20 years ago, the movie "Blue Life and Death" made countless viewers shed a liter of tears. Even now, many people are still upset when they think of Eun Hee and Jun Hee's death. However, I suddenly understood why the male and female protagonists were written to death by the scree

2024/07/0219:22:32 hotcomm 1690

20 years ago, the movie "Blue Life and Death" made countless viewers shed a liter of tears. Even now, many people are still upset when they think of Eun Hee and Jun Xi's death. However, I suddenly understood why the male and female protagonists were written to death by the screenwriter, because they had to die.

20 years ago, the movie

01. Tragedies are unforgettable.

In the era when "Blue Life and Death Love" was broadcast, Korean dramas tragedies were popular. Almost most of the Korean dramas ended up with the male or female protagonist suffering from an incurable disease. Just like cool dramas are popular now, White Lotus was popular back then.

The two actors who play Eun Hee, Moon Geun Young and Song Hye Kyo, both look soft and weak, the type that makes people want to protect them. Such pitiful appearance, coupled with a miserable life experience, makes people despair of love. , that is the ratings guarantee.

Comedy can certainly make people happy, but it is also easy to forget after the fun, because everything is complete and there is nothing to worry about. Tragedies are unforgettable. If you don’t believe me, think about it. Do all the characters that make you unhappy end in tragedy?

20 years ago, the movie

If Jia Baoyu successfully marries Lin Daiyu , will " Dream of Red Mansions " still become a handed down classic?

If Li Gouzi and Xiaofeng get married and grow old together, will you still be unhappy with "East Palace"?

If Runyu could be loved by his father and regarded as one of his own by his stepmother, would you still feel distressed when you think of him?

The reason why a tragedy becomes a tragedy is sometimes not because of the needs of the plot, but because of the needs of the author and society. The plot just serves the needs of the author.

The dead end of Eun Hee and Jun Hee is just a choice made by the author to adapt to the needs of the general environment. Of course, they will be written to death, and environmental factors are only one part of it, and the least important part.

Because based on the film and television environment at that time, Eun-hee and Jun-hee were not at the point where they had to die. They had to be written to death, mainly because of the following two reasons.

20 years ago, the movie

02, Unlucky Love

In the drama, the female protagonist Eun-hee and the male protagonist Junxi were initially set up as biological siblings. Later, Professor Yin and his wife discovered that Eun-hee was not their biological daughter, but was carried by the wrong person in the hospital. , which means that Eun Hee and her brother Jun Hee are not related by blood.

But because Mrs. Yin likes Enxi very much, even though she knows that Enxi is not her biological daughter, she still likes her very much, and therefore is very resentful towards her biological daughter.

Mrs. Yin wanted to adopt Enxi, but Enxi refused because she wanted to accompany her biological mother, so Mrs. Yin and her family moved directly to the United States. There was no contact between the two parties for at least ten years. After the reunion, Mrs. Yin still wanted to adopt Eunxi.

20 years ago, the movie

In other words, from Mrs. Yin’s point of view, she has always regarded Eunxi as her daughter and Junxi’s biological sister, so she only felt strongly after knowing that Eunxi and Junxi were in love. be opposed to.

Logically speaking, since Mrs. Yin likes Enxi so much, even if she wants to adopt Enxi, she will have to get married in the future, and mother and daughter will still have to face separation. And if Enxi marries Junxi, she can always be a family with Enxi, and she should be very happy. Why is she so fiercely opposed to them being together?

This is because in Korea, the relationship between Eun Hee and Jun Hee is not allowed and is considered incest.

Although Eun-hee and Jun-hee are not related by blood, they have been brothers and sisters for more than ten years. In this case, they are pseudo-blood relatives, and it is not ethical to fall in love and get married.

20 years ago, the movie

Fake blood relatives:

The symmetry of "natural blood relatives" refers to relatives who originally have no blood relationship, or no direct blood relationship, but whose status is determined by the law to be the same as blood relatives. Fictitious direct blood relatives mainly refer to adoptive parents and children.

This drama was broadcast in 2000. At that time, Koreans were still relatively conservative in their thinking, and the laws on marriage were also very strict. It was clearly stipulated that people with the same surname could not get married, and children of reorganized families could not get married. marry.

Even now, Koreans have become more open-minded and have abolished the rule that people with the same surname cannot marry. However, Korean Civil Law still strictly requires that marriage is prohibited between relatives within the eighth generation and between in-laws within a certain range.

20 years ago, the movie

Eun-hee and Jun-hee are not only pseudo-blood relatives, but also brothers and sisters with the same surname. Even if their union is not blocked by the law, it will be rejected by most Koreans.

The audience shed tears for their love tragedy in the play because this kind of thing only happens on TV. If such a thing happened in reality, I am afraid most people still cannot accept it.

In addition, I don’t know if anyone has discovered that Eun-hee’s brother-sister relationship turned into love after they reunited, but Jun-xi has always been in love with Eun-hee, starting when Eun-hee was his biological sister. .

In the first episode, Junxi threw away the love letter given to her by the girl she had a crush on. The girl ran to Junxi and asked Junxi, do you not like me? Junxi glanced at Eunxi standing at the door, and then told the girl that I have someone I like.

20 years ago, the movie

It is obvious here that he likes Eunxi, and it is not the same kind of love for his sister. Later, before they parted, Enxi said that she hoped to be a tree in the next life, so that she would never be separated from her family.

Do you still remember why Junxi fell in love with Youmei? Because Youmei said the same thing as Eunxi, it was precisely because of this that Junxi decided to date Youmei.

Just imagine, if Junxi really regards Eunxi as a sister, then after hearing what Youmi said, he should care about Youmi as a sister, instead of directly turning her into a girlfriend or even marrying her. .

After Enxi and Junxi reunited, it was Junxi who took the initiative to break the relationship between brother and sister and turned this family relationship into love. Otherwise, Enxi might not have been able to adapt to the change from sister to girlfriend so quickly.

Junxi's thoughts towards Eunxi have always been impure, so the author wrote him and Eunxi to death, otherwise they would face the trial of ethics and morality.

20 years ago, the movie

03, implicate the innocent

From the screenwriter's point of view, the reason why Eun-hee died was entirely because Jun-hee was implicated, because Jun-hee had to die.

First of all, it can be said that the misaligned lives of Eun Hee and Xin Ai were caused by Jun Hee. Although he may have been unintentional, it is a fait accompli that he caused harm to the two sisters.

Secondly, Junxi's attitude towards Xin Ai is too bad. He should be the person who feels most sorry for Xin Ai, but he repeatedly hits Xin Ai for his own selfishness. This is very damaging to the image of the male protagonist.

In the end, Junxi was the culprit who hurt Youmei, which was also the most important reason why he was written to death.

not only hurt Youmei, but he also caused Enxi’s pain.

His love has always been Enxi, but he has been in the United States for ten years, but he has never asked about Enxi's affairs. He didn't even look for Enxi, so he directly used Youmei as a substitute.

20 years ago, the movie

If he really loves Eun-xi, shouldn't he contact Eun-xi at all costs and protect her body? Why can't you wait to find a sister-in-law for her first?

When did Junxi really start looking for Eunxi? It was after he returned to South Korea, after he had Youmei as his fiancée, that he returned to South Korea due to work, and then he met Eunxi by the way.

Since you already have a fiancée, then if you find Eunxi again, you should treat her as your sister, right? But he doesn't! He came looking for Enxi with the intention of finding a partner.

Looking for true love when there is a partner, isn’t this standard scumbag behavior?

As for Eun-hee, she also has a hard-to-get attitude toward Tae-seok. She doesn't take the initiative, refuses, or is irresponsible, but she gives him a little hope from time to time.

20 years ago, the movie

Even though Eun Hee knew that Jun Hee had a fiancée, she still readily accepted his love, and even planned to elope with him after he and You Mei got engaged!

This is a pair of standard scumbag men and scumbag women who completely base their own happiness on the pain of others.

What they brought to Youmei was not only emotional harm, but also irreparable social harm.Why do we say social harm? As mentioned earlier, South Korea at that time was still very conservative ideologically.

At that time, Koreans were almost no different from China's feudal society when it came to marriage issues, because girls whose engagements were annulled would not end well. Regardless of whether it is the woman's fault or not, the reputation of a girl whose engagement is broken off will be damaged.

When they are ready to get married again, the only ones they can choose are those second-married men. Therefore, the combination of Enxi and Junxi will not only bring temporary harm to Youmei, but will affect her lifelong happiness.

20 years ago, the movie

But as a male and female protagonist, how can there be any stain? That's why the screenwriter arranged for Eun-hee to have a terminal illness, arranged for Youmei to be generous and disregard past grudges, and then arranged for the male protagonist to die for love, and everything was cleared up in one go.

can only be cleared by death.

Then why is Eun-hee suffering from a terminal illness? Of course, it's because Eun Hee is pitiful enough. She is originally a pure and innocent little white flower, but she is also suffering from a terminal illness, which can greatly arouse the audience's sympathy.

Enxi died, and the male protagonist died in love. Only in this way can the greatness of this love be shown. Otherwise, wouldn't those who were hurt by their love pay in vain? So the male protagonist was also written to death.

With the death of the two protagonists, what they have done has been wiped out. It is so miserable, who will blame them? So the audience only remembered their poignant love, which is also the genius of the screenwriter.

The deaths of Eun-hee and Jun-hee are both in line with the needs of the times and atonement for their sins. Just like the death of Ya Liying in the finale of " Miss Mermaid ", it is all to atone for the mistakes they made, because only in this way can the audience completely sympathize with them.

20 years ago, the movie

Have you seen "Blue Life and Death"? Did you cry over Eun Hee and Joon Hee's deaths?


Author: Qian Xiaodao

Statement: Plagiarism, manuscript washing and any form of reprinting are prohibited. Please respect the fruits of other people's work and your own face!

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