According to an exclusive report by the British "Times" on July 10, Ukrainian Defense Minister Leznikov revealed that Ukraine has a million-strong army equipped with Western weapons and is preparing to take over the southern territories from Russia.

2024/07/0201:27:32 hotcomm 1623

( Observer Network News) According to an exclusive report by the British " Times " on July 10, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov revealed that Ukraine has a million-strong army equipped with Western weapons. , preparing to conquer the southern territories from Russia. He also called on Western countries to increase arms assistance to Ukraine.

"The Times" quoted Reznikov as saying that Ukraine has a force of 1 million people preparing to counterattack the south.

This is Reznikov's first interview with the British media since the conflict broke out in February this year. He said that Ukrainian President Zelenskiy has ordered the military to take over coastal areas that are vital to the country's economy.

"We understand that politically this is very necessary for our country. The president has ordered the top commander of the army to prepare a plan. After that, the General Staff will prepare accordingly and say what (weapons) we need. This is what I "I am writing to the defense departments of the cooperating countries to discuss why this weapon is needed, and then we will make a political decision," he praised British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace for helping. Ukraine played a key role in switching from Soviet equipment to NATO equipment. "It was a long process, as long as a month and a half, but we already have the results. Ukraine was an armed force equipped with Soviet weapons, equipped with weapons from 30 years ago, but we changed that in three months."

Reznikov appealed that he was satisfied with NATO's support, but was not satisfied with the speed of weapons delivery. "We are waiting for (supported) howitzers every day, and we may lose 100 people every day."

He believes that because Ukraine has proven its combat capabilities, Western countries have increased their weapons supply, and Ukraine may be able to assemble An army of one million people. "We have about 700,000 armed forces. If you add the National Guard, police and border guards, we have about 1 million people."

According to an exclusive report by the British html July 10, IC Photo of the Ukrainian army in the Donetsk area

Reznikov also claimed that the recent withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the Severodonetsk and Lischichansk regions was a "tactical loss" necessary to save lives, rather than a strategic failure. The "democratic world" has united and this war will end the "Russian Empire".

"We are convinced that the anti-Kremlin alliance has been born. Our partners in London, Washington DC and other countries invest us with money and expectations, and we must let the Kremlin lose..." ....”

He emphasized that Ukraine’s recent withdrawal from the cities of Serodonetsk and Lisenshansk in the Luhansk region was a tactical loss necessary to save lives, rather than a strategic failure. The democratic world united to defeat Russia, he said, and the war would ultimately end the Russian Empire.

At the end of last month, the Russian army and the Luhansk armed forces made rapid progress after taking control of Severodonetsk. On July 2, local time, they took control of Lisichansk, the last large city in the Luhansk region . The capture of the city of Lischichansk also means that the Russian army has made significant progress in the "second phase" of the battle.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on the 9th local time, the Russian army attacked the Ukrainian army and its ammunition depot and other facilities in Nikolayev and other places. In addition, in the Kharkov area, the Russian army also attacked two foreign mercenary strongholds. According to RIA News Agency reported that the Luhansk armed forces stated on the 9th that the Russian army and the Luhansk armed forces were advancing towards the three cities of Seversk, Soledar and Bakhmut in the Donetsk region.

Uzbekistan claimed to have repelled Russian attacks from multiple directions. According to the Ukrainian National News Agency, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces stated on the 9th that the Ukrainian army repelled the Russian army in the direction of Kharkiv, Slavyansk in the Donetsk region, and the direction of Seversk on the 9th. attack.

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