China has a history and culture of more than 5,000 years, and there are many antiques and antiques that have survived. They are particularly valuable because they have accumulated the flavor of history and the stories of that time.

The uncle held the " Peach Wood Sword " to appraise the treasure and said he found it when he moved his ancestral grave. Experts: Bury it back!

China has a history and culture of more than 5,000 years, and there are many ancient relics and antiques that have survived among them. They are particularly valuable because they have accumulated the flavor of history and carry the stories of that time. Nowadays, people's lives are becoming more and more developed. After meeting their basic material needs, people begin to turn to spiritual enjoyment, so many people invest in the collection industry. Collecting antiques is no longer the exclusive preserve of collectors, but more common people. Some of them were bought from antique markets or from other people's hands, and some were passed down from generations to generations.

However, because many people have a playful mentality or do not know much about antiques, they are easily deceived. Therefore, there is an industry of treasure appraisers, who are responsible for helping people identify the authenticity of treasures. With the development of Internet technology, some treasure appraisal programs have emerged. Through treasure appraisal, it conveys some common sense about treasure appraisal to the audience, and helps the treasure holder to identify the authenticity of the treasure and estimate its value.

An uncle came to this episode of the treasure appraisal program. He came to the scene holding a "peach wood sword". The sword looks a lot like the swords used by Taoist priests seen in Hong Kong zombie movies. According to the uncle, he had this sword when he was relocating his ancestral grave at home. He discovered this sword because of the groundbreaking. At that time, he felt that this sword seemed not simple, so he kept it and brought it to the scene this time to think about it. Ask an expert to identify it.

However, when he said that this sword was dug up when moving the ancestral grave, the audience began to talk about it. After all, this behavior is very common. The expert also said to the uncle very seriously, "Whether this is an antique or not, we should respect our ancestors. You must bury this sword quickly when you go back, otherwise it will be bad if you disturb the ancestors." "After hearing this, uncle

was a little scared, so he agreed repeatedly, saying that he just wanted to see if the sword was a treasure, and had no intention of keeping it as his own. The expert nodded, approving his behavior. Then I started to identify the sword, and finally came to the conclusion that it should be an ordinary peach wood sword from the Republic of China period. In order to be a good sign of auspiciousness, I once again advised the uncle to make sure to use the "peach wood sword" when he goes back. The sword "returned to its original position. The uncle smiled awkwardly, agreed immediately, and realized his mistake.

It seems that this uncle is also a sensible person. After all, it is best not to hold things like this dug out of ancestral graves in your own hands. It is not because of superstition, but because it has been buried for a long time with the person who died. It is inevitable that some items will be contaminated with some cold atmosphere, which is also extremely bad for people's health. What's more, this will offend our ancestors and show disrespect to them. No matter how valuable this treasure is, we must always maintain a heart of awe. What do you think of this matter?