Recently, my spare time has been basically occupied by "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves". As soon as the third performance was broadcast, I finished watching it as soon as possible. Although I already knew that Meng Jia would be eliminated in this episode, but It was quite sad t

Recently, my spare time has been basically occupied by "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves". As soon as the third performance was broadcast, I finished watching it as soon as possible, although I already knew that Meng Jia would be eliminated in this episode, But it was quite sad to see her really leaving, and many viewers expressed their sadness! Today I will analyze with you why the most powerful sister Meng Jia in "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" was eliminated so early in her third performance. Is Meng Jia really being discussed by Hunan TV station as said on the Internet? Is it really a bad thing for her to leave so early?

1: Why was Meng Jia’s score so low in the third performance?

I think there are two main reasons. The most important reason is that there is a time difference between the broadcasts of the program. In fact, if we take a closer look, the recording time of the third performance took place before June 24th. It is not difficult to find out. Some netizens have already posted the recording of Sangong on the Internet on June 24, so the first episode of the show will be broadcast on June 12, which means that Sangong went to the scene to vote for the sisters. In fact, the waves had only watched two episodes of the show at most before that, and their understanding of the sisters was only based on the content of those two episodes.

The previous two episodes were basically about the sisters preparing for the show. Public rehearsals, as well as some training situations. In those two programs, there were three groups that were given more shots, including Airebadi, Orchid Grass, and Pushing the Door to the World, because these three groups The level of the sisters in the group is relatively uneven, and there are some sisters who have strong opinions. As a result, the progress of these three groups is not very smooth, so there are more topics and controversies in the broadcast, which leads to more scenes for them. , in comparison, the seven people in the big-name and wide-faced group are too harmonious and have very high standards, so they are given very few shots.

What’s more, there are seven of them, even if they are given a shot of Meng There are very few shots of Meng Jia, which explains why the audience who went to watch the scene when San Gong was recording did not know much about Meng Jia, so they gave her a relatively low score. In fact, I also passed it myself. Only after watching the show did I realize that the big-name wide noodles are so amazing, and then after watching the later shows, I discovered through Meng Jia as the leader that she is actually a very good and strong person, but before that I didn’t know Knowing that Meng Jia is so good, I believe that many of the waves who went to Sangong to record at that time were like me. Before that, they didn’t know Meng Jia and Wang Feifei at all.

Or even if they knew Meng Jia, even if they knew Missa, it would be difficult for them to instantly change their minds. I connected my understanding of Missa with my personal understanding and love for Meng Jia, because after all, Missa is a group, and compared with Meng Jia, other sisters had made their debut in the entertainment industry under their own names before that, and many of them They are all actors, and they occupy the screen for a longer time, so they will naturally leave a deeper impression on the audience, but this is not the case with Meng Jia. This explains why Meng Jia was relatively popular in the first two episodes of the show. Low, she was only ranked fifteenth in the first episode, and her popularity was at the bottom when the second episode was aired.

She herself expressed several times on the show that she was worried that her popularity would be low, and her score would be very low. Low, so I just want to say to Meng Jia that the low popularity and low score at that time were actually temporary, just because the audience had not been able to understand her yet. Meng Jia's efforts and outstanding audience were obvious to all, so many netizens expressed their expectations Meng Jia returns in the resurrection match

The second reason why Meng Jia will be eliminated in Sangong is because he was tricked by Hunan TV as said on the Internet? I personally don’t think so. The main reason why people think so is because Meng Jia had already made it clear that she didn’t want to be the leader during the three public leader elections, but the program team and Huang Xiaoming still tried their best to persuade her. In the end, Meng Jia had no choice but not to take over as leader. However, the program team actually knew in advance that Meng Jia's score ranking was at the bottom when she was the second male. Then when the third male was, the leder would decide who would choose the track first based on the popularity ranking. Meng Jia was destined to only choose other songs that her sister did not want. Song, this means that the stronger sisters will not join her team, so in this case, the team members who enter her group are the sisters who cannot go to other groups and are relatively weak.

Sangong also arranged a personal SOIO battle, which means that only Meng Jia can represent her team in the SOIO battle. However, during the SOIO battle, the audience will be asked to rate based on popularity. It feels like it is destined. Meng Jia will be eliminated in the end, so I think Mango Channel most likely knew that such a thing would happen, and even arranged the script in advance, waiting for such a situation to happen, then they did this really to make Meng Jia permanent Being eliminated? In fact, it is not the case. The main reason is because they have a resurrection match. All in all, Meng Jia's elimination made many viewers in front of the screen feel very sad. I hope she can return to the team perfectly in the resurrection match. Do you like Meng Jia as a sister? This article was originally written by Xiyanliao Film and Television. Plagiarism will be investigated!