According to the latest news from Russian media, on the afternoon of February 24, local time, escorted by a large number of Russian armed helicopters, Russian assault troops took a transport helicopter and suddenly appeared in the sky above Kiev Oblast, Ukraine, and quickly heade

2024/07/0200:29:33 hotcomm 1290


There has been another key change in the Ukrainian war situation! According to the latest news from the Russian media, on the afternoon of February 24, local time, Russian assault troops, escorted by a large number of Russian armed helicopters, suddenly appeared in the sky above Kiev Oblast, Ukraine, and quickly headed northwest of Kiev. The Ukrainian army stationed there was obviously caught off guard when the raided the important town of Gostomeli. Facing the Russian helicopter flying at low altitude over the Ukrainian town, the Ukrainian army hurriedly counterattacked and launched the US-made portable air defense missile , but this could not stop the Russian army. Surprise attack.

According to the latest news from Russian media, on the afternoon of February 24, local time, escorted by a large number of Russian armed helicopters, Russian assault troops took a transport helicopter and suddenly appeared in the sky above Kiev Oblast, Ukraine, and quickly heade - DayDayNews

According to the latest news from foreign media, the Russian assault force has successfully occupied Gostomeli, which is only 15 kilometers away from the Ukrainian capital Kiev. If the Russian army successfully builds a bridgehead there, a large number of backup troops will be deployed quickly, thus Serious Kiev security.

According to the latest news from Russian media, on the afternoon of February 24, local time, escorted by a large number of Russian armed helicopters, Russian assault troops took a transport helicopter and suddenly appeared in the sky above Kiev Oblast, Ukraine, and quickly heade - DayDayNews

At the same time that the Russian helicopter fleet was attacking towards Kiev, the Ukrainian military announced that the Ukrainian air defense forces opened fire in the area around Kiev and shot down at least one "invading" Russian armed helicopter. Judging from the live video, this It was obviously a Russian Ka-52 "Alligator" armed helicopter. Ukrainian soldiers fired multiple US-made "Stinger" portable air defense missiles, hitting the Russian helicopter and causing it to make an emergency landing. Sources said the Russian pilot He was not killed but was captured by the Ukrainian army.

According to the latest news from Russian media, on the afternoon of February 24, local time, escorted by a large number of Russian armed helicopters, Russian assault troops took a transport helicopter and suddenly appeared in the sky above Kiev Oblast, Ukraine, and quickly heade - DayDayNews

According to reports, Gostomeli is a "satellite city" of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, and the location of the famous Antonov Airlines. It is very close to Kiev and is regarded as the center of Ukraine's aviation industry and a well-deserved "national treasure" ". The Russian army obviously had far-reaching plans for choosing this place for special air assault operations. The first goal was to use it as a bridgehead to concentrate its forces to capture Kiev. Another important goal was to capture Ukraine's aviation center. Thinking of the Russian army's fierce attack on the Ukrainian military-industrial town of Kharkiv in Eastern Ukraine, once the Russian army succeeds, it means that the strength of the Ukrainian army and aviation military industry will be completely lost, and the war potential has basically bottomed out. For the oath and Russia For Ukraine, where the military is fighting a bloody battle, its importance is self-evident.

According to the latest news from Russian media, on the afternoon of February 24, local time, escorted by a large number of Russian armed helicopters, Russian assault troops took a transport helicopter and suddenly appeared in the sky above Kiev Oblast, Ukraine, and quickly heade - DayDayNews

Military experts pointed out that since the war between Russia and Ukraine in the early morning of the 24th, the Russian army has launched attacks on multiple border areas of Ukraine. This has made the outside world uncertain about the direction of the Russian army’s main attack. In addition to the Eastern Ukraine area that Moscow is bound to win, There is also speculation that the Russian army may attack Kiev directly south from the Russian-Belarus border. The Russian army's missile attack on Kiev at the beginning of the war seemed to prove this.

According to the latest news from Russian media, on the afternoon of February 24, local time, escorted by a large number of Russian armed helicopters, Russian assault troops took a transport helicopter and suddenly appeared in the sky above Kiev Oblast, Ukraine, and quickly heade - DayDayNews

However, in the next half day, the Russian army did not storm Kiev, which made the West believe that the Russian army’s main attack direction was still Eastern Ukraine, the Black Sea and the direction of Kiev were all feint attacks, However, looking at it now, the Russian army is obviously The real goal of "making claims in the east and attacking in the west" is to threaten Kiev, directly "steal home" and destroy Ukraine's "command center", so as to quickly end the war and achieve the expected strategic goals.

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