Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club.

2024/07/0217:34:34 hotcomm 1409

Many people may not know that little S has a group of very good friends besides her S gang. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Association. As the name suggests, it is a small group of celebrity parents who have children born in the Year of the Rooster and the Year of the Dog.

Little S was the first sister to get married in the Taoli gang. She got the wedding certificate in 2005 and only got the wedding wine after she gave birth to a daughter the next year. At that time, she was busy carrying on the family lineage of the Xu family, and she didn't have many programs on hand. , which gave her more free time.

And her sister and her best friends were either busy dating or pursuing a career at that time, or they were busy dating and pursuing a career at the same time. How could anyone play with her all day long. At that time, she hit it off with these celebrities who were also getting married and having children and turning their focus to their families, and the Golden Rooster Club was born.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲Top row: Li Yongxian , Xiao S, the third one can’t tell who it is, Chen Xiaoxuan , Jia Yongjie , Wang Jingying ; lower row: Xu Xiaoxi , Li Qirong, the third one is not familiar.

Let’s party together, do charity work, and take the children to play together.

▲From left: Li Qirong, Jia Yongjie, Chen Xiaoxuan.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲From left: Li Qirong, Li Yongxian, Jia Yongjie, Wang Jingying, Xiao S.

In addition, more children of the same age are brought to play together, and mothers themselves can also get together.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲The four middle ones: He Jiaxin, Wang Jingying, Xu Xiaoxi, Fu Tianying.

Because it is a fun organization, many celebrities have briefly participated in the party, such as Taozi , Zeng Guocheng , Yong Xian Alex and his wife. Based on what they said on various programs, the core members are Xiao S, Chen Xiaoxuan, Jia Yongjie, Li Qirong, Wang Jingying, Jia Jingwen , Fu Tianying, and Xu Xiaoxi. The group

was active from 2007 to 2009. Why 2009? First, the children are preparing to go to kindergarten at this time, so there is not so much time. The more important reason is that many pairs of members were divorced at that time. The slightly funny group name

almost foreshadows the frivolity of most group marriages.

Chen Xiaoxuan is the convener and the first to get divorced (in 2007).

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲Except for the famous Zong Xiaoren romance with Wu Zongxian and Zhan Renxiong, in fact, her entire relationship journey was very bumpy. We have written about her story before.

Wang Jingying (we have written about it, you can review it here), Alyssa Chia ( we have written about it, you can review it here ), and Fu Tianying all had marriage changes. Moreover, the three of them not only divorced, but also made the divorce lawsuit a storm.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

In essence, this group is an organization for celebrity couples to gather with their children. How can they continue to have fun if they are all divorced?

Fu Tianying’s husband Chen Ziqiang went to Kangxi Lai in the early stages of the marriage crisis. Xiao S joked on the show that this organization was in decline. Something happened to everyone, and Chen Ziqiang felt the same way.

When Chen Xiaoxuan and Alyssa Chia joined Kangxi, everyone said that they were very happy at the beginning, but then they slowly disbanded due to the divorce of many members. Many years after

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

disbanded, Xu Xiaoxi also divorced in 2014.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲Compared with the other ugly scenes with her ex-husband, she broke up peacefully.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲ After the divorce, Xu Xiaoxi and her long-term boyfriend Zhou Baoyuan got back together for a while and became a legend, but they broke up for the second time more than a year later. Now she lives in Shanghai with her daughter. This is her who is currently 54 years old and in pretty good condition.

After briefly introducing this small group, you may have discovered that apart from Xiao S, Li Qirong and Jia Yongjie are the only core members who have not been divorced.

What is very interesting is that these two people have similar circles of friends, and their husbands are also businessmen, but their personalities are completely different. Today we will take a look at the interesting aspects of the lives of these two so-called wealthy ladies.

From a personality actress to marrying into a wealthy family

Let’s talk about Li Qirong first.

She is not a big success in her career, but she has had a relatively smooth journey and has some masterpieces in various fields.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

A rather old-fashioned beginning. When I was in high school, I accompanied my friends to campaign, but I was accidentally selected to be a VJ on MTV.

Now the entire music market is declining, and no one buys many albums, let alone music programs. But anyone who has experienced that era knows how fashionable and popular MTV is. VJs introduce music energetically and are the spokespersons of fashion and taste.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲The four early MTV Taiwan VJs, Zhang Zhaozhi, Xiaomi Lu Jiayi, Xu Xiaoxi, and Li Qirong. Xu Xiaoxi is also Li Qirong's old friend at MTV, so it is likely that Li Qirong was the reason why she entered the Golden Rooster Club.

Because of being a VJ, I have hosted a lot of entertainment programs and music parties. Later, the hosting tentacles extended to variety shows.

starred in "The Flying Dragon in the Sky" starring Alyssa Chia in 2000. Although she was not the starring role, this drama was the ratings champion in Taiwan that year, and she was considered a familiar face.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

also acted in several idol dramas.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

She has also done something that seems to be quite discerning so far, which is to publish a beauty book. And the reputation is quite good, one book after another is published.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

S published " Beauty King " in 2004, which eventually sold over one million. After that, female stars continued to publish beauty books. But Li Qianrong published her first book in 2001, which can be said to be quite forward-thinking.

As for why she was labeled as "rebellious" and "difficult to get along with"? Because at that time she was quite brave enough to speak out.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲I can’t stand other artists and blew my privacy.

You must know that she had just debuted at that time, and she was really bold to talk about others and herself.

Moreover, she is known as a locomotive and difficult to deal with. People who have worked with her find her difficult to get along with.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

No matter what, when people are popular, being unsociable means having individuality.

hosts, acts, and publishes books. When her career was developing smoothly, Li Qianrong found out that she was pregnant.

held an outdoor wedding in Phuket at the end of 2003 while she was 5 months pregnant.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲Husband Li Deli, there is not much information about him. Media reports indicate that he is the second generation of the British American Tobacco family. He is personally engaged in the sporting goods trade, and his personal assets are around NT$2 billion. According to some news, he should also be involved in film and television projects later on.

She was born in 1978 and was only 25 years old at that time. This was a too early age for a popular actress to get married and have children.

Li Deli is 7 years older than her, and they have been in love for 7 years. She herself also said on the show that the couple decided to have a child after discussing it. The pregnancy gave the two people who were in love an impetus to get married.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

It’s just that the marriage is in a hurry, and it seems that neither of them has found the feeling yet.

My husband still goes to nightclubs and sends ambiguous text messages.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Li Qianrong was not idle either, playing mahjong until three in the morning.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Or how can we say that Li Qianrong has a personality? The trend of hot moms really started in Taiwan’s entertainment industry in 2005.

At that time, first-line actresses such as Xiao S, Tao Zi, and Alyssa Chia, plus a group of second- and third-tier stars were all getting married and having children. Just in time for a change in the trend, everyone no longer avoids talking about their husband and children in order to maintain the image of an actress as before. On the contrary, motherhood is another way to attract followers.

Li Qianrong was talking about motherhood before the hot mom trend started, and there were many bold topics among them.

She gave birth to her eldest son in April 2004, and her youngest son in July of the following year.

Li Qianrong’s career was not affected after giving birth to two children in a row. Instead, it led to a small peak. After

came back, he created a beauty magazine called " Princess Chronicles ".

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲ is still her favorite beauty related. However, the magazine's sales were not as good as expected, and it was discontinued after a few issues.

The previously well-received beauty book "Beauty" has published several more books.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

She also photographed many men's magazines that married actresses would not try to photograph, let alone the so-called female celebrities who married into rich families.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

She has always dared to show off. When she was pregnant, she imitated Demi Moore and took nude photos.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Li Qirong was interviewed by print media after giving birth to two children. She said that she did not want to become a good mother after getting married. She still wanted to be sexy, strong and glamorous. He also said that he likes Zhang Xiaohui very much!

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

also guest starred in TV series.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲TV series " Brown Sugar Macchiato ". TV dramas have never been her home turf, they are basically just for fun.

She also served as Taiwan's hosting representative and went to the mainland to host the 2007 Mid-Autumn Festival party. The host in her previous session was Patty Hou .

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲Everyone knows that being able to host such a party requires both strength and image.

also starred in her only movie "The Nail Clipper Demon" in 2008.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

After her comeback and her career had a small climax, it can already be seen that Li Qianrong is a little tired. The TV series and movies mentioned above are all her last works. She seems to prefer publishing beauty books and magazines compared to acting which takes longer time or traveling to different places to host. On the one hand, she really likes it, and on the other hand, she has more free time.

After publishing her latest beauty-related book in 2009, she shifted her focus to other directions.

Of course, the last time I went to Kangxi, I had to resolve the scandal about my husband. In July of the year when the incident occurred, Li Qirong took her two sons to the United States for summer vacation, but her husband was photographed having sex with different girls for two consecutive days.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

The couple rushed to put out the fire.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲On the show, the scandal was resolved in a humorous way.

held hands to attend an event together in October.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

From fading out of the entertainment industry to causing a big disaster

After 2009, Li Qianrong, who has always liked to socialize, shifted her focus to the social scene, frequently going to parties and attending various brand events.

Her image has always been fashionable, sexy and individual. She is also a hot mom and has been invited to many events and endorsements. At this stage, her workload in the entertainment industry has decreased, but her exposure is still quite high.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲attend various activities.

The couple will also attend the event together.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

originally just went to parties, occasionally spoke for me, and usually ate and drank, being a leisurely lady was not bad.

Character determines destiny, and Li Qirong’s flamboyant personality is destined that she will not always live an ordinary life.

In 2015, a friend took her to visit military facilities in violation of regulations. She was criticized after it was exposed. Public opinion has been fermenting for several days, but Li Qianrong has no intention of apologizing at all. On the afternoon of April 2, she made a TV announcement to promote her new book.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲ "The Kneeling Woman God’s Marriage Struggle". You read that right, she is a kneeling woman. Even a rebellious woman like Li Qianrong cannot escape a Taiwanese marriage.

At that time, a large number of media surrounded Li Qianrong after the program, waiting to ask about this matter. I don’t know that she was too ignorant and didn’t understand the seriousness of the matter at all. Still really very personal. Anyway, admit that you were wrong, but never apologize.

When asked by reporters, he blinked and raised his eyebrows and said: Is it that serious?

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

has an arrogant attitude.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

explained that the whole process was led and guided by someone. The outside world said that she took too serious advantage of her privileges.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲Although her attitude was very bad, her explanation actually made sense. Someone led and guided the tour throughout the whole process, and no one stopped her at all.

Finally, the reporter asked her if she wanted to apologize to the public. She sneered and left...

The whole interview was indifferent, arrogant, and quite catchy. As soon as the

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

report came out, the whole public opinion exploded. Her Facebook page was deleted and she was bombarded with verbal abuse, which prompted her to apologize and quit the entertainment industry.

It was only a few hours later, and she posted an apology on Facebook in the evening.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲Netizens criticized Li Qirong’s apology for not being sincere.

In addition to public opinion, Li Qianrong’s family and a group of ladies who visited the event were officially interviewed and restricted from leaving the country. The public incident evolved into a case that entered the trial stage.

Now Li Qianrong realized the seriousness of the matter, bowed without makeup and formally apologized. It has been nearly a week since the incident.

The matter has not yet come to an end. Li Qianrong has been exposed for her various money-worshiping remarks and behavior of showing off her wealth on the show in the past. All endorsements, announcements, and new books have been withdrawn or boycotted.

She is also nicknamed by netizens as the "Mother of Military Discipline" and the "Punch-in Lady Group".

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Not only that, Li Qirong’s mother was insinuated to be engaged in a special industry, and her father was exposed, which also affected her two sons. This doubled Li Qianrong's pressure.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲ There is also a serious analysis by Taiwanese media about why Li Qianrong has worked hard to join the upper class in recent years, but she is still not qualified to enter the real Taipei socialite circle (we have seriously written twice about the Taipei socialite circle, which can be reviewed here). The reason is that her personality is difficult Coupled with the fact that his family background is not good.

Things intensified, and the words "lady" and "socialite" became extremely sensitive for a while. Every star in the entertainment industry is asked about this, especially those who have some connections with ladies and wealthy families.

Actresses either criticize or avoid it. What is rare is that old friends Xiao S, Xu Xiaoxi and others from the Golden Rooster Club can still help speak up.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲Although Xu Xiaoxi did not say it clearly, everyone guessed that he was speaking for Li Qirong.

▲ Xiao S felt that the criticism of Li Qirong was too much. Of course, Xu Xiaoxi and Xiao S were also scolded by netizens.

A few days later, married actresses in several circles also attended an event, and Chen Xiaoxuan also helped to relax.

Yufang , who is also friends with Li Qianrong, also helped to say a few words. Of course, after Xiao S took the lead in opening the mic and was scolded, everyone became more cautious when speaking.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲This event was originally going to be attended by Jia Yongjie, but it was canceled due to something unexpected. The media speculated that it might be related to Li Qirong.

After that, the case entered the trial stage. Misfortunes never come singly. In April, she hit and injured a disabled motorcyclist with her car, adding another lawsuit to her body.

During this period, Li Qianrong could only keep a low profile.

Fortunately, the prosecutor decided not to prosecute in the military facilities case in August, and the car crash case was finally settled with the motorcycle rider. Li Qianrong breathed a sigh of relief.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲ During this period, the couple often held hands and entered the police station together.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

There were no public activities, no announcements, and no endorsements. Li Qianrong was silent for three years after that.

Until the influence gradually faded away, Li Qianrong also made a comeback with a new book.

later accepted an interview and confessed his feelings after his comeback.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

also admits his personality flaws. Because of the lack of fatherly love in her native family and the fact that her debut was smooth, she was rebellious and did not know how to respect others.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

’s rebellious character means that even in marriage, he has to show that he cannot lose.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

said it was a comeback because her original main focus was no longer in the entertainment industry. In fact, it was just promoting her new book and making some announcements.

During the retreat, she opened her own e-commerce platform, sold beauty products, and even performed live broadcasts in person.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

This was impossible in the past, but now I do everything myself.

Although he has not returned to his peak, his career is showing signs of rejuvenation. The main focus is her favorite beauty products.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

But even though she has a big mouth, she still can't change her character of making trouble come from her mouth.

Because Li Qianrong and her husband converted to Christianity after the military facility case. After that, his attitude changed 180 degrees, and he secretly criticized other religions he believed in online several times. The "gangster theory" even earned her another round of criticism.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲The incident happened on Halloween. Li Qianrong felt that Christians should not celebrate Halloween. When refuting the claims of netizens, she even made shocking "hooligan theories."

can only delete the article and apologize after that.

When the epidemic in Taiwan was at its worst last year, Li Qianrong posted on social media that the couple were quarantined at home, and the conflicts intensified, which made her want a divorce, which triggered a round of attention.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲The article is too long, so I’ll take a screenshot.

Of course, if you can write it out, you won't really want to divorce, and the couple will reconcile after having a bad temper. The two people's private interactions recently photographed by the media have already become an old married couple.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

A Marriage of Gambling

Compared with the ups and downs of Li Qianrong, Jia Yongjie’s story is much simpler. It can be summed up in two words: stable.

takes every step smoothly enough.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Jia Yongjie is four years older than Li Qirong and was born in 1974. She comes from a wealthy family, and her father is an official in the government's foreign affairs department. It was also because of her father's work that before she could study abroad, her father sent her to the UK to study communication.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲College period. After returning to Taiwan,

initially worked as a fashion reporter. Because of her beautiful appearance, she was chosen to be a female anchor and host.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲ later hosted entertainment programs and travel location programs.

Her career developed in such a lukewarm manner for several years. In April 2002, she had a flash marriage in Las Vegas with her high school senior, whom she had only been dating for two months, because she was already pregnant at the time.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲ Her husband Wang Zhaojie is a high school senior one year above her. The two did not have much contact when they were students. When they graduated, Wang Zhaojie mustered up the courage to take a photo with Jia Yongjie.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲Register your marriage in Las Vegas.

htmlJia Yongjie held a make-up wedding in Taiwan in June.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲The father of Jia Yongjie’s husband Wang Zhaojie is Wang Mingde, chairman of Dechert Group. Dechert Group mainly deals in real estate and department stores. They own many department stores in Taipei. His net worth is richer than that of Li Deli and Wang Zhaojie.

She struggled with the flash marriage, but in the end her husband's persistence gave her confidence.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

reunited after many years. They dated for more than two months and got married because of pregnancy. It can only be said that this marriage involves a lot of gambling. Fortunately, it seems that she has made the right gamble so far.

Of course, as a wealthy wife, she also has tasks that need to be completed. After giving birth to two daughters in 2002 and 2005, even though she had expressed many times that she would not have another child before giving birth to her third child, she finally gave birth to another son.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲Appeared with her husband after giving birth to their second child.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

In addition to being a wealthy lady, Jia Yongjie

In addition to being a young lady from a wealthy family, she has two identities that are well known to outsiders. One is the owner of a wedding dress shop.

When her husband Wang Zhaojie was holding a wedding, looking at Jia Yongjie who was busy with other things, Wang Zhaojie said to Jia Yongjie, "You are very suitable for wedding dresses." After giving birth to her eldest daughter, Jia Yongjie invited designer Huang Shuqi to create the wedding dress brand C.H WEDDING.

In fact, she married into a wealthy family under the aura of a former anchor. She had a good image and received many advertising endorsements. She could have lived a comfortable life as a young mistress, but she didn't want to be labeled as a "rich family wife".

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲ attended the endorsement.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Being a celebrity and the daughter-in-law of a wealthy family does not bring her much convenience. Instead, it makes everyone think that she is "having nothing to do and have fun".

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Of course, husband Wang Zhaojie is the strategist behind it.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

has been playing for eighteen years. During this period, the brand grew bigger and bigger, and many celebrities were her clients.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

In addition to the bridal shop owner, her other well-known identity is a triathlon enthusiast.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Husband Wang Zhaojie is also a triathlon enthusiast. Although they say they are enthusiasts, they are actually professionals. The couple has participated in many competitions, large and small, together.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲The first team in Asia to successfully challenge the Enduroman Arch to Arc triathlon. Wang Zhaojie, second from left, and Jia Yongjie, third from left.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲Due to their long-term persistence in exercising, the appearance and temperament of the couple have improved a lot compared to when they were young.

then developed to the point where the whole family fell in love with outdoor sports.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

What is rare is that her husband Wang Zhaojie has almost no gossip in the 20 years of marriage! Not to mention the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club, it is a breath of fresh air in the entire Taiwan entertainment industry.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲The family travels regularly and the relationship is quite good.

When the epidemic in Taiwan was at its worst in the middle of last year, she donated a batch of medical supplies to Taiwanese hospitals.

There are many people who donate money for this kind of thing, but not many people are willing to be the leader. Relying on her connections in the business and entertainment circles, she gathered a group of friends to donate money and materials, and also personally sent them to major hospitals to boost morale. This behavior has attracted praise from all walks of life, and she is also known as the "anti-epidemic goddess".

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Here we have to mention Jia Yongjie’s good popularity and social skills. It is no exaggeration to say that she should be one of the most popular celebrities in Taiwan.

She plays well with several small groups in the entertainment industry. Generally speaking, for people like this who have both sides, their reputation can easily backfire and make people feel like they are useless (refer to the black fan whose reputation has plummeted in recent years) couple, and Yang Mi () who is often teased about who is popular and who plays with whom. But the great thing about Jia Yongjie is that everyone praises her.

Must comply with the requirements of work partners or friends.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲Stylist Chen Sunhua .

Pace Wu separated from the S Gang for a while and had her own small group. At that time, she and Weiqi Fan Liang Jingru were very close, and Jia Yongjie was often there at the gatherings. She is also what Pace Wu calls the perfect woman!

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲Liang Jingru, Jia Yongjie, and Weiqi Fan sing.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲There is also this photo of actresses visiting Weiqi Fan after giving birth, which caused an uproar at first, and Jia Yongjie was also there!

She is also the only close friend of Xiao S after the dissolution of the Golden Rooster Club. The relationship between the two is very good, to the extent that the two families will travel together.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲ Excluded from the left are Jia Yongjie’s two daughters + Xiao S’s two daughters. In the lower row are Miss S, Daughter, S, Jia Yongjie and Wang Zhaojie.

Jia Yongjie also has her own celebrity friends.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲How many can you recognize? Sitting in seat C are Yu Fang and her husband Chen Yuxi, the owner of Feili Jewelry.

There are also outside celebrities like Qian Deyue who we wrote about before (we have also written about this noble lady, which can be reviewed here).

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

As a celebrity and her husband is a businessman, there are naturally many people that I can come into contact with. It’s not easy just to get along well with everyone.

The reason is that first of all, she is funny and humorous, which can be seen from her appearance on the show.

is very rigorous at work. She can successfully run a bridal shop, perform a triathlon that requires endurance, and organize thankless tasks such as donating medical supplies. This shows that there is a very serious and persistent part of her character.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

▲ When the bridal shop expanded and opened in 2011, Terry Gou Mrs. Zeng Xinying also appeared on the platform. Zeng Xinying’s wedding affairs were handled by Jia Yongjie Brand. The two had no friendship before.

finally became emotionally stable, which is reflected in her marriage, life, and of course her conduct as a person. She has many friends, but she won't reveal information about her friends or say things she shouldn't say. And she has hardly caused any scandals herself.

is fun when playing, very serious when doing business, strong in ability, and always willing to give. Who doesn’t like such a friend?

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

At present, Jia Yongjie’s eldest daughter has studied abroad, and Li Qirong’s eldest son will also study abroad this year (it is now standard for children of wealthy families in Taiwan to study abroad).

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Although the processes are different, Li Qirong and Jia Yongjie have ended up on the same road to become wealthy wives.

At the end of 2021, Li Qirong celebrated her 18th wedding anniversary.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

Jia Yongjie also celebrated her 20th wedding anniversary last month. My husband also specially sang a song specially written by his friend Tao Zhe.

Many people may not know that in addition to her S gang, Xiao S also has a group of friends who are very good at playing. They have a small organization for raising children called the Golden Rooster Wangwang Club. - DayDayNews

The marriage style of the two ladies is more Chinese-style, and the other is more Westernized. Chinese-style marriage emphasizes the husband and wife, while Western-style marriage emphasizes common interests. As time goes by, everyone finds a more harmonious lifestyle and becomes a couple who will stay together until they grow old. Having a life partner, meeting a good man, and doing well financially after marriage, I have to say, this is a kind of luck.

It is obvious that Jia Yongjie’s marriage is more harmonious, harmonious and growth-oriented. This is simply the benchmark for most people’s marriages. However, Li Qirong and Jia Yongjie also have a lot in common: they have strong personalities, strong abilities, and better communication skills. Strong, able to become friends with her husband who talk about everything, with a strong heart and unlimited vitality. In marriage, she can be considered as constantly improving herself. She has her own career and hobbies. She is the kind of person who is not afraid in any marriage. A capable wife.

It doesn’t mean that if you are excellent, you will definitely have a good marriage, but if you are excellent, the chance of getting a good marriage will be higher. Of course, it really depends on a little luck. Each so-called unhappy marriage has its own reasons. Unfortunately, but happy marriages are mostly similar, full of the warmth of friendship and smiles of gratitude.

▲Li Qirong and her husband held a fifth wedding anniversary party at the end of 2008. From left: Jia Yongjie and his wife, Li Qirong and his wife, and Xiao S and his wife. The common characteristic of these three couples is that they are good friends, and their communication is not hindered. Their current relationship is maintained well.

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