but also involved the crime of spreading obscene materials, illegal use of information networks, and fraud.

"If it constitutes a civil infringement, the infringed party has the right to claim that the infringer bears tort responsibilities including but not limited to stopping the infringement, compensating for losses, apologizing, eliminating the impact, restoring reputation, etc.; if it constitutes a violation of the law, the public security organ shall impose penalties in accordance with the "Public Security Administration" "Public security management penalties shall be imposed according to the Law; if it constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Law." Zhang Xinyin said that there are currently large differences in law regarding the characterization of encouraging suicide.

Zhang New Year said that if the encourager subjectively has the intention to kill, and objectively seduces, instigates, deceives, instigates, bewitches, helps, etc., which is enough to influence and manipulate the will of the suicide, and is enough to predict the victim's suicide, it can be evaluated as taking advantage of the victim. If an indirect principal commits an act that kills a victim, the encourager shall be guilty of intentional homicide and shall be sentenced to death, life imprisonment, or fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years according to the provisions of Article 232 of the Criminal Law; if the circumstances are less serious, he shall be sentenced to three years Fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years but not more than ten years.

Beijing News Investigation Team Editor Gan Hao Li Xiaojin Proofreading Guo Liqin

Duty Editor Hu Erkang Wu Yanzu