Scratch the "Chinese Dragon" ticket to celebrate the motherland's birthday丨A total of 11.2125 million yuan of free tickets were distributed in 28 days.

Celebrating with the country, the whole people rejoice, this National Day holiday, the patriotic-themed ' scratch ' will be billed to help you confess your love to the motherland! The 'Chinese Dragon' theme series launched to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China is based on the color of Chinese red and is matched with yellow, which just echoes the red and yellow of the national flag. Soaring to the sky, the momentum is like a rainbow.

In order to give back to the lottery players, since September 1, the Guangdong Welfare Lottery Issuance Center has generously carried out the ' Welfare Lottery Scratch 20 Million Free Tickets' Thanksgiving and Feedback Activity, setting off a wave of instant ticket purchases and sales. According to statistics, as of yesterday (28th), a total of 18,562 'Scratch Le' instant tickets that meet the conditions for gift-giving tickets participated in the registration of gift-giving tickets, and a total of 11,212,500 yuan of instant 'Chinese Dragon' series tickets (including 14,699 tickets for the 500-yuan prize) were sent out. , 7,349,500 yuan, 3,863 pieces of 1,000 yuan prize, 3,863,000 yuan). On average, 662 free tickets were registered every day, and more than 400,000 yuan of free tickets were sent.

During the event from September 1st to September 28th, the top 5 cities with the most free tickets are: Dongguan A total of 5,039 winning lottery tickets have been registered, and the amount of free tickets is 3.079 million RMB 4,508 in Guangzhou, RMB 2,811,500; Foshan, 1,943, worth 1,153,500; Huizhou, 1,164, worth 686,000; Zhuhai, 1,004, worth 600,500.

On the number of registered tickets for the site, the fixed sales booth of Beijing Road at No. 44018101, Guangzhou ranked first in the province, with a total of 619 free tickets registered, with an amount of 421,500 yuan. Mr. Guo, the owner of the station, expressed his excitement beyond words: 'We have an average of 150 million yuan in winning lottery tickets registered for free tickets a day. ' And Ms. Liang, the salesperson, witnessed the lottery players exchanging free tickets almost every day: 'At our site, there is a lot of traffic and many regular customers; from the point of view of ticket types,'Heavenly Falls from the Sky', 'Good Luck Million', and 'Chinese Dragon' have the most free tickets, and some are bought in packages or even boxes. During the Mid-autumn Festival holiday, a female customer bought two packs of 50 'Chinese Dragon' tickets, and one of them had a face value of 20 yuan and won the first prize of 1 million yuan. '

500 yuan or 1000 yuan prize level

get the same amount of 'Chinese Dragon' free ticket

According to the regulations of the event, any purchase of Guangdong (excluding Shenzhen) 'Scratch ' will be billed (all tickets participate in Activity) Winners who have won 500 yuan or 1,000 yuan in a single lottery ticket and redeemed the prize after September 1, 2019 (including the day) will receive the same 'Chinese Dragon' theme series as the winning lottery prize. Invoicing, the event will be held until the total invoicing amount of the donated 'Chinese Dragon' series reaches 19 million yuan (1 million yuan is reserved as a reserve fund for the free ticket redemption between the announcement of the end of the event and the deadline for free ticket collection) ). The Provincial Welfare Lottery Center will announce the end of this event to the society, and the deadline for collecting the free tickets is before 20:00 the day after the announcement event ends.

Two-step redemption registration

Free tickets are easy to get

During the event, lottery players who meet the conditions for free tickets, after completing the 'Scratch Lottery' lottery redemption, follow the 'Guangdong Welfare Lottery' WeChat public account and enter 'Service Center' function menu, select 'Activity QR Code' and show the QR code to the sales site staff. After the sales site staff use the terminal to scan the 'Activity QR code' and successfully register the information, the sales site will Giveaway tickets to winners.

What needs to be reminded is that the winners who meet the conditions for the free ticket must go to any welfare lottery sales site in the province (excluding Shenzhen) to exchange the free ticket before the deadline for receiving the free ticket. . The final interpretation right of this event belongs to Guangdong Welfare Lottery Issuance Center.

Descendants of the Dragon Scrape the Dragon Ticket

The highest prize is 1 million yuan

'Chinese Dragon' is a festive theme and a beautiful ticket.A set of three models is divided into three face values: 5 yuan, 10 yuan, and 20 yuan. There are 6, 15, and 30 winning chances respectively. The highest prizes are 1 million yuan, 400,000 yuan, and 100,000 yuan respectively.

'Chinese Dragon' is a simple method of billing:

scratch off the cover, if any 'my number' is the same as the 'winning number', you can get the corresponding bonus below the 'my number';

If you scratch out the '

' symbol (5 yuan, 10 yuan face value ticket), you can get the corresponding bonus below the icon, and you can get both the winning bonus;

If you scratch out'

' icon (20 yuan face value ticket), you can get the sum of all the bonuses in the play area.

▲ Front view of China Dragon 20 yuan lottery

▲ China Dragon 20 yuan lottery scratch off diagram

▲ China Dragon 10 yuan lottery front view

▲ Chinese dragon 10 yuan lottery lottery scratch-off diagram

▲ China 5 yuan lottery lottery front diagram

▲ China 5 yuan lottery scratch-off diagram
