Love is beautiful because it exists between two people who truly love each other. In particular, relationships are a matter between two people. If a third person gets involved, one person will have to withdraw as a redundant person in order to be good to all three people.

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Love is beautiful because it exists between two people who truly love each other. In particular, relationships are a matter between two people. If a third person gets involved, one person will have to withdraw as a redundant person in order to be good to all three people. - DayDayNews

Text | Feng Ding Ye Mo

Original · Plagiarism must be investigated

The reason why love is beautiful is because it exists between two people who truly love each other.

From ancient times to the present, only two people who truly love each other, whether before or after marriage, can truly write "Your heart is like mine, and you will live up to your love".

Only two people who truly love each other can truly tolerate, fulfill, understand and grow each other. A one-way relationship is destined to be difficult to be happy.

Especially, feelings are a matter of two people. If a third person is involved, one person will have to withdraw as an extra person in order to be good to all three people.

Talking about the redundant person in a relationship, some people say that people who interfere in other people's marriages and love affairs are redundant. Some people say that the person who is not loved is redundant. Who is the redundant "three"? The answer can be intuitively understood from the emotional entanglement between Eun-hee and Youmi and Junxi in "Blue Life and Death Love".

Love is beautiful because it exists between two people who truly love each other. In particular, relationships are a matter between two people. If a third person gets involved, one person will have to withdraw as a redundant person in order to be good to all three people. - DayDayNews

In "Blue Life and Death Love", the deep love between Eun Hee and Jun Hee illustrates the reality of marriage and love. The tear-jerking love that cannot reach the end is the cruel heart of "stop on the road to hell, I will be there soon, and we must continue our relationship in the next life even if we can't sleep together in life".

However, the deep love between Enxi and Junxi is not just a matter of the two of them, but also contains too many factors that destined the two to be destined for life.

What kind of person is Eunxi?

While some people sympathize with Eun-hee's unfortunate and tragic life, too many people think that she is not worthy, and even think that she does not deserve any pity from people, because she is a complete scumbag.

Love is beautiful because it exists between two people who truly love each other. In particular, relationships are a matter between two people. If a third person gets involved, one person will have to withdraw as a redundant person in order to be good to all three people. - DayDayNews

First of all, Enxi is not grateful:

After exchanging identities, Enxi returned to the poor family that originally belonged to her. The fake princess was beaten back to her original form, which is what should be done. Xin Ai endured an unfortunate childhood that she shouldn't have for Eun Xi. She was still able to visit her adoptive mother who lacked education for her despite her disagreement. She never lost her love for life because of the lack of care for her by her biological parents and brother.

No matter work or life, Xin Ai is sunshine, upward and enterprising. But apart from showing how innocent she is, has Eun-hee ever truly been grateful to others? not at all. All her gratitude was just words.

For her biological mother, she was the one who had to "recognize her relatives" because after the real princess of the Yin family returned, there was no place for her in the Yin family. Regarding her adoptive parents, she still misses her former superior life as a princess and refuses to reflect on herself.

She knew that Junxi had a fiancé but didn't know how to avoid suspicion. She said that she had a "determination" that must appear in the Yin family's household registration book. Although it was a bit harsh, but had she ever really considered this kind of behavior that would not give up until it achieved its goal? How do adoptive parents feel?

raised two children who thought they were both biological children, but they had to face their parents in the form of "incest". Who could accept it?

Love is beautiful because it exists between two people who truly love each other. In particular, relationships are a matter between two people. If a third person gets involved, one person will have to withdraw as a redundant person in order to be good to all three people. - DayDayNews

As for Han Tae-seok, he obviously doesn't love him but still wants to whet his appetite, and he will come and go as soon as he is called. That's right, Han Tae-seok is willing to be a spare tire, and he's doing it for himself. But is this why good people should be trashed and hurt?

Regarding Yin Junxi, Eunxi knew that Junxi had a fiancée, but she still wanted to "seduce" Junxi to run to her desperately. In the end, Yinjunxi became a complete sinner in front of his parents, friends, and fiancée. No guilt.

Enxi, a scumbag, thinks of herself from beginning to end. Never be grateful to anyone.

At work, I treat my bosses and customers based on my own thoughts. Emotionally, I only have one-third of my own land. If anything goes against my thoughts, I will burst into tears and pretend to be innocent.What is it about such a woman that deserves people's deep sympathy for her experience?

If you still feel sorry for Eun-hee's misfortune, maybe you have never really looked at her from a true moral perspective.

Love is beautiful because it exists between two people who truly love each other. In particular, relationships are a matter between two people. If a third person gets involved, one person will have to withdraw as a redundant person in order to be good to all three people. - DayDayNews

Secondly, the relationship between Eun Hee and Jun Hee only needs to be criticized for being abnormal, and it does not deserve to be blessed!

Before the identities were exchanged, one time when her adoptive mother was giving Eun Xi a bath, she asked her if she had anyone she liked. She said yes, it was her brother...

It is not that men and women cannot have feelings, but those who are outside of ethics are not recognized and blessed. of. This is true in any country. You can fall in love with anyone, but it must not be your relatives, otherwise it will be against ethics.

Some people would say that Eun-hee and Jun-hee have been in love since they were very young, and it is a pity that their childhood sweethearts did not get married when they grew up. Have such people ever thought that if such a thing happened to their own family, would they also express deep regret and sympathy?

If Eun Hee and Jun Hee exchanged identities, it would still be acceptable to fall in love until they were adults. Otherwise, what would such a relationship be if it were not a deformity?

Love will increase family affection in the end, but family affection can never be transformed into love. This is an indisputable fact. Otherwise, what is the difference between humans and individual animal groups?

Eun-hee and Junxi’s deformed relationship is no longer shameful, but they just move forward bravely for the deformed relationship that was strangled, selfishly and self-interested, regardless of everyone’s feelings. Such a relationship is not recognized, and such a person is even less worthy. Be blessed.

Love is beautiful because it exists between two people who truly love each other. In particular, relationships are a matter between two people. If a third person gets involved, one person will have to withdraw as a redundant person in order to be good to all three people. - DayDayNews

Finally, in the relationship with Junxi, who is the real unnecessary "third" person between Eunxi and Youmei?

There may be nothing wrong with falling in love with someone, but everything has its own specific rules. When some people kill morality in order to satisfy their own selfish desires, no matter how tortuous their life is, they are not worthy of mercy and sympathy.

Some people say that relationships should come first, first served. Enxi and Junxi's relationship started first. After Enxi and Junxi recognized each other, Youmei should have the wisdom to leave Junxi who doesn't love her, let alone force her to die. But is this really the case?

Yes, in this emotional drama, Junxi is undoubtedly the scumbag, but with two women and one man, after all, there must be a truly redundant person to quit.

Is Youmei really redundant? This is not the case. Youmei is just an innocent, weak and helpless little woman who was harmed by a scumbag man and a scumbag girl.

Love is beautiful because it exists between two people who truly love each other. In particular, relationships are a matter between two people. If a third person gets involved, one person will have to withdraw as a redundant person in order to be good to all three people. - DayDayNews

Who can accept the fact that his fiancé has never loved him? If they had not returned to China, I believe that Youmei and Junxi's married life would have been happy and sweet.

Sometimes, a lie can deceive a woman into feeling happy for a lifetime, so it is no longer important whether there is anyone else in a man's heart. I am just afraid that this lie will be shattered, and the sudden "change" after the veil is torn is unbearable.

Youmei used the most irrational way of killing herself to win back her fiancé. It seemed like she was "too much", but if anyone is willing to empathize with Youmei, they would know that no one else might be able to do it better than Youmei. better.

In the final analysis, the superfluous person in this relationship is Eun-hee. The person who should quit is also Enxi.

Although the abnormal relationship between Eun Xi and Jun Xi occurred long ago, it is an indisputable fact that Jun Xi's fiancée is Youmei.

Love is beautiful because it exists between two people who truly love each other. In particular, relationships are a matter between two people. If a third person gets involved, one person will have to withdraw as a redundant person in order to be good to all three people. - DayDayNews

If some people think that the relationship that happened earlier should have more reason to exist than the existing relationship, then how many couples in the world will be separated because of their ex? What's more, Eun-hee and Jun-hee have never confirmed their relationship, right?

Wake up, Eun-hee does not deserve sympathy, and her relationship with Jun-hee has never been worthy of praise.

I just want to say to too many women like Youmei, if your man is indifferent to you because of other members of the opposite sex, or treats you as someone else's shadow and gets along with you, I advise you to stop your losses in time, it is really not worth it.

The deep love between Enxi and Junxi illustrates the reality of marriage and love, which is:

If a man loves you, even if you are a scumbag, he will be willing to stand behind you and become your eternal support. If he doesn't love you, it won't help even if you lose your life for him.


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