STARSHIP Entertainment, Cosmic Girls' agency, released comeback photos on the 3rd and announced their comeback with "WJPLEASE" on the 19th. Officials stated that Meiqi and Xuanyi will not be returning as Rocket Girls. Cheng Xiao will also be absent from the group's return due to

2024/07/0219:37:33 hotcomm 1867

Cosmic Girls 's company STARSHIP Entertainment released their comeback photos on the 3rd and announced their comeback with "WJ PLEASE" on the 19th. The currently scheduled title song will be "Please". This is their return after 7 months since "Infinite Dreams" in February. Officials stated that Meiqi and Xuanyi were absent from the Rocket Girls event and Cheng Xiao would also be absent from the group's return due to their scheduled schedule. However, Cheng Xiao also appeared in a variety show, which caused controversy.

STARSHIP Entertainment, Cosmic Girls' agency, released comeback photos on the 3rd and announced their comeback with

걸그룹 우주소녀의 성소가 19일로 예정된 컴백 활동에서 빠진다. 하지만 예능에는 출연 한다.

girl group Cosmic Girls Cheng Xiao will be absent from the group’s expected comeback activities. But he appeared in variety shows.

우주소녀의소속사스타쉽엔터테인먼트는3일커밍순이미지를통해오는19일'WJ PLEASE'로의컴백 을알렸다. 타이틀곡은'부탁해'로예정되어있다. 만의컴백이다.

STARSHIP Entertainment, the agency of Cosmic Girls, released their comeback photos on the 3rd and announced their comeback with "WJ PLEASE" on the 19th. The currently scheduled title song will be "Please". This is their return after 7 months since "Infinite Dreams" in February.

하지만스타쉽측은공식입장을통해"미기와선의는화전소녀활동으로, 성소는미리예정된중 국스케줄로이번앨범활동에참여할수없게됐다"고밝혔다.

However, STARSHIP stated through the official position that "because of Miqi and Xuanyi As a Rocket Girls event, Cheng Xiao was unable to participate in this event due to her previously determined schedule in China."

우주소녀는중국인멤버3명(성소선의미기)과한국인멤버10명(엑시설아보나은서다영다원수 '창 조101 '화전소녀' 번컴백은한국인10명으로만진행하게됐다.

Cosmic Girls is composed of 3 Chinese members (Cheng Xiao, Xuanyi Meiqi) and A 13-member girl group composed of 10 Korean members (EXY, Seol A, Bo Na, Eun Hee, Da Young, Da Yong, Soo Bin, Summer, LUDA, and Yeon Jung). However, Xuanyi and Meiqi previously participated in the Chinese version of PRODUCE101 " creates 101" and debuted as a planned girl group "Rocket Girls". Cheng Xiao was also absent due to a trip to China. This return will be made with 10 Korean members.

STARSHIP Entertainment, Cosmic Girls' agency, released comeback photos on the 3rd and announced their comeback with

더욱눈길을끄는점은이번컴백에서제외된성소가라이프타임예능프로그램'파자마프렌즈 MC 4명의'호 캉스 (호텔에서즐기는바캉스)'를컨텐츠로하고있다.

What is even more striking is that in addition to this return, Cheng Xiao also starred in the lifetime variety show "Pajama Friends". What makes people feel incredible is that "Pajama Friends" is a program with the concept of "Hocance (enjoying a holiday in a hotel)" with four female MCs: Song Ji-hyo, , Jang Yoon-joo, -JOY, and Cheng Xiao.

'파자마프렌즈'는오는15일방송을시작, 우주소녀의컴백시기와정확히겹친다. 우주소녀팬 "Pajama Friends" will be released on 15th It started airing on , which obviously coincides with the return of Cosmic Girls. As a fan of Cosmic Girls, the most popular members who cannot be seen on stage can only be met through variety shows.

지난해가을부터올해4월까지성소가강도높은일정을소화했음은의문의여지가없다. 결국2차례큰실수 From last autumn to April this year, Cheng There is no doubt that Xiao has digested the high-intensity schedule. At that time, Cheng Xiao not only traveled back and forth between China and South Korea, but also competed in rhythmic gymnastics at the ‘Event Games’ during the New Year in February. In the end, they failed to win due to two big mistakes. This year's Mid-Autumn Festival Occasional Games will be played by member Xia Tian.

STARSHIP Entertainment, Cosmic Girls' agency, released comeback photos on the 3rd and announced their comeback with

멘토로출연한중국아이돌서바이벌'우상연습생'에서는졸고있던연습생에게"난3주동안내침대에누운적이없다. 우리팀은팀원이13명이라메이크업에4시간걸린다. 12시에귀가하서자고1시 대중들은가수가얼마나못잤는지모른다. 날려국내에서도큰화제가됐다.

starred in the Chinese idol survival show " Idol Producer " as a mentor. She once The sleepy trainee was given such a wake-up call, "I haven't slept in my bed for three weeks. It took 13 members of our group four hours to put on makeup. So every night I finish going back at 12 o'clock, and I go back at one o'clock in the morning." If you want to get up, the audience will only focus on the moment you are on stage, no one knows how long you have not slept." This also caused a huge topic in the country at the time.

국내에선좀처럼보여주지않았던엄격한멘토로서의모습외에도무시무시한아이돌의스케줄 을설명한점이높은관심을받은것. 3월10일에는자신의SNS에"피곤하다. 리를좀생각해달라" 는글을올렸다가삭제하는해프닝도있었다.

Because this is a strict mentor that is rare in the country, and it also explains the unusual schedule of idols, it has attracted great attention. On March 10, she also uploaded the text "I'm so tired. This is my first time. Please think about us" on her SNS and then deleted it.

html 이에따라우주소녀의그룹활동은한동안정지상태였다. 번 '부탁해' 컴백은7개월만에팬들과만날기회였다. 들의실망감이높은것은당연한일이다.

But then Meiqi and Xuanyi participated in Creation 101, in In June, LUDA and Seol'a formed the planning group 'Space Meki (WJMK)' with Weki Meki's Youjung-doyeon to carry out activities. Therefore, the activities of Cosmic Girls were suspended for a while. This time "Please" is an opportunity to meet fans after 7 months. Cheng Xiao is well known as the queen of Cosmic Girls, so it is understandable that fans will be disappointed.

스타쉽측은스포츠조선의문의에"성소가지난컴백때중국과한국을오가며활동하느라무척 힘들어했다. 빠지기로했다"면서"' 파자마프렌즈'는촬영이상당부분진행된상태"라고설명했다.

STARSHIP explained the content of SPORTS Korea's inquiry, "Cheng Xiao was very tired from traveling back and forth between China and South Korea during this event. Yes He has various schedules in China such as movie shooting and variety show appearances, so he decided not to participate in the return this time. "And "PJ Masks" is a state where a considerable part of the filming has already been carried out."

성소가이번컴백에서빠진이유가다른문제가아닌'중국스케줄'이라는점에서더욱비판을피 Cheng Yan returned from his absence this time. The reason is not for any other reason but because the 'China trip' makes it more difficult to avoid accusations. It is a pity that Leroy, who is responsible for the activities of Cosmic Girls China, made such a choice.

[Comments from Korean netizens]

STARSHIP Entertainment, Cosmic Girls' agency, released comeback photos on the 3rd and announced their comeback with

Cosmic Girls is a girl group that started with Cheng Xiao and ended with Cheng Xiao. What is it without Cheng Xiao hahaha

STARSHIP Entertainment, Cosmic Girls' agency, released comeback photos on the 3rd and announced their comeback with

People who don’t care about Yu Shao think that Cheng Xiao is the most popular. In fact, Baona, LUDA, Xue'e, Enxi, and Lianjing are more popular than Cheng Xiao. You can find out the answer by clicking on the peripheral sales and official cafes. It is better to take this opportunity to promote domestic members. Come on Mr. Yu.

STARSHIP Entertainment, Cosmic Girls' agency, released comeback photos on the 3rd and announced their comeback with

raised Chinese children, and it is rare to see people who do not betray until the end. What will happen to Tzuyu and Jieqiong?

STARSHIP Entertainment, Cosmic Girls' agency, released comeback photos on the 3rd and announced their comeback with

It doesn’t matter~ Cheng Xiao can do whatever he wants and rest when he wants... It’s not a situation where fans can make irresponsible remarks~ I already want to rest... Why are you doing so many things, haha, why don’t you go to activities haha

STARSHIP Entertainment, Cosmic Girls' agency, released comeback photos on the 3rd and announced their comeback with

But Cheng Xiao is really too reluctant during this period. I think it is natural to focus on China activities this time. TTTT When the last album came back, I went to China and returned to Korea every day. It felt very forced, and the variety show was not shot on the 15th. It will be broadcast on the 15th. TTT Don’t Get Sick Cheng Xiaoah

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