Previously, Russia had warned Ukraine and its behind-the-scenes supporters that if the Ukrainian army dared to use Western weapons to attack Russian targets, the Russian army would not only attack the decision-making center in Kiev, but its attack scope would even cover the sourc

2024/07/0200:27:33 hotcomm 1132

Previously, Russia had warned Ukraine and its behind-the-scenes supporters that if the Ukrainian army dared to use Western weapons to attack Russian targets, the Russian army would not only attack the decision-making center in Kiev, but its attack scope would even cover the sourc - DayDayNews

Previously, Russia had issued a warning to Ukraine and its behind-the-scenes supporters. If the Ukrainian army dared to use Western weapons to attack Russian targets, the Russian army would not only attack the decision-making center in Kiev, but its attack scope would even cover the source of the weapons. This means that if Ukraine attacks Russia, it will most likely lead to a further escalation of the war.

The Kiev authorities seem to have turned a deaf ear to Russia’s repeated warnings. According to observer website , the TASS news agency claimed on the 22nd that an oil refinery in Rostov Oblast on the Russia-Ukraine border was attacked by a drone from Ukraine that day, causing a fire and explosion in the refinery. Fortunately, no casualties were caused.

Russia claimed. Two suicide drones coming from the direction of Ukraine attacked the oil refinery in Russia. According to an official statement from the refinery, one drone first attacked the refinery's crude oil distillation unit, causing an explosion. Another drone attacked the refinery's crude oil storage 40 minutes later. Fortunately, no fire was caused and no one was injured. causing casualties.

This is not the first time that Ukraine has recently carried out an attack on a Russian target. On the 20th before this, the Crimean authorities accused the Ukrainian army of launching multiple attacks on natural gas drilling platforms located in the Black Sea, causing at least Two people were injured and seven others are missing. Regarding the successive attacks by the Ukrainian army, Russia warned: These are acts of terrorism and the attackers must be punished.

During the previous stalemate phase of the war, Ukraine once used a combination of helicopters and shelling to frequently launch attacks on factories, villages and infrastructure on the Russian side of the Russian-Ukrainian border, causing considerable losses to the Russian side. However, after Russia warned that it would launch a retaliatory attack on the decision-making center in Kiev, the Ukrainian army's attacks on targets in Russia almost disappeared.

After a period of silence, the Ukrainian army began a new round of attacks on targets in Russia. However, unlike the previous use of standard weapons such as helicopters and heavy artillery to attack targets in Russia, the Ukrainian army now uses small suicide drones. This shows from another aspect that after four months of fierce fighting, the war potential of the Ukrainian army should have been almost exhausted.

The Ukrainian army once again attacked targets in Russia. The premise and background is that Ukraine will lose control of the Donbass region. According to the " Global Times " report, Ukraine is experiencing its worst week since the fall of Mariupol . CNN said this in the report: The Ukrainian army is holding on to Lisichansk, the last city controlled by Lugansk, but their defenses are being continuously weakened.

There was news a few days ago that the Russian coalition forces were launching a fierce attack on Lisichansk from nine directions after successfully capturing Severodonetsk. You must know that Lisichansk is the last stronghold of the Ukrainian army in the Luhansk region. Once it is lost, it means that Ukraine will lose its depth in the Donbas region. In other words, after versus , the entire Donbas region may have nothing to do with Ukraine.

What is even more fatal to Ukraine is that Western countries are generally mired in an inflation crisis, and people in various countries are increasingly resentful of their governments providing weapons to Ukraine. As large-scale demonstrations and protests have broken out in many countries in the United States and Europe, the result may be that Western countries are forced to give up their support for Ukraine due to public opinion, and even coerce Kiev to give up their illusions of "recovering lost ground" and sit at the negotiating table. Compromise with Russia.

Against this background, the Ukrainian army once again attacked Russian facilities. This is not because they are not afraid of the Russian army attacking the decision-making center in its capital. Instead, it is possible that due to the unfavorable frontline war, Ukraine had to take risks when it was desperate and tried to achieve success through military adventures. Contain the Russian military's combat operations in Ukraine.

In addition, Ukraine’s risky move is most likely intended to escalate the war, thereby drawing the attention of Western public opinion back to the Ukrainian battlefield in exchange for Western people’s sympathy for Ukraine, thus forcing their government to continue Provide military aid to Ukraine.After all, if the West stops military aid to Ukraine at this time, the Kiev authorities will soon be done with it.

However, this is just wishful thinking in Ukraine, and Western countries are not stupid. Who is willing to invest real money into a bottomless pit of war that will harm them. Germany, France, and Italy, which have just visited Ukraine, have already stated that they will no longer provide subsequent military assistance to Ukraine. Under such circumstances, if Ukraine continues to attack the Russian mainland, instead of gaining sympathy from the West, it will bring disaster to itself.

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