Somerset Maugham said that cultivating the habit of reading can build you a refuge from almost all the sorrows in the world. In the dead of night, opening a book will usher in the healing moment of the day.

Maugham said that cultivating the habit of reading can build you a refuge and allow you to escape almost all the sorrows in the world. In the dead of night, opening a book will usher in the healing moment of the day. Heal loneliness, ease anxiety, and relieve uneasiness... When trees turn into paper and souls turn into words, we meet beauty in books together...

World Book Day Special Book List

Teacher's Pillow Book

"Tree Child" 》

Zhao Lihong written by

Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House published in September 2021

This is a long children's novel involving nature, life, innocence, and human feelings. In the animistic world, there is a naive and ignorant box tree . After a wildfire, it was turned into something magical by a sculptor and reshaped into a living wood carving art - the Tree Child. From then on, the tree boy started his adventure in the human world... This is a fantasy story with strange imagination, a beautiful ode to man and nature, and a philosophical poem about eternity.

This book is a new original full-length children's novel in 2021 by the famous writer Zhao Lihong. The author uses his poetic brushwork and unique imagination to weave a magnificent and natural aesthetic poem for readers, singing an eternal hymn of endless life. This is a story about nature, life, innocence, and humanity, which can make children feel the beautiful qualities of bravery, kindness, and tenacity, and lighten their journey of growth.

"Children's Character"

Written by Peng Kaiping

CITIC Press Published in July 2021

Professor Peng Kaiping summarized the research results of the past 30 years and extracted 7 core elements for positive education to cultivate children's character advantages: emotional strength, resilience , self-efficacy , self-control, natural strengths, concentration, and kindness. In the end, character advantages will achieve the "king's power" - creativity, aesthetic ability, and empathy, allowing children to calmly cope with future competition and opportunities.

"Send from Moving Mountains"

Zhang Ergun Written by

Yangtze River Literature and Art Publishing House will publish it in December 2021

"Send from Moving Mountains" contains more than a hundred new works by Zhang Ergun in the past four years, as well as dozens of the poet's best works since he wrote poetry. head. It is divided into three volumes. The first volume is the poem about "seeing oneself", which includes short poems such as the famous works "Six Characters", "In the Countryside, God is Simple", "Moving Mountains to Send", etc., each of which touches people's hearts directly; the second volume is about "seeing oneself". In the poem "all living beings", the poet starts from "I" and arrives in the world, writing about the tragedy of the world and the various situations in the world, which fully embodies the poet's compassion and mind. The third volume is composed of 18 long poems, describing the difficulties of being a human being, and writing about moving forward with a heavy load. Dream, describing the bond between dream and reality, reflecting the poet's amazing writing power and diverse aesthetic construction.

"The Biography of Zhang Ailing"

Liu Chuan'e

Published by Yangtze River Literature and Art Publishing House in November 2020

"The Biography of Zhang Ailing" is a full and true biography of Zhang Ailing written by Zhang Ailing expert Liu Chuan'e with 40 years of experience. The book has more than 400,000 words, and is based on millions of words of Zhang Ailing research data. It is written according to facts, strives to be comprehensive and objective, and pursues the reality of the data, subtle insights, and thorough understanding. This book not only writes about Zhang Ailing's dazzling beauty and why she is a great writer; it also writes about Zhang Ailing's loneliness and why she is a decisive modern person. In addition to writing about Zhang Ailing, the author's broad vision and powerful writing power can also be seen in the ink about Zhang Ailing's era and contemporaries.

"Five Learning Hats for Children"

Written by Fu Liping

CITIC Publishing House

Have you read a lot of parenting theories, but are at a loss when it comes to practical problems? In fact, every child has his or her own willingness and ability to learn. The only difference is their understanding of learning and the cultivation of methods.

This book summarizes the five key elements for improving children's learning ability, just like five learning hats of different colors. Under the guidance of parents, through easy interactive exercises, it can stimulate and cultivate children's learning drive, emotional self-control, and Habit self-control, learn competitiveness, and learn resilience.The book covers more than 30 practical tools, 25 interactive exercises, and multiple scenario simulations to help parents master the correct educational methods and accompany their children more calmly; it helps children change from "I want to learn" to "I want to learn" and achieve independence. Explosive growth in learning ability will benefit children throughout their lives.

"Inspiring children's inner drive"

Written by Fu Liping

Jiangsu Phoenix Literature and Art Publishing House

My child procrastinates when doing homework, and parents must supervise him before he can start writing. What should I do? What should I do if I always cannot listen to what my parents say, refuses to communicate, or even behaves in a way that is incomprehensible? Don’t be too quick to get angry with your child. These behaviors are all manifestations of the child’s lack of internal drive!

In this book, the author divides the goal of stimulating children's internal drive into five dimensions, namely communication and collaboration, understanding and empathy, learning self-control, self-awareness and self-examination, and happiness awareness, and uses real scenes in life to illustrate When problems arise, it tells us how to adjust our bad emotions, switch perspectives to think about what the child is thinking, stimulate the child's inner motivation, help the child grow in an all-round way, and develop good character and quality.

"Returning to Nature with Children: How to Shape Children's Body, Emotions and Cognition in Nature"

[Added] Written by Scott D. Sampson

Machinery Industry Press Huazhang Branch Published in September 2021

Contemporary children are faced with the problem of serious disconnection from nature. This "nature deficiency syndrome" is threatening the healthy growth of children's physiology, thinking and emotion. The author of this book, Canadian paleontologist Sampson, integrates the research results of anthropology, psychology, education and other disciplines, and combines his personal experience to tell educators about questioning-based inspiration, digging out points of interest, and telling "stories of the universe". Adding "bits and pieces" and utilizing digital technology are practical ways to become children's "natural mentors". The concept of "experience·guidance·understanding" throughout the book helps to inspire educators to improve their self-education awareness, optimize educational concepts and methods, and guide children to establish a meaningful and lasting harmony with nature. Deep connection, so as to better practice quality education .

"Collected Works of Tao Xingzhi"

Written by Tao Xingzhi

Shanxi Education Press Published in April 2021

This book is based on the people's educator Mr. Tao Xingzhi "Life is education", "Society is school" and "Teaching and doing are integrated" "The three major educational propositions are used as the basis for the selection of articles, with Mr. Tao's speeches and educational talks as the main content, bringing together the essence of Dow's education and teaching research and practice. The book's language is concise and its writing style is plain. In terms of content, it focuses on Tao Xingzhi's educational thoughts, which have received the most attention today, and comprehensively demonstrates Mr. Tao Xingzhi's views on education and management. "Action is the beginning of knowledge, and knowledge is the completion of action. Only when knowledge and action are united can we achieve success." The educational concepts and educational philosophy contained in the book have a profound impact on my country's educational reform and can provide strong theoretical support for the educational practice of front-line teachers.

"Complete Collection of Recitation of Various Styles of Jialing Poetry"

Edited by Ye Jiaying

Guangxi Normal University Press Published in January 2021

Recitation is an important way to learn classical poetry. The exciting and moving experience it brings is a profound Understand the basis of ancient poetry. “Half of the life of classical poetry is in the voice, and recitation is the key to us experiencing the beauty of the sounds of Chinese classical literature.” For this reason, Mr. Ye is determined to “leave the recitation that is about to be lost to the world, to those who are truly Poetry lovers. "

This book is Mr. Ye's most complete collection of recitations. The book contains a total of 320 classic poems/pieces, which were selected, compiled and recited by Mr. Ye himself. For teachers who like to recite, this book is undoubtedly a "treasure trove". By scanning the QR code behind the poem, you can not only listen to it, but also practice along with it. The book also includes Mr. Ye's article "On the Characteristics of Xingfa Touching in Classical Poetry and Reciting". Friends who hope to know more about reciting from a theoretical perspective can refer to it.

"Lecture Notes on Modern Western Thought by Liu Qing"

Written by Liu Qing

Xinxing Publishing House Get the book Published in January 2021

This book is an ideological map for contemporary people. The whole book introduces the theoretical propositions of 19 modern and contemporary thinkers from Nietzsche to Fukuyama , from Sartre to Habermas . These thinkers have repeatedly thought about the many issues that trouble us in modern society, from the meaning of life to the value of freedom and justice, from the alienation of scientific rationality to the conflict of civilizations and the future of mankind. However, these thoughts in the book are not pieces of a puzzle, but are connected into a road map, clearly showing the ins and outs of the destiny of modern mankind and its thinking. The tour guide who will lead you to explore this ideological jungle, teacher Liu Qing, has written the "Annual Review of Western Thought" every year since 2003, which has become a year-end must-read article for many scholars.

Of course, this book comes from a lecture course, and is not intended to present a profound and sophisticated ideological system and process of thinking in the text. It is in line with the purpose of this book: a good handbook on the history of modern thought.

"Cultural Animals: Human Nature, Meaning, and Social Life"

[US] Written by Roy Baumeister

East China Normal University Press Published in May 2021

The human mind is affected by both natural and cultural environments. , this is a widely accepted view. But people generally believe that culture is produced and developed only after human productivity has developed to a certain level. But this book overturns this general assumption. It assumes that culture actually existed before humans. Because culture has shown its advantages to nature in certain animal activities, that is, culture is a way of existence that is more conducive to the reproduction and reproduction of species than the intelligence of individuals and the power of groups. Therefore, nature selects among species, allowing those species that are biologically prepared for culture to evolve and evolve in order to use and enjoy culture. This book attempts to provide readers with a panoramic view of "human nature", which includes psychology, evolution, , sociology, history and philosophy. This book provides an important and broad perspective, integrating a wealth of information about human motivation, thought, emotion, behavior, and interaction.

"People and Things: From the Perspective of the Body"

(Italian) Written by Roberto Esposito Translated by Tai Bei

Published by Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House in January 2022

What is the relationship between people and things? How does the body change this relationship? In this book, the author believes that starting from the body, rather than from people or objects, can help us reconsider the status of both.

Roberto Esposito, with his characteristic rigor, argues that there is a path out of this paradox, consisting of a new perspective based on the body. Whether people or objects, the body becomes a decisive factor in rethinking the concepts and values ​​that govern our philosophical, legal and political vocabulary.

"Zoology: Animal Problems from Heidegger to Derrida"

(US) Written by Matthew Carracco, translated by Pang Hongrui

Published by Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House in January 2022

This book was first published in 2008 and is the author ’s first monograph. In this book, Matthew Carracco cites ethology, evolution, and the work of Heidegger to discuss Levinas's questions about the nature and scope of ethics, Forrest Gump This "anthropological machine" perspective and a non-anthropocentric ethics pioneered by Derrida challenge the anthropocentrism of the European continental philosophy tradition and demonstrate from the aspects of politics, ethics and ontology : human beings Lines with animals can and should be erased. Karako called for the abolition of the inherent concept of distinction between humans and animals, and to create a new way of viewing and coexisting with animals.

"Be able to overtake without jumping the gun"

Yang Xia, written by

Beijing United Publishing Company

Children's learning ability = attention + self-control + emotional control + visual and auditory ability. So how to train and improve these learning abilities? Training vestibular balance can improve attention, training physical coordination can exercise self-control, training tactile sensation can improve emotional control, and training visual and auditory coordination can reduce carelessness. This book is a summary of these training methods and experiences.

"I Can Think Independently"

[US] Andrea Debink, written by

Beijing United Publishing Company

This is a critical thinking growth guide that builds the foundation of thinking ability and is highly interactive and self-examination. It guides you step by step on how to think more deeply about your own life and current affairs. Cultivating the ability to think independently will help you learn how to ask precise questions, analyze the authenticity of evidence, and use thinking logic to draw reasonable conclusions, so as to solve problems and make wise judgments. After reading, take a look at what is missing in your own thinking!

Author: China Education News Network