As the Russia-Ukraine war continues to escalate, more and more signs indicate that this conflict is not just a simple local war in Europe, but its impact is global.

As the Russia-Ukraine war continues to escalate, more and more signs indicate that this conflict is not just a simple local war in Europe, but its impact is global. As the process of globalization deepens, the connections between countries have become increasingly closer, and the world has long been an organic whole in which "one hair affects the whole body." The sudden war immediately caused a "world shock wave" and profoundly affected the development trend of the world.

The Russo-Ukrainian war caused changes in the world in five major fields: politics, economy, and security.

Politically, the Russia-Ukraine war divided the world into two camps. The camp of developed countries, led by the United States, the European Union, , Japan and South Korea, supports Ukraine . They believe that the Russia-Ukraine war is Russia's unilateral act of "aggression"; while most developing countries believe that the Russia-Ukraine war is NATO caused the eastward expansion, and refused to participate in the sanctions against Russia proposed by the West. When voting in line, most of them abstained and were neutral.

The endless debate between the two camps is actually a reflection of the fundamental changes in the world political landscape. This shows that more and more countries have seen the true face of the United States and are unwilling to seek skin from the tiger.

The temporary unity between Europe and the United States is not stable, because the Russia-Ukraine war was promoted by the United States. Europe's interests suffered the most, but the United States was the only beneficiary. It is difficult to say that this outcome was not intentional by the United States. The threat of war will be lifted in the future. , both parties will inevitably break up unhappy.

The United States is unpopular internationally. The decline of U.S. hegemony and the trend of world multipolarization are irreversible and will lead to the formation of a new order in the world.

In terms of economy, the series of sanctions imposed by the West on Russia have turned economic power into political weapons. In particular, American electronic products and Internet social platforms have become tools to suppress Russia in the war. This has undoubtedly intensified the anti-Russian sentiment among countries around the world. Uneasiness in Russian economic cooperation. The U.S. trade war has also had an impact on the global supply chain, and supply chain security has become a top priority for major economies.

These economic confrontations may set off a wave of anti-globalization, which is not conducive to the development of the world economy.

In addition, Russia is a major energy exporter, and Ukraine is a major food exporter. The war between the two sides has also caused energy shortages and food crises internationally, dealing a heavy blow to the world's economic recovery after the epidemic.

In terms of security, the Russo-Ukrainian war broke the tranquility of Europe. European countries that had long been in peace also felt threatened, and they increased their military budgets, purchased weapons and equipment, and expanded their armies. Countries such as Finland, Sweden, which have always been neutral, also applied. Join and NATO . Since you "can't beat it", then "join".

This tense situation has caused Europe's security to face new challenges. The world will return to a period of zero-sum game and armed confrontation. Countries have not learned the lessons of World War I and World War II and still choose to confront, Rather than communicating on an equal footing.

The United States and other Western countries continued to provide weapons assistance to Ukraine during the war, which was the main reason for the prolongation of the war and the escalation of the conflict.

In terms of science, Europe is preparing to send the first Mars rover to Mars in September this year to explore for signs of life. The original plan was to send a Russian rocket to Mars. As a result, the Russian-Ukrainian war broke out, and this scientific research cooperation The launch was delayed until six years later using Europe's own rocket. Physicists on the project expressed concern that six years was too long and the rover would age.

Because of the Russo-Ukrainian war, all cooperation projects between the United States, Europe and Russia have been terminated, which is a great obstacle to research in the fields of space science and climate change; energy issues will also hinder the carbon neutral goals of various countries, and Europe may not be able to Do not restart nuclear power projects.

In terms of finance, after the Russo-Ukrainian War, due to Western financial sanctions, Russia was kicked out of the SWIFT settlement system. The ruble fell to the bottom. It was not until Russia launched the oil-ruble settlement method that the value of the ruble rose rapidly, against the US dollar. The exchange rate of to even exceeds pre-war levels.

At the same time, the connection between the US dollar and oil is weakening. Biden has confirmed that Saudi Arabia refused to answer his calls. In the past, Saudi Arabia was a die-hard ally of the United States. Now it is also seeking to break away from US control. The world The energy landscape will change, and the separation of petroleum energy from the control of the United States will, to a certain extent, shake the foundation of US dollar hegemony.

The above five major changes are the current impact of the Russia-Ukraine war. There are many trends hidden in them, leading the world to a more uncertain future.

In the short term, the biggest beneficiary of this war is the United States, which absorbs the capital flight from Europe and can sell energy to Europe at high prices. Most importantly, the United States destroys Russia's energy cooperation with Europe and makes itself a leader in energy. In the export field, one of the biggest competitors is missing.

Moreover, NATO's eastward expansion has become an established fact. The United States can export its influence in Europe through NATO, strategically suppress Russia, cause Russia's economic recession, etc. Biden seems to have "won the pot" this time.

But this is only a short-term gain, a superficial victory. If we take a longer-term view, we can see that the United States' behavior of destroying peace, sacrificing allies, and achieving its own achievements is harming others and benefiting itself, and is undermining the current "American prosperity" of the United States. foundation.

Why is it said that the United States is facing decline today? Because it has many internal problems, such as: the hollowing out of the industry and , insufficient industrial manufacturing capacity, high inflation rates, serious racial discrimination, internal ethnic divisions, poor domestic security levels, and frequent terrorist shootings.

The United States has not solved these problems at their root causes. Instead, it has chosen to deflect conflicts, provoke wars around the world, and plunder assets, resulting in increased military expenditures year after year and a military campaign.

The French have a joke. When you add too much oil to cooking, they will say: "There is so much oil in this dish that Americans can't help but attack it."

It can be seen that countries around the world have long recognized the true face of the United States. Hidden under "democracy and freedom" is an ugly face of greed. Countries are only afraid of being angry because of its strong military power.

If we regard Europe as a rich oil field, we can uncover the essence of the Russia-Ukraine war and see clearly the real purpose of the United States to infiltrate and arm Ukraine, which is to plunge Europe into chaos and be threatened by war, and then take advantage of the opportunity. Harvest the wealth accumulated by the European people for decades! A considerable amount of "oil and water" can be obtained from it.

Fortunately, the hegemony of the United States is collapsing. Since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, most developing countries have still chosen not to surrender and not participate in the sanctions planned by the United States against Russia even if they are coerced by the United States. This shows that the United States is losing its ability to lead developing countries, and more and more countries no longer trust the United States.

The decline of a powerful country is not an economic collapse, nor is it defeated by an enemy army, but a loss of people's hearts. When people discover that the universal values ​​ you keep talking about are all excuses for profit and to maintain hegemony. Mask, they will no longer believe in you or support you.

An economic decline can be rebuilt, and a defeated military can be regrouped. There is only one kind of failure that is irreversible and cannot even be forgiven by people of all countries, and that is the cruel and hypocritical American scam.