Quote: Zheng Kai and Miao Miao official announced that they are pregnant with their second child! Miaomiao drove herself for a prenatal check-up. Zheng Kai commented: I want to go home. In fact, we all know that Miaomiao and Zheng Kai are very much in love, and on May 21, 2020, Z

2024/07/0204:29:32 hotcomm 1099

Quote: Zheng Kai, Miao Miaoguan announced that she is pregnant with her second child! Miaomiao drove herself for a prenatal check-up. Zheng Kai commented: I want to go home

Quote: Zheng Kai and Miao Miao official announced that they are pregnant with their second child! Miaomiao drove herself for a prenatal check-up. Zheng Kai commented: I want to go home. In fact, we all know that Miaomiao and Zheng Kai are very much in love, and on May 21, 2020, Z - DayDayNews

In fact, we all know that Miaomiao and Zheng Kai are very loving, and on May 21, 2020, Zheng Kai and Miao Miao officially announced that they were married. . The two announced the birth of their daughter in October 2020.

After giving birth to a child, Miaomiao felt that her figure had recovered very well. She was as thin as if she had never given birth. After Miaomiao gave birth, she has been active in everyone's sight. Many people think that Miaomiao is really beautiful, and her temperament is very much like that of a lady.

Quote: Zheng Kai and Miao Miao official announced that they are pregnant with their second child! Miaomiao drove herself for a prenatal check-up. Zheng Kai commented: I want to go home. In fact, we all know that Miaomiao and Zheng Kai are very much in love, and on May 21, 2020, Z - DayDayNews

After the two gave birth to their children, their relationship became very good, and they also participated in the variety show "Running Man" together. It is true that the variety show "Running Man" has attracted many celebrity couples to participate. It is really a show of affection. After all, Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy also participated together.

Quote: Zheng Kai and Miao Miao official announced that they are pregnant with their second child! Miaomiao drove herself for a prenatal check-up. Zheng Kai commented: I want to go home. In fact, we all know that Miaomiao and Zheng Kai are very much in love, and on May 21, 2020, Z - DayDayNews

On the 21st, Zheng Kai and Miao Miao officially announced that they were pregnant with their second child, and the month was already very old, like six or seven months. Miaomiao posted a prenatal check-up vlog and wrote: Although I lost weight during the quarantine, the baby is growing well and I feel at ease.

Quote: Zheng Kai and Miao Miao official announced that they are pregnant with their second child! Miaomiao drove herself for a prenatal check-up. Zheng Kai commented: I want to go home. In fact, we all know that Miaomiao and Zheng Kai are very much in love, and on May 21, 2020, Z - DayDayNews

In Miaomiao's chatting, we can also see that Miaomiao's complexion is very good. After all, it is during the epidemic, so there is no one to drive for him if he goes out, so he drove himself to the hospital for a prenatal check-up. .

At this time, it is equivalent to Miao Miao and Zheng Kai officially announcing the fact that they are pregnant with a second child, but their eldest daughter is really very small, so it is really difficult to take care of two children. I hope they can do well. Mental preparation.

Quote: Zheng Kai and Miao Miao official announced that they are pregnant with their second child! Miaomiao drove herself for a prenatal check-up. Zheng Kai commented: I want to go home. In fact, we all know that Miaomiao and Zheng Kai are very much in love, and on May 21, 2020, Z - DayDayNews

Zheng Kai also expressed his opinion, and then commented under Miaomiao's video: "I want to go home." It seems that it is really because Zheng Kai has not been home for a long time, so he hopes they can reunite soon. Accompany Miaomiao for prenatal check-ups and welcome the arrival of the child together.

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