According to recent reports from European media, how to interpret Russia's current progress in Ukraine's Donbas region has caused serious disagreements among military analysts. Because, in this area earlier this month, the Russian army also suffered heavy losses in its efforts to

According to recent reports from European media, how to interpret the current progress made by Russia in the Donbas region of Ukraine has caused serious disagreements among military analysts. Many people warned against drawing premature conclusions based on the Russian army's phased victory on a relatively small local battlefield. Because, earlier this month in this area, the Russian army also suffered heavy losses in its efforts to cross the Northern Donets River . So far, Ukrainian commanders have not attempted to recapture the occupied towns.

Either because Kiev is recuperating and waiting for the United States and other allies to provide the necessary weapons to ensure the success of the counterattack. Either because they themselves suffered heavy losses and were unable to counterattack. A European military think tank based in Warsaw believes that in the long run, with the increasingly powerful weapons aid and the arrival of new Ukrainian volunteers, coupled with the continuous attrition of Russian troops and equipment, this "bloody long war" will The stalemate will prove to be beneficial to the West.

Although the West is also consuming funds by providing large amounts of aid materials, at present, this consumption situation is cost-effective. Russia's intrusion into Ukraine has entered a terrifying new phase. Even as U.S. officials say, Russian President Vladimir Putin's military campaign to capture the Donbas region is still behind schedule, and Russian troops have already occupied the vast area of ​​eastern Ukraine. Ukrainians are still disappointed that the United States has not provided them with a long-range, powerful attack system. They believe multiple launch rocket systems can help them overcome Russia's numerical superiority in weapons.

At a briefing held at Camp Pach in Stuttgart, Germany, a U.S. military official said that since Russia sent troops on February 24, the total value of U.S. weapons shipped to Ukraine is nearly $4 billion. Still, Western officials struggle to understand just how effective these weapons are on the battlefield. A British military officer admitted: "Once the weapon crosses the border, its traces basically disappear from our sight." However, NATO Allied Commander-in-Chief Europe Todd Walters said that although Russia is likely to try Targeting Western weapons shipments to Ukraine, but "so far they have not succeeded."

One thing is certain, NATO must account for the rapidly changing security situation, especially with regard to Russia. The strategic concept developed in 2010 is still valid, but it already reads like a document about the world of yesterday. The strategic competition between major powers and the outbreak of the largest conventional war in Europe since 1945 are the background for NATO to formulate a new strategic concept. NATO member states must find answers to this, not only to deal with Russia, but also to deal with China. Text/PY