I don’t know why netizens seem to have extremely high requirements for female artists. If a female artist is a little fatter on camera, her body will be blackened. Don’t people watch movies and TV shows for their acting skills and plots? But which show has the slimmer actress? Qi

2024/07/0312:21:32 hotcomm 1962

I don’t know why netizens seem to have extremely high requirements for female artists. If a female artist is a little fatter on camera, her body will be blackened. Don’t people watch movies and TV shows for their acting skills and plots? But which show has the slimmer actress? Qin Lan have put it bluntly. Those female celebrities who look slim and slender on camera all look frighteningly thin in private. Therefore, netizens, you should be kind and stop asking female celebrities to lose weight.

I don’t know why netizens seem to have extremely high requirements for female artists. If a female artist is a little fatter on camera, her body will be blackened. Don’t people watch movies and TV shows for their acting skills and plots? But which show has the slimmer actress? Qi - DayDayNews

Speaking of female artists who are often complained about because of their clothes and figure, Guan Xiaotong must have a name here, because she is tall and has a big frame. As long as she wears inappropriate clothes, she will easily appear fat, and then netizens will discuss it. There are many discussions. Guan Xiaotong herself was also puzzled by this: When I look in the mirror or in life, everyone says I am thin, but why am I so fat when I appear on camera?

I don’t know why netizens seem to have extremely high requirements for female artists. If a female artist is a little fatter on camera, her body will be blackened. Don’t people watch movies and TV shows for their acting skills and plots? But which show has the slimmer actress? Qi - DayDayNews

Netizens exposed photos of Guan Xiaotong in a certain infield. After seeing the pictures, netizens said: Guan Xiaotong’s figure is not good? I mean lemon juice! Speaking of Guan Xiaotong, one of the four post-95 actresses, people are still familiar with her to a certain extent. After all, the title of "National Daughter" is not for nothing. This title not only means that she always plays the role of a daughter, but also because Guan Xiaotong's nationality is very high.

I don’t know why netizens seem to have extremely high requirements for female artists. If a female artist is a little fatter on camera, her body will be blackened. Don’t people watch movies and TV shows for their acting skills and plots? But which show has the slimmer actress? Qi - DayDayNews

The lens is really not friendly to a girl like Guan Xiaotong who is born with a big frame. As long as she has the wrong shape, she will look extremely round when she is photographed. However, according to passersby who met Guan Xiaotong by chance, Guan Xiaotong is really slim.

I don’t know why netizens seem to have extremely high requirements for female artists. If a female artist is a little fatter on camera, her body will be blackened. Don’t people watch movies and TV shows for their acting skills and plots? But which show has the slimmer actress? Qi - DayDayNews

As can be seen from this set of exposed pictures: Guan Xiaotong wears exquisite makeup and wears a flesh-colored low-cut V-neck gauze dress. Her curvy figure is fully exposed. Her slender arms, delicate collarbones and slender waist are fully displayed. When she came out, she felt that Guan Xiaotong's waist was extremely thin, and her waist and measurements were simply out of proportion. Netizens said: Guan Xiaotong's figure is really impressive, a rare beauty in her prime!

I don’t know why netizens seem to have extremely high requirements for female artists. If a female artist is a little fatter on camera, her body will be blackened. Don’t people watch movies and TV shows for their acting skills and plots? But which show has the slimmer actress? Qi - DayDayNews

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