The tsunami in Indonesia may have been caused by a volcanic eruption and caused certain casualties. This is the preliminary conclusion of the scientific community. According to scientific data, the eruption time of the Wantan mud volcano in Pingtung, Taiwan was at 8 a.m. on the 2

Author: Text/Deng Xingju

Are there really too many volcanic eruptions these days? According to scientific reports, Indonesia this tsunami may have been caused by a volcanic eruption and caused certain casualties. This is the preliminary conclusion of the scientific community. However, in addition to the volcanic eruption in Indonesia, there is also an eruption of a volcano around the world. According to Taiwan's "Central News Agency" report, the mud volcano located in Wandan, Pingtung, Taiwan, erupted. Although it was a mud volcano, the impact was still there.

Let’s first take a look at what a mud volcano is. According to scientific records, mud volcanoes simply mean volcanoes made of mud. The difference from volcanoes commonly known as volcanoes is that there are no magma channels, so this is their biggest difference. Mud volcanoes also have common volcanic phenomena. They not only look like volcanoes, but also have There is also a phenomenon of eruption and fire at the spout. So this can be considered a type of volcano. In Xinjiang, my country, there is also a Wusu mud volcano, so this kind of volcano is considered common. Obviously, it is still far different from the usual volcano data.

According to scientific data, the eruption time of the Wantan Mud Volcano in Pingtung, Taiwan was at 8 a.m. on the 24th. Since this volcano erupts 1 to 3 times a year, this is considered a common thing, but it will also cause some problems. It has had a certain impact on nearby areas. According to reports, the eruption of the Bandan mud volcano caused damage to roads and nearby corn fields. As of about 2 p.m., the eruption was still continuing. So there has been no interruption.

According to scientific data records, there is only one hole for the mud volcano to erupt this time (that is, only one eruption vent has been discovered). The highest number of eruptions was five, so the impact of active "mud volcanoes" is still there. Compared with ordinary volcanic eruptions, the impact is much smaller, so just pay attention to defense. The eruption height of a mud volcano is not too high, so it is as simple as "underground bubbling". For volcanoes, predictions can generally be made in the scientific community, but sudden ones are difficult to do.

Scientists' predictions of volcanoes are basically based on the " volcanic earthquake " phenomenon before the eruption. Therefore, whenever an earthquake is detected in a volcanic area, early warning information will be issued. Indonesia has actually issued a volcanic eruption early warning this time. , but it seems that no tsunami warning was issued, so we are unprepared. There are many volcanoes in the world, and the disasters caused by volcanoes are also very strong. Generally, a large eruption will bring about local climate changes, so volcanoes are also global natural disasters. The most serious one. Thank you everyone for reading!