Editor's note: Since the national education rectification of the political and legal teams was launched last year, political and legal agencies at all levels have vigorously promoted the spirit of political and legal heroes and demonstrated the role models, righteousness and styl

Editor's note

Since the launch of the national education rectification of political and legal teams last year, political and legal agencies at all levels have vigorously promoted the spirit of political and legal heroes and demonstrated the role models of the times, the integrity of the times, and the style of the times in the political and legal teams throughout society. After recommendation, the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission selected 200 comrades as "Two Hundred Political and Legal Heroes". Among them, six political and legal police officers from Hunan were awarded the honorary title of “Double Hundred Political and Legal Heroes” nationwide. From now on, Hunan Daily launches a series of reports on "Xiangjian's 'Double Hundred Political and Legal Models'" to showcase the demeanor of Hunan's six national "Double Hundred Political and Legal Models".

Hunan Daily All-Media Reporter Yang Jiajun Li Guoping Photographed by Li Jian Edited by Song Taihuan

More than a year later, people still cannot get over the grief of losing Chunmei, and they still cannot accept the fact that Chunmei has passed away.

html On May 17, a concentrated interview symposium on the advanced deeds of Comrade Zhou Chunmei, one of the “Two Hundred Political and Legal Heroes” in the country and former deputy director of the First Trial Supervision Tribunal of the Provincial High Court, was held at the Hunan Provincial High Court.

At the meeting, Zhou Chunmei’s family members, colleagues and classmates gathered together to recall this people’s judge who devoted his life to practicing the “three regulations” and defended judicial justice with his blood.

(The picture shows a photo of Zhou Chunmei during his lifetime. Photo provided by the Provincial High Court)

Chunmei is proud of the snow, Ling Han is unyielding

"Even if I die, your matter will be impossible!" This is what Zhou Chunmei asked the perpetrator to intercede with. Her firm refusal was also the last words she left before she was assassinated and sacrificed.

On January 12, 2021, Zhou Chunmei was brutally murdered by high school and university alumnus Xiang Hui because she was not interested in personal affairs and refused to respond to the case many times. She devoted her life to defending legal fairness and justice, and established a spiritual monument as a people's judge in the new era.

Recalling the scene of the crime, Zhao Mingqiao, Zhou Chunmei’s neighbor and a teacher at the School of Architecture and Art of Central South University, had sadness and anger on his face.

At about 7 o'clock in the morning that day, Zhao Mingqiao returned to the underground garage of the community after sending his children off. He heard fierce fighting and cries for help not far away, and ran forward to check.

In the dimly lit underground garage, Zhao Mingqiao only saw two women entangled together, one riding on the other, waving their right hands constantly.

"Be careful, she has a knife in her hand!" Seeing someone coming, the person on the ground suddenly shouted.

Zhao Mingqiao, who wanted to separate the two, suddenly noticed that the assailant had a sharp knife.

Afterwards, Zhao Mingqiao, who was still frightened, found out that the assailant's name was Xiang Hui, and that the person on the ground was Judge Zhou Chunmei of the Provincial High Court: "If Judge Zhou Chunmei hadn't reminded her promptly and kindly, I might have been hurt too."

Zhao Mingqiao finally managed to separate the two men. People separate. At this time, Xiang Hui roared, "She refused to help me, she harmed me, and their court co-operated to harm me," and struggled to commit further murders.

After hearing Xiang Hui's words, Zhou Chunmei, who had staggered towards the elevator entrance, resolutely turned back. While covering the bleeding wound with her hand, she refuted Xiang Hui righteously: "You are completely wrong! The court's decision is fair! Even if I die, your matter will be impossible!"

"Life is in danger." On this occasion, Zhou Chunmei still does not allow anyone to desecrate the sacred law in her heart. "She wants to defend fairness and justice, even if she gives up her life,"... Listening to Zhao Mingqiao's memories, everyone present felt the same and sighed.

In fact, Zhou Chunmei was aware of the danger just before she was killed.

Chen Wenqu, Zhou Chunmei's husband, recalled that his wife had received threatening calls from unknown sources, but she had never been afraid: "Since ancient times, evil has never prevailed. I am a judge and must uphold the dignity of the rule of law. Even if I am misunderstood or even hurt, it is still my fault." There is no turning back, just protect our children."

Xu Yuantai, a second-level senior judge of the Provincial High Court, told reporters that in the face of human interference, financial temptations and threats of violence, Zhou Chunmei insisted on fairness and justice with practical actions and even her life. A line of defense. When

was working in the People's Court of China, many of the cases he handled involved financial, real estate and other disputes. The legal relationships were complex and the subject amounts were often calculated in the hundreds of millions. The parties involved tried every means to win over Zhou Chunmei, put pressure on her and even threatened her personally.But Zhou Chunmei remained unmoved, tried fairly, and used practical actions to practice her life creed of "telling the truth, doing practical things, and keeping an unbent spine."

A chivalrous woman with a soft heart, and a gentle law enforcement

She is not selfish, but she is by no means ruthless.

In the drawer of Zhou Chunmei's desk, there lies a handwritten letter quietly: "Dear Judge Zhou, we have received the administrative ruling. It took you several months to make these facts so clear. You are the people. You are a good judge. All our villagers admire your work efficiency and your style of not fearing the powerful.”

This was sent by Song Yiming, a villager in Shibanqiao Village, Zhuzhou County (now Lukou District) on January 13, 2018. A letter of thanks. The case involved in the letter was a "people sue officials" case caused by a land ownership dispute. The case is complicated and involves neighbors or relatives. If it is not handled well, it can easily lead to hidden conflicts. When

was handling the case, Zhou Chunmei patiently explained the law to everyone, moving it with emotion and understanding it with reason, and "confirmed" the land rights in the hearts of the farmers, so that everyone was convinced. In the end, under Zhou Chunmei's legal review, the 30-year conflict was successfully resolved.

"She is like a chivalrous woman who uses her persistence to maintain fairness and justice, and has strong empathy for the hardships in the world." Long Fei, an assistant judge of the First Civil Court of the Provincial High Court who once served as secretary to Zhou Chunmei, recalled that every time When she sees that the parties are in difficulties and lack legal support due to lack of evidence, Zhou Chunmei will do a lot of mediation work to help them fight for their legitimate rights and interests.

"No matter how big or small the case, she will take it seriously." Recalling that when she and Zhou Chunmei handled a land expropriation compensation case for "married girls", Sun Jianli, deputy director of the First Trial and Supervision Division of the Provincial High Court, was very emotional, "Chunmei said, can it be divided?" The cost of demolition is only tens of thousands of yuan. If the identity of the "married girl" who is relocated is not clear, it will be difficult for her to survive in the new collective and be treated fairly by others. This will affect the life of the person concerned. In order to properly deal with it. In this case, Chunmei repeatedly asked the village committee, village representatives, and "married women" to do mediation work, and the case was finally settled."

Zhou Chunmei served the people with her kindness and practice of justice, and established a good reputation in the hearts of the people. Confidence in the law. In the 15 years since she has been engaged in trial work, none of the cases she has handled has exceeded the trial limit, and none of the cases she has handled have been sent back for retrial or revised due to mistakes. She has been rated as an outstanding Communist Party member and case handling expert of the Provincial High Court many times. In 2019, she was also rated as Hunan Provincial trial expert.

"As deep as a mountain, as clear as a mountain spring." People around Zhou Chunmei commented on this girl who came out of the mountains in western Hunan.

[Editor: Ouyang Lingya]