"Blue Life and Death" allows people to see a different kind of family, friendship and love. The combination of touching and regret brought by these three emotions makes people cry.

2024/07/0219:09:33 hotcomm 1079

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Interpretation of emotional topics, taking you into the world of positive emotions! I am your emotional troubleshooter, but you must know how to let yourself go!

Text | Feng Ding Ye Mo

Original · Plagiarism must be investigated

"Blue Life and Death Love" allows people to see a different kind of family, friendship and love, and the feeling of being moved and regretted by the three emotions makes people feel People burst into tears.

The fate and experiences of the two wrongly carried baby girls, Eun-hee and Xin-ai, have determined their personality differences from their parents’ education in different families.

In her childhood, Enxi was the little princess who grew up surrounded by warm family affection. She had a gentle personality, quirky and lovable personality.

Xin Ai was a bad boy who was wrongly educated by his mother and grew up under the influence of his naughty brother. He wanted to be strong but had a fierce and extreme personality. Although Xin Ai was not lovable at a young age, he still did not Fafa hates her, but feels more sympathy and distress for her.

Two children who grew up in completely different environments, after each returned to their own families, fate once again played a big joke on these two children:

Enxi returned to her biological mother, because she lost the love for Enxi. With the care of her growing up, her biological mother changed her previous nurturing attitude toward Xin Ai and loved Enxi even more. However, Enxi became seriously ill and eventually passed away.

Xin Ai has finally returned to her own family. She no longer has to face her brother who is like a gangster, and she no longer has to endure unhealthy family education. Now that she can return to her biological parents, in addition to being able to meet her financial needs, she also has the love of family. I have never really been able to get love. Fortunately, I have worked hard and excelled, and I have secured a good future.

Regarding love, Enxi and Xinai also have completely different treatments.

Eun-hee has always been a person that everyone loves since she was little. Even Han Taixi, whom Xin Ai has always been in love with, also loves Eun-hee deeply.

Speaking of Han Tae Hee, although he is the second male lead, in terms of appearance, personal conditions and character, he is really a man worth marrying. It is a pity that Eun Hee never loved him until his death. On the contrary, because of Tae Hee My heart is full of Enxi, and I don't see such a good love around me at all.

However, I have to admit that Han Tae Hee makes people understand what it means to "really love someone", and such a man is the most worthy person to marry.

has the aura of the protagonist of Yoon Jun-hee and . Why is Han Tae-hee, the second male lead, the one worth marrying?

1: Affectionate but not entangled, knowing how to advance and retreat

When Han Taixi first met Eunxi, he did not know that Eunxi was the "sister" of his good friend Yin Junxi, nor did he know that the Eunxi in front of him was Yin Junxi's crush.

At that time, Han Taixi tried to scare Eunxi in the most "forced" way to make her understand his deep feelings for Eunxi who was "unable to attack for a long time". However, Eunxi was never able to develop feelings for Taixi.

Later, Jae Eun Hee and Jun Hee met at the beach. From that time on, Tae Hee knew that Eun Hee's "brother" and the person En Hee had loved for so many years was his good friend Yin Junxi.

After learning about this incident, Han Taixi was not upset, nor did he do too much extreme behavior. Instead, he interacted with Junxi normally with the most normal mentality, and his relationship with Eunxi was also moderate.

When it comes to friendship and love, Taixi has always mastered the best balance. Although he has been silently paying attention to Enxi's every move, he keeps these in his heart and has never caused any trouble to Enxi or Junxi because of this mental state.

There is a kind of person who, although he loves someone deeply, will not force his way into the relationship between the person he loves and his partner just to get it, making him the most unlikable superfluous character.

Such deep love is a kind of deep love that only follows one's own wishes but does not disturb others. It is a deep affection that does not burn oneself or others.

Han Taixi, although he fell in love with Eunxi before Eunxi and Junxi met each other, but knowing the relationship between Eunxi and Junxi, he only gave blessings. Although his love remained the same, he was absolutely rational. Men like

know how to consider other people's feelings at all times, and use a mutually comfortable way of interacting with them.

He will not destroy friendship, nor will he embarrass the person he loves. Such a man is a person with a big picture. A person with a big picture will have a strong sense of responsibility, is worthy of being trusted, and is worthy of a woman relying on her for life.

2: When you love someone, you want them to live a better life.

In addition to being a 360° shield for Eunxi, Han Taixi devoted all his energy and ability to Eunxi, materially. Gifts, spiritual comfort, everything Han Taixi did was for Eunxi to live a better life.

Even if he knew that Enxi had an incurable disease, he was still willing to bear the consequences of dying alone for Enxi. Although Yin Junxi chose to commit suicide for Enxi in the end, such behavior is not worthy of recognition.

On the contrary, if you truly love someone, you should know that Enxi's biggest wish is for Junxi to live well and live well for her.

But there is no one in Junxi's heart except Eunxi. When he chose to commit suicide, he did not consider Youmei or the feelings of his relatives at all. This was the case when he loved Eunxi in the past, and it was still the same when he chose to commit suicide.

Han Taixi, he was willing to wait, protect and pay for Enxi during his lifetime. After his death, Han Taixi scattered Enxi's ashes into the sea, and then lived well, for himself and for Enxi. He understood that Enxi's heart was to hope for everyone around him. Everyone is living well, and I hope no one will be more sad about his passing.

To love someone, love alone is not enough, understanding is the most rare thing. Because Han Taixi understands Eunxi, he will appear when Eunxi needs it most. Because he understands Eunxi, he will not be like Junxi. No one left for love without caring.

When you love someone, you want her to live a better life. Eun-hee chose Jun-hee in the past, and Tae-hee gave him blessings and gave him the backup job, so he was obligated. This is the best way to truly love someone to the bone, right?

Han Taixi's love for Eunxi is actually much deeper than Yin Junxi's love for Eunxi.

Yin Junxi loves Eunxi very selfishly. She doesn’t consider anyone else’s feelings in her heart. She only thinks about being together. Some people say that if a relationship is too rational, it is not a relationship. But if a relationship is too emotional and irrational, it can only mean that a person is really true. Immature people are not mature enough. Immature people always do things regardless of the consequences. How can they be worthy of being entrusted with life?

Comparatively speaking, Han Tae Hee's rationality and structure are far greater than that of Yoon Jun Hee. It is not that Han Tae Hee is in love but cannot be humbled as a spare tire, but because he loves Eun Hee, he is willing to wait for her, at least until the second deep love does not appear. Before the other person appeared, he was willing to protect Enxi in another way.

When Eun-hee chose to separate from Junxi because of the opposition of her family, Han Taixi knew that Eun-xi did not really love her and chose to be with him, but Han Taixi still accepted it readily. This was not because Han Taixi was too humble, but because he wanted to. Appear when Enxi needs her most and become her shield.

It's a pity that such a good man like Tae Hee failed to get any loving response from Eun Hee in the end. Even though it is a bit sad, he is still the most worthy man to marry in people's hearts, no one!

Speaking of the end, I really hope that Han Taixi and Xin Ai can be together. What about you?


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