In the Japanese anime "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba", the "Twelve Demons" are the twelve strongest demons under the command of Demon Slayer. Because the strength gap between the Demons is huge, they are divided into six "Using" and "Six Demons". As a "lower moon", according to

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In the Japanese anime "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" "Twelve Ghost Moons" are the twelve strongest ghosts under Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan . Because the strength gap between Ghost Moon is huge, they are divided into six According to what Wuhan said, the strength of the first quarter moon can match the three "pillars", but when the last quarter moon fights against the pillars, it can only be crushed unilaterally. It can be seen from this that ordinary people The ghosts who become one of the waxing moons are extremely powerful individually.

In the Japanese anime

Nine Pillars

During the First Quarter Moon, Wu Mei will rank the First Quarter Ghost Moon based on the individual’s past performance and give numbers to them. Therefore, having a higher ranking number does not mean that they are stronger.

So, which of the six waxing moons is stronger and which one is weaker? Next, a clear analysis and ranking will be carried out.

No. 1: Heishimou (one of the first strings)

In the Japanese anime


Before turning into a ghost, Heishimou and Jiguoyuan were jointly known as the strongest swordsmen in mankind. After turning into ghosts, they became the strongest twelve demons. . In order to defeat his younger brother Yuan Yi, he turned into a ghost under Wu Kai's instigation, and then became the same camp as Wu Kai in a cooperative relationship. After Yuan Yi died, he continued to help Wu Kai track down and eliminate those related to the Breath of the Sun.

During the decisive battle in Infinite City, he used his breath of the moon combined with the blood ghost technique to fight against the pillars, and gained the upper hand in the wheel battle. Later, if he had not fallen into regret and self-blame, he would not have been eliminated by the pillars.

Second place: Tongmo (Part 2)

In the Japanese anime


Tongmo is a creature without "emotions" whether he is a human or after becoming a ghost. He will never stop his prey or enemies. Trick the opponent with all your strength and then kill them. With the "extremely cold" vampire technique, you can unknowingly cause necrosis of the opponent's organs.

is different from other ghosts. Tongmo has no ambition and does not want to stay in the world forever. His self-healing ability is weaker than that of ordinary ghosts, so if he is seriously damaged, he will completely collapse and dissipate.

Third place: Yiwozuo (the third string)

In the Japanese anime


Yiwozuo, who is proficient in martial arts, experienced a catastrophe in the human period, and was later forcibly turned into a ghost by Wu Ke and his memory was erased. Although he was One of the twelve ghost moons, but it does not strengthen itself by devouring humans, but strengthens itself through constant exercise.

Because Yiwozo is a master of hand-to-hand combat, it has extremely strong self-healing ability. It can be said that it is second only to the ghost moon. (Yi Wo Zuo is the only ghost among the ghost moon who "washes his hands and commits suicide")

The fourth place: Half-Tiangu (predecessor "Fourth of the Wind")

In the Japanese anime


Half-Tengu was a habitual thief when he was a human, and was caught He was later sentenced to execution. Before execution, he was given blood by Wuhan and turned into a "coward" with a prajna-like face.

Although the half-tengu after becoming a ghost has absolute strength, he is naturally timid and still maintains the posture of a weakling. Therefore, the main body is extremely fragile and easy to be killed. However, whenever the main body is forced into a desperate situation, the half-tengu will Various emotions will materialize and attack the enemy. Because different emotions have their own abilities, he is also the ghost with the most abilities.

As long as the main body is hidden and cannot be found by opponents, then he is an invincible existence in Ghost Moon.

The fifth place: Taro the prostitute & the fallen princess (predecessor "The Sixth Order of the First String")

In the Japanese anime

Taro the prostitute & the Sixth Fallen Princess

Although Taro the First String is held by two people, in fact there is only Taro the First String. Moreover, he is so strong that he can single-handedly challenge two pillars without any damage. Even if he faces the protagonist's group of four and two pillars, he can still have the upper hand and have the opportunity to completely destroy the protagonist's team. The reason why

was killed by the pillar in the end was purely because of the Fallen Princess.

No. 6: Naru-nu (the new "Fourth")

In the Japanese anime


Before the Half-Tengu was wiped out, Naru-nu had no clear level positioning and was only used as a space tool for Wuhan. Later, the Han-Tengu was wiped out. Naru Nu was then listed as the First Quarter Moon by Wuhan, and succeeded to the Fourth Quarter of the First Quarter Moon.

Among all the demon slayers, Narume is the only one who has no fighting ability, but her space control ability is the strongest among demon slayers, and she does not panic even if she fights two pillars alone. If he hadn't been attacked and controlled by Yushiro during the decisive battle, he wouldn't have been destroyed by Muzan himself.

The seventh place: Yuhu (the fifth string)

In the Japanese anime


Yuhu lived in a fishing village before becoming a ghost, so the blood ghost techniques he used after becoming a ghost are also related to aquatic creatures. Yuhu, who calls himself an artist, has always been immersed in his perverted artistic preferences.

Since his blood ghost technique comes from the "pot", once the pot body is destroyed, all the spells will be ineffective. Therefore, he is the ghost with the most obvious weakness among all the ghosts online, and is also the ghost that is easiest to kill, but it cannot be What is negative is that his vampire skills are indeed extremely powerful. If Ichiro had not awakened the mark, he might have been made into a work of art by Yuhu instead of him killing Yuhu.

Eighth place: Yue Yue (the new "Sixth of the Wind")

In the Japanese anime

Yue Yue

Before he became a ghost, he came from the same school as Master Zenyi. His master once placed high hopes on becoming a "Thunder Pillar", but he mastered the Breath of Thunder II. Yue Yue, who is in the sixth form, has never been able to master the one form, so he cannot become a thunder pillar.

After leaving the sect, Zhuo Yue encountered Black Death Mou and fought with him. Later, he chose to obey because he was defeated, and drank the opponent's blood and became a ghost. Because his strength was recognized, he succeeded him as Shang Xian Liu. Although he succeeded in becoming a ghost, he was not proficient in the use of blood ghost skills after becoming a ghost. Instead, he merged his blood ghost skills with the breath of thunder, and the pollution became "black thunder". Because

was killed by Zenitsu alone in the "Infinite City Decisive Battle", he is listed as the weakest ghost in the series.

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