On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the

2024/07/0219:03:33 hotcomm 1050

Yin Eun-hee had an accidental car accident on her way home from school, causing two families to fall into great pain.

Enxi's injury was not serious, but after examination at the hospital, it was discovered that Enxi's blood type did not match that of her parents. In other words, Enxi was not the biological daughter of the Yin family.

Professor Yin and his wife were immediately confused. The little princess they had held in their hands for 14 years had no blood relationship with them. This was like a bolt from the blue.

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

The mystery of Enxi’s life experience

Professor Yin regained his sanity before his wife. He found the hospital where his wife gave birth, and after asking, he learned that on the day Enxi was born, another girl was born in the hospital, with the same blood type as Professor Yin. Couple kiss.

Professor Yin went crazy. He strangled the doctor's neck and accused the hospital of ruining his and his child's life by doing such ridiculous things as "having the wrong child".

But the matter has come to this, and the 14 years missed can no longer be made up. Professor Yin had no choice but to accept his fate. His first reaction was to find his own flesh and blood.

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

Professor Yin drove his wife to the home of the woman who gave birth on the same day. Mrs. Yin covered her nose with a handkerchief, her expression full of disgust. It was a slum there, with sewage flowing across it and it was a mess.

The woman who gave birth to the wrong child with the Yin family is the widow of the Cui family and runs a soup restaurant. She is of low quality, aggressive and savage, with a loud voice. She is using vulgar language to curse the male customer who touched her butt.

"Blue Life and Death Love " The noble and decent Professor Yin and his wife fell into despair again. Professor Yin said that this place is terrible, and this woman is also terrible.

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

Professor Yin felt heartbroken when he thought of his biological daughter, who had grown up in this kind of family environment for 14 years, while Mrs. Yin refused to meet her biological daughter because she gave all her motherly love to Enxi and she did not want to lose it. Enxi.

Mrs. Yin asked her husband to go abroad as an exchange professor as soon as possible, and took Eunxi away from here. The family of four went to live abroad, pretending that these unpleasant things did not happen.

However, at the calligraphy and painting exhibition of Enxi School, Professor Yin could no longer give up his biological daughter after seeing Cui Xinai .

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

Xin Ai’s tragic experience

Enxi and Xin Ai are classmates. Enxi is the monitor and Xin Ai is the deputy monitor. However, Xin Ai’s academic performance is the first in the school. The reason why she cannot be the monitor is because of Enxi. Xi has a wealthy family.

Mrs. Yin often invites teachers and classmates to dinner. Enxi also has an older brother who is the president of the student union in the senior year. Junxi is not only handsome, but also good at painting. He is the ideal first love in the minds of countless girls.

Enxi is shrouded in a halo like a little princess and is very popular among her classmates.

Enxi has a beautiful petticoat and brings a beautiful lunch to school every day; while Xin Ai’s petticoat is patched and her lunch box contains shabby kimchi. Against the background of Enxi, the poverty of Xin Ai is even more obvious.

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

Xin Ai obviously had better academic performance than Enxi, but she lost to Enxi in the class president election. The teacher in the school's calligraphy and painting exhibition also named Enxi to participate. Xin Ai hated this unfairness.

Xin Ai is madly jealous of Enxi. In order to retaliate against Enxi, Xin Ai hangs Enxi's petticoat on the tree.

Jun Xi found Xin Ai and asked her to stop bullying Eun Xi. Xin Ai arrogantly asked Jun Xi to kneel down, but Jun Xi actually did so.

Xin Ai's heart is even more unbalanced. Enxi has a happy family, her parents are rich and noble, and she has a brother who loves her so much. However, Xin Ai will only be beaten and scolded by her mother, blackmailed and bullied by her brother, and she often doesn't have enough to eat. abdomen.

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

Xin Ai asked her mother why her mother forced her to work in restaurants when other children had none, not caring about her sensitive emotions in adolescence.

Professor Yin met Xin Ai at the calligraphy and painting exhibition, pretending to have a casual chat with her, and asked her about her family situation. Xin Ai said that she and her brother had a bad relationship, and that his brother was a bastard who had never read; she studied hard because Only when she was studying, her mother would not force her to work. She wanted to go to college and escape from this home.

Professor Yin's expression changed. Enxi was protected by three members of her family and had been carefree for 14 years. However, Xin Ai had never received the warmth of her family and was in a difficult situation. It was rare that she could grow up so well.

Professor Yin felt a little relieved when he learned that Xin Ai not only had excellent academic performance, but was also the deputy monitor of the class and could write good poems. He secretly made up his mind to take Xin Ai back.

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

Xin Ai took the initiative to recognize her relatives

Professor Yin drove and waited for Xin Ai on the way out of school. The school was far away from home, but Xin Ai did not ride a bicycle. She said that her family was poor and could not afford it, not that she could not ride.

Professor Yin's eyes filled with tears. He murmured "I'm sorry" to himself and sent Xin Ai home specially. On the way, he saw Xin Ai staring at the dolls in the shop window. Professor Yin bought Xin Ai one. Teddy bear.

Xin Ai was very happy to receive the gift. She had not yet thought that the man in front of her who was caring and caring for her was actually her biological father.

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

Xin Ai returned to the store. When her mother saw her accepting Professor Yin’s gift, she scolded her for being useless. Ai is the daughter of the Yin family, let her find her biological parents.

Xin Ai has long had enough of the hard life of being hungry and scolded. When she learned that she was Professor Yin's biological daughter, Xin Ai waited at the door of Yin's house holding a teddy bear.

Xin Ai cried and told Enxi that she was the daughter of this family and it was Enxi who had taken her position.

Enxi saw that the teddy bear Xin Ai was holding was the same as her own, but her parents were silent. Enxi instantly understood that what Xin Ai said was true.

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

Xin Ai lived in the Yin family's mansion. She thought that her hard life was over, and she no longer had to eat disgusting soup rice , nor was she forced to pour wine for the old man in the store.

But she never imagined that she would take the initiative to meet her parents and become a rich girl, but she would not be happy. People in her family were alienated from her, and her mother obviously hated her.

Xin Ai cried and asked her mother:

"Why do you hate me so much? Am I not your daughter? Aren't you my mother? I have to deliver wine to my uncles in the restaurant every day. My mother only knows how to work, and my brother still Will beat me...

I also want to live like Eun-hee wearing beautiful clothes and being pampered by my brother. Can't I do that? Can't I get the love of my parents? Am I really that bad for wanting that? Am I really so bad that you need to hate me so much?” In the hearts of family members.

html After 422 years of rewatching the drama "Blue Life and Death", I understood that the real reason why my mother hates love is not that simple. Her "motherly love" for her adopted daughter Eunxi is selfish and hypocritical.

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

Mrs. Yin and Mrs. Cui had a showdown

After Xin Ai recognized their relationship, Mrs. Yin still refused to accept her biological daughter. She preferred to take Eun Xi away.

Mrs. Yin found Mrs. Cui and begged her to stay as she was. Enxi had been frail and sick since she was a child. She said that Enxi could not live without his care.

Mrs. Yin asked Mrs. Cui to take over Xin Ai, and Mrs. Cui was reluctant to let go of her daughter whom she had raised for 14 years. Both of them agreed that this mistake would end in the end.

However, Mrs. Yin felt that she was about to be separated from her biological daughter, but she was unwilling to do so. With tears in her eyes, she asked Mrs. Cui about Xin Ai's growth as a child.

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

Mrs. Yin returned home and saw Xin Ai’s tattered petticoat. She couldn’t help crying. After all, Xin Ai was a piece of flesh that had fallen off her body. Even if they hadn’t lived together for 14 years, how could this kind of mother-daughter love still exist? Neither can be given up.

Mrs. Yin stroked Xin Ai's sleeping face and secretly shed tears. The sensible Enxi did not want to see her adoptive mother in such trouble, so she voluntarily left the Yin family and returned to her biological mother.

Mrs. Yin found Mrs. Cui again and said that she could not give Xin Ai back. She proposed to give her two daughters to raise, at least to let Enxi finish college.

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

The showdown between Mrs. Yin and Mrs. Cui in "Blue Life and Death" exposed Mrs. Yin's greatest malice.

Mrs. Yin said: "Don't be too greedy." She took out an envelope, which contained a thank you to Mrs. Cui for raising Xin Ai.

Mrs. Cui was so angry that she threw the envelope at Mrs. Yin's face. Mrs. Cui was indeed poor and needed her daughter to work as a busboy in a restaurant to help the family, but this did not mean that her personality could be trampled on at will.

Mrs. Cui certainly had the right to keep Eun-hee, but she was "reluctant to let go of her daughter" but was humiliated by Mrs. Yin and said she was "too greedy". Mrs. Yin's condescending attitude severely hurt Mrs. Cui's self-esteem.

Mrs. Cui knew that she could not provide her daughter with good educational conditions. It was the best choice for her two children to go abroad with Mrs. Yin. However, for the sake of face, Mrs. Cui had to refuse Mrs. Yin's unreasonable request to "take both of them".

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

Mrs. Yin has never looked down upon Mrs. Cui. In the eyes of the noble Mrs. Yin, Mrs. Cui is only obedient and grateful to her for providing Enxi with education, and has no objection at all.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Cui refused to accept the money and scolded Mrs. Yin: "Are you asking me to sell my daughter?"

The two broke up unhappy. Mrs. Cui returned to the store and saw Eun-xi being pulled by a customer. Singing, seeing her daughter being humiliated in this way, Mrs. Cui could no longer care about her face, and she dragged Enxi to Mrs. Yin.

Mrs. Yin and Enxi hugged each other and cried. Mrs. Yin wanted to take Enxi away. Mrs. Cui also said next to her:

"She is a child who cannot call her mother without true feelings. She has never called me mother since she came. "

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

Mrs. Cui thought that Enxi would go away with her rich mother. After all, Xin Ai didn't want to come back. Enxi and her had no relationship yet, so how could she dare to ask Enxi to stay.

To the surprise of the two mothers, Enxi refused to go abroad and ran to her mother. Enxi cried and hugged her mother and said, "Mom, don't leave me."

Mrs. Yin saw that Enxi had made a choice, He did not come forward again, and within a few days, the four members of the Yin family quietly left the country.

Mrs. Yin suffered from depression because she missed Eun-hee too much when she was abroad. She was very ill. She seemed to be deeply affectionate for her adopted daughter, but in fact she had never done anything to Eun-hee.

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

The ridiculous reason for Mrs. Yin’s “partiality”

After learning that Enxi’s blood type was wrong, Mrs. Yin specially touched Enxi’s earlobe, because everyone in the family had thick earlobes, but only Enxi’s earlobe was very thin. Mrs. Yin just wanted to confirm that Enxi’s earlobe was thick. Xi’s true identity.

After Enxi returned to the Cui family, Mrs. Yin did not persuade Enxi to go abroad together. It had been several years since the Yin family left. Mrs. Yin knew the conditions of the Cui family, but she did not care about whether Enxi could go to college.

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

If Mrs. Yin really wanted to be kind to Enxi, she could calmly discuss it with Mrs. Cui, and it would not be a problem to support Enxi through college.

What's more, after the problem of holding the wrong child appeared, why did it have to go abroad? Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds to stay and become relatives with the Cui family, move around frequently, and have both children by your side?

After reviewing "Blue Life and Death", I realized that Mrs. Yin was anxious to go abroad to escape reality because she could not accept the conditions of the Cui family. There was a huge gap in class between the Cui family and the Yin family. In the eyes of the Yin family, the Cui family was just unsatisfied. It's a trap. The Yin family doesn't want to have anything to do with such a family.

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

Mrs. Yin chose Xin Ai and gave up Eun Xi, which was the most realistic result. However, she did not treat Xin Ai well, beat or scolded Xin Ai, and blamed Xin Ai for the pain of losing Eun Xi. .

Xin Ai is in the Yin family, but she has never been able to truly integrate, like an outsider.

years later, the four members of the Yin family moved back from abroad. Mrs. Yin met Enxi again. Enxi had grown into a beautiful girl. Unfortunately, Enxi dropped out of school early and did not go to university. She was still working in a hotel. Odd jobs help the family pay off debts.

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

Mrs. Yin learned about the unfortunate experience of her adopted daughter and apologized to Eunxi heartbrokenly:

"Mom got sick because she missed you so much. She was very ill and couldn't come to pick you up... But mom didn't do anything for you, even if I If you can't come back, I should ask dad to pick you up..."

Enxi was so moved that both mother and daughter shed tears. But Enxi's life has been finalized. What's the point of Mrs. Yin's hypocritical apology?

She had given up on Enxi long ago, but she still wanted to show affection. She fell ill because of this, not because she missed Enxi, but because she felt guilty and couldn't overcome her own conscience.

It was precisely because she knew she owed Enxi that she did not dare to have tender feelings for Xin Ai. She put all her faults on her biological daughter.

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

Mrs. Yin said to her son Junxi:

"Xin loves her. Regardless of whether I raised her well or not, I kept her by my side. If I stay by my side, it's okay to blame her because my mother was sick and didn't take good care of her, but They all raised her up. "

In Mrs. Yin's eyes, she should be grateful for Xin Ai to stay by her side. It is natural for her to treat Xin Ai poorly. After all, Enxi did not get it. , core love has been obtained.

What Mrs. Yin said is the greatest selfishness. She knew clearly that she had not taken good care of Xin Ai, but she refused to repent; she knew that Xin Ai had suffered for 14 years, but she did not feel any sympathy for Xin Ai.

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

Mrs. Yin very carefully cultivated Enxi to be what she wanted, simple, kind, innocent and cute. Enxi did not have to study hard, she only needed to be a carefree little princess. The mother and daughter got along happily. , the house is full of laughter and laughter.

Enxi is Mrs. Yin’s ideal daughter, while Xinai grew up in a slum, and her body reveals poverty, ambition, strength and greed everywhere.

When Xin Ai moved into Yin's house for the first time, she couldn't wait to go through Enxi's wardrobe and touched her body with Enxi's skirt. Mrs. Yin asked her in disgust not to touch Enxi's things.

On the way to school, Yoon Eun-hee unexpectedly had a car accident, causing two families to fall into great pain. Eun-hee's injury was not serious, but examination at the hospital revealed that Eun-hee's blood type did not match her parents', which meant that Eun-hee was not the  - DayDayNews

Xin Ai’s character is completely different from that of Eun Xi. She is aggressive, mean, and unreasonable. Mrs. Yin only wanted a little princess, but unexpectedly got a daughter like Xin Ai. Naturally, she resented Hate again.

Mrs. Yin was worried about this and never forgot Enxi, but she ignored it. The reason why Xin Ai grew up like this was because she suffered undeserved suffering. If she had not been replaced by mistake, she would have been a bad person. A little princess who knows the world.

"Blue Life and Death Love" Mrs. Yin's indifference to Xin Ai and her abandonment of Eun Xi are both selfish.

Two daughters, Eun Xi was raised by her to be cowardly and independent, Xin Ai was scolded and ignored by her, and Mrs. Yin, who seemed to be the most emotional on the surface, was the most hypocritical person.

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