The movie "Golden Brothers" is released, produced by Eric Tsang, directed by Qian Jiale, starring Ekin Cheng, Jordan Chan and others. It was shot at Taoyuan Shrine in Taiwan and is specially open to the media.

2024/07/0314:00:32 hotcomm 1346

Young and Dangerous is back! The original cast of "Young and Dangerous" teamed up to collaborate on new content and launched the movie "Golden Brothers", produced by Eric Tsang, directed by Ka-lok Chin, starring Ekin Cheng, Jordan Chan and others. It was shot today at the Taoyuan Shrine in Taiwan. Special Open media visited the group. About 30 dancers and bearers carried the sedan into the shrine. It was a grand scene, and there were brothers working together to sweat and play drums for the ceremony. The movie

Eric Tsang said the film is a romantic action film about men. It was previously shot in Hungary. Ekin Cheng broke his shoulder ligaments while filming an action scene, while Jordan Chan strained a muscle near his spine in Beijing. At one time, Eric Tsang was worried that it would affect his fertility. After Jordan Chan was injured, he kept the news from his wife Cai'er Ying . He didn't dare to tell Cai'er Ying until he went to the hospital. Fortunately, the two of them have fully recovered and their fertility has not been affected. The movie

Jordan Chan's son Jasper became famous after recording the Chinese reality program "Where Are We Going, Dad "? He was mentioned many times in the topic today. Will he have a role in the film? Jordan Chan first joked that he wanted to ask director Qian Jiale, but then said that participating in the variety show was just to give his children some summer activities, and he had no long-term plans for an acting career. Qian Jiale laughed and said that Jasper is too popular now and cannot afford to hire him. The movie

The film cost more than 200 million yuan. Jackie Chan , Eric Tsang, and Qiu Haokuan all have investments. It is expected to be filmed in Taiwan until the 4th and 5th of next month. Eric Tsang also joked that he chose to shoot in Taiwan to let Jordan Chan reminisce about his pre-marriage entertainment. Activity. The movie

Previously, the film went to Hungary, Montenegro, Japan and other places for filming, but all the details were kept secret; the plot describes the Lion King (Ekin Cheng), Huoshan (Jordan Chan), Calm (Qian Jiale), Mouse ( Lin Xiaofeng), Bill ( Michael Tse, five brothers who have been through life and death, under the leadership of their mentor Cao Sir (Eric Tsang), stole medicine to save African children. However, they were set up to steal gold by mistake, and fell into a dangerous situation where there was a hail of bullets. The movie

Producer Eric Tsang at the press conference

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