Just as Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun suddenly "recruited" Zhang Shanzheng to run for Taoyuan mayor without primary primaries within the party, causing constant discord within the party and grassroots people threatening to boycott, the day before yesterday, the Kuomintang held a

2024/07/0314:39:32 hotcomm 1982

When KMT Chairman Zhu Lilun launched a surprise “recruitment” Zhang Shanzheng to run for mayor of Taoyuan without primary primaries within the party, causing constant discord within the party and grassroots people threatening to boycott, the day before yesterday (May 25) The Kuomintang held a regular meeting. At the meeting, Zhu Lilun suddenly announced that Jiang Wanan, Xie Guoliang, and Xu Shuhua were "recruited" to represent the Kuomintang in running for Taipei mayor, Keelung mayor, and Nantou County magistrate respectively. He held the hands of the three people and shouted "Frozen Garlic" (elected) was "passed" by applause, which made people feel a little unprepared and confused.

Just as Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun suddenly

As the most popular Taipei mayor candidate within the KMT, Chiang Wanan was finally nominated by the KMT Central Committee and entered the year-end election campaign.

In fact, from the late Qing Dynasty, the Japanese colonization, and after Taiwan was restored, Taipei has always been the political center of Taiwan. It is known as the "best district". Lee Teng-hui, Chen Shui-bian, and Ma Ying-jeou were all subsequently elected as leaders of Taiwan. Therefore, the post of mayor of Taipei is regarded as the shortcut to becoming Taiwan's top leader.

Just as Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun suddenly

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun (middle) holds hands with Jiang Wanan (second from right), Xu Shuhua (first from right), and Xie Guoliang (second from left), recruiting three people to participate in the year-end general election on behalf of the Kuomintang.

From 1972 to 1994, the mayor of Taipei was always in the hands of the Kuomintang. Although Chen Shui-bian of the Democratic Progressive Party defeated Huang Dazhou of the Kuomintang in 1994, interrupting the Kuomintang's record of winning the mayoral election in Taipei, the Kuomintang then made a comeback in 1998 with a fresh and good image. Ma Ying-jeou went into battle and won. Later, Hao Longbin successfully took over and the Kuomintang regained a foothold in Taipei City. However, affected by the "Sunflower Movement" against the " Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services" in 2014, the Kuomintang suffered a huge setback in the "nine-in-one" local elections that year. The number of counties and cities in power shrank from 4 to 11 counties and cities. For 1 city and 5 counties , he also lost the Taipei mayoral election to the non-party doctor Ke Wenzhe who was supported by the Green Camp.

In the 2018 "nine-in-one" election , Ko Wenzhe, who has the advantage of being in power, sought re-election. The Kuomintang sent legislator Ding Shouzhong, who has been working in Taipei City for more than 20 years and has a strong public opinion foundation, to face off against him. Unfortunately, he still lost by 3567 votes. In this "nine-in-one" election, the Kuomintang wants to "take back" Taipei City with Chiang Wanan, the fourth generation of the Chiang family and a legislator with six years of experience. It is generally believed that he is a sure shot and has few opponents, but in fact there are many hidden variables.

First of all, there is the issue of Jiang Wanan’s family background. Jiang Wanan's father, Jiang Xiaoyan, was born to Jiang Jingguo and Zhang Yaruo when they were unmarried. According to ancient times, he was a "concubine", so he was not welcomed by the direct descendants of the Jiang family for a long time. Moreover, in recent years, some people have verified that the Zhaomu (surname) of the Jiang family in Fenghua, Zhejiang, is " Qi Si Zhao Zhou Guo , filial friends have become a chapter. Xiu Ming Qi Xian Da, Yi Shi Qing Jichang ". The father of Chiang Kai-shek Jiang Zhaocong is of the "Zhao" generation. Chiang Kai-shek's name is "Zhou Tai", which belongs to the "Zhou" generation; his son Chiang Ching-kuo is of the "国" generation; Chiang Ching-kuo's son Jiang Xiaowen , Jiang Xiaowu , Jiang Xiaoyong , daughter Jiang Xiaozhang , are the generation with the word "filial piety".

Just as Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun suddenly

In the Chiang Kai-shek family lineage map, "Zhang Wanan" is Chiang Wanan, the current KMT legislator and Taipei mayoral candidate.

As for Chiang Ching-kuo's grandchildren are with the word "you". There are Jiang Youmei (daughter of Jiang Xiaowen), Jiang Yousong (son of Jiang Xiaowu), Jiang Youbai , Jiang Youchang, and Jiang Youqing (all three are Jiang Xiaoyong) Son), however Jiang Wanan does not belong to the "friend" generation . Huang Qinglong, a media person, quoted the records of "Chiang Ching-kuo's Diary" in 1954, saying that Zhang Yaruo gave birth to twin boys (Jiang Xiaoyan, Jiang Xiaoci), and their biological father was Wang Jichun, Chiang Ching-kuo's subordinate during the southern Jiangxi period, which made Jiang Wanan's life experience unclear. There was a layer of suspicion.

The second is the change in Taiwan’s historical evaluation of the two Chiang Kai-sheks and his sons in recent years.During the "Martial Law" period, the Kuomintang deified Chiang Kai-shek as "the savior of mankind, the great man of the world", "the beacon of freedom, and the Great Wall of the nation" (for details, see "President Chiang Kai-shek's Memorial Song"); in recent years, the Democratic Progressive Party has deliberately promoted the so-called " Under the trend of "Transformational Justice", the objective evaluation of this historical figure has long been lost, and he was immediately labeled as "the culprit of 228" and the "executioner of the White Terror"; for Chiang Ching-kuo, although in the past, he was awarded "among all previous Taiwan leaders" He was highly regarded as the "most beloved person", but now he is also smeared as the "secret chief" who abuses human rights. Blue-camp voters are angry and helpless at the above statement. The recent "transfer promotion" led by the Green Camp is to transform the "Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall" into the "Taiwan Construction Memorial Hall". As the fourth generation of the Chiang family, Jiang Wanan did not actively protect the reputation of his great-grandfather and grandfather. He only said, "Let's Full communication and rational dialogue in Taiwanese society” . Such a passive, negative, and muddled attitude also made Taipei City’s blue-camp voters quite disappointed with him.

Just as Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun suddenly

In a telephone poll released by "CNEWS Convergence News Network" on May 20, Jiang Wanan's support was ahead of Chen Shizhong and Huang Shanshan, but the gap was not large.

Finally, we talked about election polls that are highly relevant to the election campaign. Many people believe that after more than 30 years of management by the Kuomintang, even with the eight years of Ko Wenzhe's rule in recent years, Taipei City's political landscape is still "blue than green." Not surprisingly, Chiang Wanan can be elected in Taipei City by "laying down and voting" . As everyone knows, the election poll released by "CNEWS Convergence News Network" shows that Jiang Wanan's support is 31.9%, Epidemic Command Center Commander Chen Shizhong 26.2%, Taipei City Vice Mayor Huang Shanshan 24.8%, and 17.1% are undecided. Although Jiang Wanan maintains the lead, he is only ahead of Chen Shizhong by 5% and Huang Shanshan by only 7%. The three of them are in a stalemate, which is not a big advantage.

Just as Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun suddenly

The online poll results released by "Apple Daily" on the evening of May 25th showed that Chen Shizhong's support is 10% ahead of Jiang Wanan.

According to the poll still in progress on May 26th by "NOWnews", Chen Shizhong's support is as high as 64.17%, while Jiang Wanan only has 24.09%. There is a 30% gap between the two sides. ; Looking at "Apple Daily", Chen Shizhong's support is as high as 64.17%, and Jiang Wanan only has 24.09%. Still ranked first, with 48.8% support; Jiang Wanan ranked second with 38.5%, with a gap of about 10% between the two parties. It can be seen that even if the blue camp has confirmed to recruit Jiang Wanan for the campaign in , Beijing City, , facing Chen Shizhong, who has not yet expressed his intention to run for the election and has not been recruited and nominated by the DPP, the chance of winning is not great, and he cannot sit back and relax in this election.

However, public opinion is flowing like water, and the above polls are only rigorous sampling polls by "Convergence News Network", and the rest are online polls that can be voted on repeatedly. There is a high possibility of supporters "filling votes." Whether Jiang Wanan can revive the long-dormant Kuomintang depends on his subsequent enrichment of political views and attack and defense of issues in the election campaign.

#Taiwan# #Chiang Wanan Mayor of Taipei# #Taiwan election wind direction changes#

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