Xie Zhichuan, a researcher at the Chinese Kuomintang think tank, was interviewed by a reporter from the Straits Herald yesterday. He believed that the reason why many people from the Kuomintang have expressed their intention to run for mayor of Kaohsiung in recent days when there

"Whoever elects the mayor of Kaohsiung from the Kuomintang party will have the same result, with no chance of winning at all."

Xie Zhichuan, a researcher at the Chinese Kuomintang think tank, was interviewed by a reporter from the Strait Herald yesterday. He believed that in the case of no chance of winning, the reason why the Kuomintang still has Many people have expressed their intention to run for mayor of Kaohsiung. In fact, the drunkard's intention is not to drink, but to consider that if the election results at the end of the year are poor and Zhu Lilun steps down, Zhang Yazhong and others can participate in the party chairman by-election.

Since Kaohsiung is one of the "most difficult constituencies" for the KMT's year-end elections and has little chance of winning, the most highly regarded candidate in the blue camp, former Kaohsiung deputy mayor Li Sichuan, has repeatedly declined to participate.

Why do you say that the Kuomintang has no chance of winning in Kaohsiung? Xie Zhichuan believes that due to the Kuomintang's lack of local strength and the success of Chen Qimai, the current mayor of the Democratic Progressive Party in "policy buying votes" during the epidemic, its position is difficult to shake.

Xie Zhichuan further analyzed that people in Kaohsiung tend to choose local candidates, and changing the vote structure in Kaohsiung requires long-term and intensive work. "For example, Lin Jialong stayed in Taichung for ten years in order to elect the mayor of Taichung . Looking at the Kuomintang, who has stayed in the south for ten years? The Kuomintang often likes to send paratroopers. A lot of people talk in vain, but not half of them actually stay in Taichung. Although Han Kuo-yu is an exception, Han Kuo-yu’s influence in Kaohsiung has been eradicated after the success of the ‘boycott of Korea’.”

On the other hand, Chen Qimai used free rapid screening during the epidemic to please students and parents and brainwash the public. "Kaohsiung's anti-epidemic materials are the most abundant among the 'six capitals', and the huge administrative resources are poured into it, making it impossible for the Kuomintang to shake it. As long as the peak period of the epidemic is successfully passed, Chen Qimai's re-election will be secure."

But it's weird. What is surprising is that after Li Sichuan, the biggest figure in the blue camp, avoided the war, a large number of people in the Kuomintang have recently come forward to volunteer. Those who have already expressed their candidacy include Ke Zhien, CEO of the Kuomintang think tank, Zhang Yazhong, principal of Sun Wen School, Yang Zhiliang, the former "Director of Health", Chen Yuzhen, a "legislator" known as the "Kinmen Goddess of War", and the "Han Jiajun" Cao Huanrong, former Kaohsiung civil affairs director, and Sun Jianping, member of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang.

Why do so many people do what they know is impossible? Xie Zhichuan believes that the real goal of these people is to focus on the position of chairman of the Kuomintang after the "nine-in-one" election.

Zhu Lilun currently has very low support both within the party and across Taiwan. "Zhen Media" announced on the 13th the support for possible candidates for Taiwan's leader in 2024. Zhu Lilun ranked last among all candidates, with only 3.7%. "After Zhang Yazhong frequently visited Kaohsiung, he found that the local response was good. Yang Zhiliang, a hard-core public health professional, also received support from many people for criticizing the Taiwan authorities' epidemic prevention policies. Zhu Lilun's polls continue to decline. Everyone thinks that if the election results at the end of the year No good, Zhu Lilun will step down and take charge. At this time, although the candidate for mayor of Kaohsiung failed, with the high exposure in the election and the new organizational system, he may accumulate political energy for the by-election of the KMT chairman. "

It is said that Zhu Lilun is interested in Ke Zhien. Will the Kuomintang Central Committee parachute candidates in Kaohsiung again and repeat the Taoyuan Rebellion? Xie Zhichuan thinks it is unlikely. After all, Kaohsiung has a large number of people who have expressed their opinions about running for the election, and Zhu Lilun does not dare to play another game to make himself more infamous. "I predict that in the end, the victory will be based on the polls."

(Strait Herald reporters Fang Yanyan and Wu Shenglin)