New Taipei City Mayor Hou Youyi, who is a Kuomintang citizen, was beaten by the green camp for two months because Enen, a 2-year-old boy from Zhonghe District, was delayed in getting him to the hospital after being infected with COVID-19 in mid-April. Green Camp’s “high-standard

Hou Youyi, mayor of the Chinese Kuomintang New Taipei , was beaten by the green camp for two months because a 22-year-old boy "En En" from Zhonghe District html was delayed in getting to the hospital because he was infected with COVID-19 in mid-April. Green Camp’s “high-standard treatment” of him is not only for the New Taipei City mayoral election at the end of the year, but also for preparations for 2024. Although Hou Youyi has a strong foundation, and the Green Camp's excessive operations have caused resentment, and the marginal effect of beating Hou is diminishing , Hou is helpless in dealing with the violent bombardment of the Green Camp, which will be a hidden worry for him to advance to a higher level in the future.

According to the Hong Kong China Review Network, 2-year-old Enen died unfortunately on April 14. The entire Green Camp team made a rare effort to assist Enen’s father in finding out the truth behind “calling for help and waiting 81 minutes for the ambulance to arrive.” This wave of epidemic in Taiwan has so far killed more than 5,000 people. There is a sad story behind every case. The Green Camp only singled out the En En incident for hype. Enen's father also became a victim of the beating, and netizens continued to condemn him. The hospital was less than 5 minutes' walk from home, and the child was in a coma. Why didn't he rush to the emergency room himself? From mid-April to now, pro-Green TV talk shows have talked about the En En case almost every day, endlessly, trying to brand Hou Youyi as a cold-blooded, bureaucratic murderer.

 Looking at the New Taipei City Government's handling of the En En case, it is not ideal from both an administrative and political perspective. The administrative side was delayed at first, and was suspected of covering up the truth. Only after the communication recording file was exposed, the green camp was bombarded again. What deserves more attention is Hou Youyi's political handling. It was only after 11 audio recordings were exposed that he publicly apologized at the New Taipei City epidemic press conference and promised that "there will be no exceptions for the relevant responsibilities, including myself." Hou Youyi is a police officer and once served as "Police Commissioner". His strengths are courage and efficiency, and he has won high public support. Wu Zijia, chairman of "Beautiful Island Electronic News", recently announced the latest poll of support for the 2024 general election. Lai Qingde won the championship with 41.5%, New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi ranked second with 28%, and Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe was third with 19.6% support. This poll shows that the En En case did not seriously hurt Hou Youyi.

However, the En'en case reveals several political weaknesses of Hou Youyi. First, Hou has always followed the "non-stick" route as the mayor of New Taipei City over the years. He does not touch party affairs, rarely participates in intra-party activities, and does not Gangs. His relationship with Ke Wenzhe seems to be much better than with the Kuomintang people, and he also had a good relationship with the Green Camp in the past. Hou's "lonely bird personality" has good and bad qualities. The advantage is that he is less involved in right and wrong. The disadvantage is that you can't find friends who are willing to help you when something goes wrong. Taking this En En incident as an example, Hou and Lvying are considered friendly, and they will deal with each other if there is any problem. The Green Army fought for more than two months, and the Kuomintang's support firepower was very weak. Of course, this was related to the fact that the Kuomintang was already weak, but when the Kuomintang seemed to be staying out of the fight, it was very dangerous. From the perspective of the "general election", the offense and defense of the En En case is just a side dish, and Hou Ruoxuan 2024 will definitely be a tougher battle.

Second, Hou Youyi’s political style is soft. Hou Youyi, a former police commissioner, only has electoral experience as the mayor of New Taipei City. Although Ko Wenzhe also first experienced politics as the mayor of Taipei, their styles are very different. Although Hou Youyi is known as a "tough man", his tone is very soft when it is necessary to face tough situations in response to political attacks and defenses. The New Taipei City Government was at fault in the En En case, and it involved human lives. However, the green camp's overwhelming campaign for more than two months did not comply with the principle of proportion. The Green Camp would dig deep into the soil by doing this, unlike Ke Wenzhe who would retaliate and put pressure on the Green Camp to criticize Ke. As the outside world points out, Enen's home is obviously a 5-minute walk from the hospital. If Hou pointed it out, it would also allow the public to better understand the case.

Third, Hou Youyi’s team is weak. The Democratic Progressive Party is the first in Taiwan's election campaign, and the People's Party has recently increased its firepower. In addition to Ko Wenzhe himself, its spokespersons have also become more and more powerful. For example, the Mainland Affairs Council criticized Ke's remarks about the Jinxia Bridge as "ignorant and ridiculous, calling a deer a horse." The spokesperson of the Taipei City Government immediately strongly criticized that the Mainland Affairs Council has been reduced to a "useless appendix". The Ke Jiajun's unlimited verbal warfare power made the Green Camp a little wary of fighting Ke. In comparison, the Hou Jiajun was far behind. Not to mention the energy to start a war, even the political operation energy was quite weak, so they were forced to fight for two months.Recently, several staff members of Hou Youyi's team have switched to the team of KMT Taipei mayoral candidate and "Blue Committee" Chiang Wanan. Some people are guessing that Hou will not run at the end of the year? There are also people making other speculations. In short, if Hou wants to go to the next level, he must first build his own fighting team before he can do bigger things.

The weaknesses Hou Youyi exposed in the En En case are just the tip of the iceberg.

In response to the En En case, Hou Youyi became the target of the Green Camp attack. In an interview with China Review News, Huang Fuyuan, dean of the School of Social Sciences at Taiwan Ming Chuan University, said that Taiwanese society is basically harmonious and inclusive. However, whenever politics is involved, interactions between people immediately turn into fierce conflicts and even incompatible situations.

He believes that the results of the people’s efforts over the years should be cherished and differences should be resolved with wisdom and understanding. In particular, politicians at the upper levels should not use elections to build momentum and intensify opposition; because if the upper levels stir up emotions, the people at the bottom will also be deeply affected, and their ordinary lives will be infinitely involved in political struggles. For Taiwanese society, Definitely an unfortunate thing.

Huang Fuyuan said that Taiwanese society is highly saturated with politics. As long as everyone talks about politics, almost everyone has their own opinions. It is a good thing for people to care about politics, but it is not a good thing to "do everything for politics and nothing else except politics." Phenomenon. There is a very popular term in Taiwan in recent years called: "picking up a gun", which means that a certain political group or figure has caught the opponent party or political opponent, and can use this incident to exaggerate and maim them. Or a political opponent is seriously injured. At this time, the person who picked up the gun will continue to stir up the incident without limit, so that the political opponent will never be able to gain a foothold in the political arena.

He called on politicians to put people's livelihood first when conducting political affairs for the sake of Taiwanese society, and not to exhaust government agencies and make society pay the price of division. The people should also calmly face social incidents, let the administration return to the right track, hold accountable, correct, and review Only through improvement can bad politics and characters be restrained, the government can progress, and politics can be clear. (Xue Yang/Editor)