After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that "Blue Life and Death" is actually a bloody love drama based on the three concepts of Qiong Yao drama. All those tears were shed in vain.

2024/07/0219:15:33 hotcomm 1342

When talking about the TV series "Blue Life and Death Love", what is your first reaction? Do you think of Moon Geun-young’s pitiful little face crying, and Song Hye-kyo ’s sick face that makes people feel pitiful?

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

Many people cried to death because of this drama, because the heroine Eun-hee and the actor Junxi failed to have a perfect love, and the ending of Eun-hee's untimely death.

21 years have passed, and many people have suddenly woken up. "Blue Life and Death Love" is actually a bloody love drama that follows the three concepts of Qiong Yao drama. Those tears shed back then were all in vain.

How many people were confused by the appearance of Moon Geun Young and Song Hye Kyo, and were blinded by Eun Hee's halo as the heroine. They always thought that she was a representative of truth, goodness and beauty?

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

How many people think that Xin Ai is a vicious female supporting character because she is against Eun Xi, and they want her to get her lunch quickly? But in fact, she is the one who deserves to be loved the most.

21 years later, many people discovered that Enxi was really selfish. However, the audience at that time did not have the sharp eyes to see through the white lotus, and foolishly thought that as long as it was the protagonist, it must be right.

Today, let’s uncover the fig leaf of Eun-hee’s kindness and see what selfish things she has done.

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

1. Bullying others and taking pride in it

Because of Junxi's hand deficiency when she was born and the nurse's carelessness, the real daughter Xin Ai and the poor girl Enxi were exchanged for the wrong life. Eun-hee became the daughter of Professor Yin and Mrs. Yin, and was loved by her parents and brother.

And Xin Ai became the daughter of Cui Ma, the proprietress of a small restaurant. She was beaten and scolded since she was a child, and she had to work as a free child labor in a small restaurant, and she had to go hungry from time to time.

Two girls whose lives were changed by mistake were not only born on the same day, but also became classmates. However, whether at home or at school, the treatment they received was very different.

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

Professor Yin not only has a high social status, but also is very rich. So the teachers and classmates at school all fawned over Eun-hee, even if she didn't study well, she couldn't do many things well.

Xin Ai ranked first in the school. Both she and Enxi had the opportunity to participate in the art exhibition, but the teacher asked her to give up her spot to Enxi on the grounds that Xin Ai had already participated.

also ran for class president. When Xin Ai did nothing, Eun Xi used her as an imaginary enemy behind her back and complained to her brother Junxi, causing Jun Xi to think that Xin Ai was bullying her.

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

In the final vote for the squad leader election, Enxi received 29 votes and Xin Ai received 16 votes, so Enxi became the squad leader and Xin Ai ranked second as the deputy squad leader.

Judging from the number of votes, Enxi seems to be more popular than Xinxi, but where does Enxi’s good popularity come from? This is mainly due to her having a good mother.

Mrs. Yin often goes to Enxi's school to treat her classmates to delicious food. As the saying goes, the shortest way is to eat someone else's family, and always eat the food from Eun Xi's family. Of course he will vote for her when choosing class president.

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

But not everyone is so snobbish, such as the 16 students who voted for Xin Ai. Being compared to Enxi's family background, teacher's favoritism and classmates' fawning, Xin Ai could only accept it.

This probably isn’t the first time this has happened, so some students can’t stand it anymore. They stood up to fight for Xin Ai, and their classmates said: Xin Ai is obviously the number one in the school, why do you let Enxi be the class monitor?

and "She relied on her brother to participate in the poetry and painting exhibition again this time." The word "again" indicates that this has happened more than once. But how did Enxi react to her classmates’ doubts?

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

She didn't feel ashamed at all to bully others. Instead, she felt very proud. He also said shamelessly that my brother is a prince, so I am a princess.

What was even more speechless was that after she said that she was a princess, she walked up to Xin Ai provocatively and said that she would cooperate well with her. He also sarcastically asked her to tell her directly if she had anything to say in the future.

The meaning is obvious. She feels that those classmates who help Xin Ai talk are under Xin Ai's instructions.After all, she is used to bullying others, and thinks that others are just like her, and as long as they speak for her, they have a stake.

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

But she didn’t want to think about it. Xin Ai had no money and no power. How could she seduce her classmates to speak for her? Her mother can only beat her, but she won't buy delicious food to bribe her classmates like Mrs. Yin did.

Xin Ai didn't do anything. Enxi secretly slandered Xin Ai in front of her brother. Some classmates helped Xin Ai to complain, but she was labeled as being bribed by Xin Ai.

Is she only allowed to bully others and not allow others to feel unfair? She has no ability and can only rely on others, thinking that others are just like her. She also deliberately provokes Xin Ai. How can Eun Xi be so kind?

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

2. Knocking over other people’s lunches but not compensating, and eating happily in front of others

Enxi brought her own “luxury” lunch and accepted the compliments from her classmates. In sharp contrast, Xin Ai looked at her lunch box which only had spicy cabbage as side dishes, so she picked up the lunch box and decided to go out to eat.

Who would have known that Enxi turned around and knocked over Xin Ai's lunch box. Xin Ai, who originally didn't want her classmates to see her packed lunch, was tantamount to being publicly executed.

Every elementary school student knows that if you damage other people’s things, you have to pay for it, but what does the “simple and kind” Eun Hee do? She just said sorry lightly and went to eat her meal happily.

Is this what a kind person should do?

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

3. Destroying the company system and refusing to change despite repeated admonitions

That’s it for what happened when I was a child. Now let’s talk about what happens when I grow up. After Enxi and Xin Ai changed their identities, the psychotic Mrs. Yin, who said she couldn't live without Enxi, ran away with her husband and children.

has ignored Enxi for ten years, only focusing on expressing his mother-daughter love for Enxi in front of Xin Ai. But after Enxi returned to a poor family, Cui's mother, who used to beat and scold Xin Ai, was reluctant to lay a finger on Enxi.

Because of his bastard brother, the Cui family's life has never gotten better. Therefore, Enxi, who was not good at studies, dropped out of school early to work, saying that she had to support the family.

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

Logically speaking, if the whole family relies on your salary to support themselves, then you should cherish this job very much and be afraid that you will be fired if you make a mistake, right?

But Enxi's brain circuit is not like this. She can work hard, and she will do whatever the leader does not let her do. As a hotel receptionist, she has no professional ethics at all.

Because the guest called her "aunt", after the guest was woken up by the heat in the middle of the night because the air conditioner in the room was broken, she tricked the guest who called for help and asked him to take a shower.

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

Did you know that this can easily lead to sudden death? Of course she didn't know, she still felt that she was doing the right thing. Is this the proper attitude to be afraid of losing this job?

Not only that, she also eavesdropped on the phone calls of hotel guests at will. He also deliberately put chili sauce in the guests' rice and poured water on the guests' faces.

When her boss clearly informed the waiter that she was not allowed to look for customers privately, she immediately ran to look for the customers. But who wants to be the heroine? Some of them have a Mary Sue halo.

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

Minister Jin strictly abides by the company's rules and regulations and warns his subordinate Enxi not to violate them. As a result, the second nymphomaniac male wanted to fire Minister Kim because of Eun Hee.

Employees like Enxi should be fired from any company, right? But just because of the halo of being a heroine, Eun-xi is always protected no matter what she does wrong.

Don’t she want to make money to support her family? Then why don't you work hard and violate the company's rules? If that customer was not the tall, rich and handsome Tae-seok , but a pot-bellied uncle, would Eun-hee still keep her presence in front of him?

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

3. Being shameless as a mistress caused the male protagonist’s fiancée to commit suicide

Junxi had an orthopedic problem since she was a child. After learning that Eunxi was not her biological sister, she even made no secret of it. But like his psychotic mother, he had ignored Enxi for ten years and had a fiancée.

Even though she knew that Junxi had a fiancée, Eunxi proposed to go to Junxi's home to live alone with him. When Junxi asked her how to introduce their relationship to others, her answer was: cousin.

This other person also includes Junxi’s fiancée Youmei. The silly Youmei was completely kept in the dark and expressed her warm welcome to her cousin Eunxi.

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

Do you want to say that Eun Hee only regards Jun Hee as her brother at this time? Look at her expression when she saw Youmi and Eunxi whispering. Is this the reaction a normal sister should have after seeing her brother and sister-in-law's intimate behavior?

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

It is a pity that the innocent Youmei was unaware of the adultery that had quietly sprouted between the two. Instead, she told Junxi that it would be good to live with her cousin.

Because this way she doesn’t have to worry about Junxi having an affair! She had no idea that the seeds of an affair had long been planted in Junxi's heart.

What will happen if a man has a crush on a concubine and a man and a woman live together in the same room? You can tell by just thinking about it with your toes, so these two people who were not shy began to fall in love.

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

The scumbag kept hiding the secret from his fiancée, and without canceling the engagement, the shameless Junxi and Eunxi started planning to elope! Is it okay to have an affair?

In the end, the two of them ran away to live in paradise, causing Youmei to commit suicide! Oh, by the way, when she eloped with Junxi, not only did Junxi have a fiancée, Eunxi herself also had a boyfriend!

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

4. Ignore the feelings of the adoptive parents and only care about their own happiness

Before their life experience was discovered, Professor Yin and Mrs. Yin simply held Eunxi in their hands. After knowing the truth, Mrs. Yin did not want to recognize their biological daughter at all. Want Eun Hee.

His adoptive parents are so kind to him. If Enxi is really kind and truly repays his kindness, shouldn't he consider the feelings of his adoptive parents before doing anything?

After all, she wanted to abduct someone else's biological son. She didn't think about how she would kidnap Junxi when she became a mistress. How should the adoptive parents deal with Youmei and her in-laws?

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

Also, if they do such a scandal, where should Professor Yin and Mrs. Yin put their old faces? She didn't want to at all, she only cared about her own pleasure. Not only did she run away, she was never heard from again.

After meeting an old acquaintance of her biological mother, she remembered to call her biological mother and brazenly told her that she was very happy.

Even after your biological mother told her that your adoptive parents and others are unhappy now, she didn't react at all. In the end, she went back because her leukemia broke out.

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

Her adoptive parents gave her a happy life for 14 years when she was a child. When she grew up, they abducted their son and ran away. Then when she got sick, she had to provide money and effort from her adoptive parents.

She fell ill and died, and she also took her son away. Then Xin Ai, who has never received any love from her family, was bullied by her when she was a child. When she grew up, she was cold-blooded and had to clean up her mess.

said Eunxi is kind? It's a big joke, she is a complete selfish ghost. It just has the halo of the heroine and the beauty filter of Moon Geun Young and Song Hye Kyo.

After 21 years, many people suddenly realized that

Change an ugly actor to play Eun-hee, or make Eun-hee the second female lead. How many people will say that she is kind?


Author: Qian Xiaodao

Statement: It is not easy to be original. Plagiarism and manuscript washing are prohibited. Reprinting without permission is prohibited. Please respect the fruits of other people's labor and your face!

"Blue Life and Death Love": Is it because Xin Ai recognizes her relatives because she dislikes the poor and loves the rich? Stop bullying people.

How outrageous are the star meal labels? 650 yuan is really not much. The assistant can charge 800 yuan for a meal.

has 350 million views and none of the actors are familiar faces. Why did this drama score 8.4 points?

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