In this regard, Ke Zhien said, "No," but also mentioned that KMT Secretary-General Huang Jianting has two "internal reference" polls. "I believe there are many candidates whose names are on them and hope that the KMT Central Committee can announce them."

According to Taiwanese media reports, Taiwan's "nine-in-one" general election will be held at the end of the year. How the Chinese Kuomintang plans its plan in Kaohsiung has attracted much attention from all walks of life. It is rumored that former "legislator" and CEO of the Kuomintang think tank Ke Zhien will be recruited. The Kaohsiung City Party Headquarters even revealed that a speech has been drafted. Post reasons. In this regard, Ke Zhien said, "No," but also mentioned that KMT Secretary-General Huang Jianting has two "internal reference" polls. "I believe there are many candidates whose names are on them and hope that the KMT Central Committee can announce them."

Ke Zhien said that when seeing polls, some people will wonder why they are not number one, but others will also question why they are number one. Therefore, the best way is to clearly explain the poll process and avoid criticism.

Ke Zhien mentioned that in the past elections, the Kuomintang believed that local priority should be given, but this requires long-term cultivation. Now that there are only 5 months left before the election, there is no one at all, and in the end it has to be parachuted in.

Ke Zhien said bluntly that these issues have been talked about for more than 20 years, but they are still the same this year. If you want to airborne, you should not only refer to the polls, but more importantly, keep the seats for these local MPs. The Kuomintang is facing difficulties in Kaohsiung We still have to send people to constituencies. If we are airborne, we have to consider whether we can create Taiwan-wide issues, retain seats as members, and maintain or even create a base, so we have to make a choice between these.

In response to rumors that the Central Committee of the Kuomintang is interested in Ke Zhien's candidacy for Kaohsiung mayor, he will be formally recruited as soon as the 29th at the regular meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. When she went south to Kaohsiung a few days ago to visit the city council and party groups, she said that she would go all out as long as she was recruited by the party. However, Ke Zhien responded briefly and quickly to Taiwan media reporters earlier: "I am taking the oral exam, I was not informed, thank you!"