I heard the news two days ago that the real murderer in the famous Korean crime film "Memories of Murder" was caught. When it comes to Korean crime suspense films, we have to mention "Memories of Murder". Friends who are familiar with this movie must know that the movie is based

2024/07/0219:26:33 hotcomm 1371

I heard the news two days ago that the real murderer in the famous Korean crime film "Memories of Murder" was caught. When it comes to Korean crime suspense films, we have to mention "Memories of Murder". Friends who are familiar with this movie must know that the movie is based on a real crime case in South Korea where the murderer has never been brought to justice.

It may be that Tianwang has not missed it. The Korean police finally found DNA matching the scene in the criminal DNA library, proving that the real murderer had a criminal record or was serving a sentence. That's right, this guy is in the capital prison! !

I heard the news two days ago that the real murderer in the famous Korean crime film

It should be an indisputable fact that Koreans are very good at shooting crime films, especially works based on real events like "Memories of Murder". The editor can't help but ask, are all Korean criminals so intelligent?

The suspenseful crime film we are going to recommend today - "The Memory Method of a Murderer " stars a patient suffering from Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia, but his IQ is not low at all. The film is adapted from the novel of the same name, starring Seol Genggu, Kim Namgil, and Kim Seolhyun. The superb acting skills of the actors and the extremely brain-burning plot take us into the chaotic memory line of a serial killer.

I heard the news two days ago that the real murderer in the famous Korean crime film

The famous Korean actor Seol Kyung-gu contributed excellent acting skills in this movie.

When mentioning Seol Kyung-gu, the first thing that comes to my mind is the father who plays the role of a puppet in " Sowon ", which has touched millions of people. Not only that, he has also portrayed the image of soldiers and policemen in "Silwei Island" and " monitors ", and of course the handsome gang boss in "The Party That Is Not Sweat".

It can be said that from a loyal and honest father, a shrewd and capable policeman to a gangster who is both good and evil, he has played every role just right.

I heard the news two days ago that the real murderer in the famous Korean crime film

This time in "The Memory of a Murderer", he played a very challenging role - a serial murderer suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Xue Jingqiu vividly played a character who is sometimes sober and sometimes sick, and showed the ambivalence of loving his daughter but being a serial murderer to the public, which impressed people. Comments on the excellent acting skills, let us know that the protagonist is not only a murderer but also a great father.

It can be said that without Xue Jingqiu's acting skills, the audience would not have such a deep sense of immersion. By the way, I would like to remind everyone that you must watch the 128-minute director's cut, while the released version is only 118 minutes. Now the film only has a score of 7.6 on Douban. The editor thinks it is all the fault of the released version. The

director's cut is not only 10 minutes longer than the released version, but the editing is very different. Many plots are clearly explained, especially the ending, and the most criticized thing about the released version is the ending.

Since the released version has a larger audience, this article discusses it on the basis of the released version.

I heard the news two days ago that the real murderer in the famous Korean crime film

Okay, without further ado, let’s briefly introduce the plot.

The male protagonist Lao Jin is a murderer suffering from Alzheimer's disease. When he was a child, he couldn't stand his father who was addicted to domestic violence. He finally broke out and covered his father with a pillow to death. From then on, in order to eliminate the growing guilt in his heart, he told himself that he killed people to eliminate the scum in society.

Then he killed the domestically violent shop owner, the mistreating pet owner, etc., and buried their bodies in a secret grove.

Lao Jin "washed his hands in a golden basin" because he killed his wife and mistress seventeen years ago. Since then, Lao Jin crashed his head while driving, and his killing game has stopped.

I heard the news two days ago that the real murderer in the famous Korean crime film

I thought everything should be calm again, but the appearance of a police officer Min set off another craze, and the real brain-burning began.

When Lao Jin saw the body and blood stains in Officer Min's trunk, he thought it was his "old colleague", so he called the police to let the police investigate the matter.

But Officer Min took the opportunity to hook up with Lao Jin's daughter Enxi . Lao Jin tried his best to stop her but to no avail.

As the plot progresses, the plot becomes more and more "confused". Is Officer Min a good person? Is Lao Jin a serial killer? Are his memory logs real or imaginary? A series of questions have remained unresolved.

In order to avoid spoilers, I won’t say much about the plot, but the editor just wants to give Lao Jin one evaluation - "a great father".

I heard the news two days ago that the real murderer in the famous Korean crime film

The editor boldly speculates that Officer Min is actually a kind person and an ordinary people's policeman, while Lao Jin is the unpardonable murderer. He started committing crimes again after suffering from Alzheimer's disease, but his mind is not clear. , and schizophrenia. Many things and memories are also imaginary and not real!

If you don't look carefully, you will think that the whole movie looks messy, with various clues complicated. In fact, this is not the case. The timeline of the entire movie is not messy.

The name of this film is "The Murderer's Memory Method", and its timeline unfolds step by step based on the memory dictated by the male protagonist.

As for why it makes you feel brain-burning? This is because the authenticity of the memory narrated by the male protagonist needs to be judged by the audience themselves. Therefore, the scenes shown to us in the film are not necessarily real. They are just fragmentary memories of the male protagonist and do not restore the truth.

I heard the news two days ago that the real murderer in the famous Korean crime film

The details of this film are also well handled and will provide many clues to the audience. For example, as mentioned at the beginning, the male protagonist often loses his memory and often wears his shoes backwards. Then the audience can judge the male protagonist's mental state based on his shoes in the later stage, and also look for some clues to the truth.

has also clearly described to the public the cause of the male protagonist's murder, his killing habits, etc. through various explanations from front to back. Many details can be connected in series to infer the real murderer. It does not directly tell the ending, and there is no reasoning process. It uses various hidden clues and details to let the audience guess on their own. Are you surprised?

I heard the news two days ago that the real murderer in the famous Korean crime film

Of course, this article is still full of doubts and puzzling. For example, many people think that Director An is a figment of the male protagonist's imagination, but various subsequent details make people feel that this person is real.

For another example, the male protagonist pulled his daughter from the bed and found someone to send her away. Who sent Eun Xi away? Is it the hero’s sister or Officer Min? We don't know either.

Many doubts make people scratch their heads, and they also add a lot of suspense to the movie.

Many suspense dramas have unsolvable doubts. These doubts also add a lot of discussion points to the movie and allow more people to participate in the discussion.

I heard the news two days ago that the real murderer in the famous Korean crime film

A thousand readers, there are a thousand Hamlets. People have different understandings of the movie and have different guesses about the ending. No matter what the conclusion is, there is no right or wrong. People have endless space for imagination and discussion. This is the charm of suspense movies.

Just like this movie, no one can tell whether the male protagonist is a murderer or whether Officer Min is a good person. No ending is the best ending.

You think, if there is a reveal at the end, some viewers might think: Hey! Just as I thought. It may also make some viewers think: It’s a bad ending! Damn it! If the film lays out a lot of mystery but no one can solve it, and it does not meet the taste of any one person, it means it meets the taste of all the people.

Everyone can interpret the movie and make any guesses, so there will be no needless debates. The movie

is exactly like this. It not only has a brain-burning plot, but also leaves many doubts. People can't help but sigh at the power of this suspense film!

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