Half a year of 2022 has passed. It has been a very unstable half year and a heart-wrenching half year. The world has been very unstable in the past six months, with epidemics, wars, natural and man-made disasters, tens of millions of people around the world starving, and millions

2024/07/0200:26:33 hotcomm 1705

Half a year has passed since 2022. It has been a very unstable and heart-wrenching half year. The world has been very unstable in the past six months, with epidemics, wars, natural and man-made disasters, tens of millions of people around the world starving, and millions of people displaced and becoming refugees. Inflation in the United States has worsened, the energy crisis in Europe, and the food crisis are spreading around the world. Disasters are happening every day in Africa. The wealthy West is no longer stable, and the torn United States is constantly being shot. The world in the first half of the year can be described by the word "chaos". Against the background of the worsening of its own contradictions, the United States began to subvert the world order and create disorder and chaos around the world. Of course, the most influential event in the past six months was the Russia-Ukraine conflict planned and ignited by the United States. This conflict completely changed the world structure and brought unprecedented impact and influence to the world. The four-month conflict between Russia and Ukraine has ushered in a new era, causing an unprecedented impact on the hegemonic system led by the United States. As the Russia-Ukraine conflict continues, the Russian army has captured Severonetsk and has begun to freely use missiles to attack targets across Ukraine .

Half a year of 2022 has passed. It has been a very unstable half year and a heart-wrenching half year. The world has been very unstable in the past six months, with epidemics, wars, natural and man-made disasters, tens of millions of people around the world starving, and millions - DayDayNews

After the Russian army captured Severonetsk, it began to encircle Lisichansk. More than 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers were trapped in this city. Several senior officials from Zelensky's office were trapped in the city by the Russian army as soon as they arrived in Lischichansk, which was very embarrassing and embarrassing. It is reported that the NM unit of the Russian LPR and the Russian army have targeted these senior officials. With the battlefield unfavorable, Zelensky hopes to end the conflict before winter. Winter is a terrible season for Ukraine because extreme cold and fuel shortages will make things even more difficult for Ukraine. Ukraine has also made it relatively clear that it will no longer make efforts to join NATO . This shows that one of the goals of Russia's military operations has been achieved, which is to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. Western countries such as the United States and Britain have realized that it is unrealistic to prevent the Russian army from winning in Ukraine. Of course, some Western countries, led by the United States, are still unwilling to admit defeat, and they are still providing weapons to Ukraine.

Half a year of 2022 has passed. It has been a very unstable half year and a heart-wrenching half year. The world has been very unstable in the past six months, with epidemics, wars, natural and man-made disasters, tens of millions of people around the world starving, and millions - DayDayNews

The confrontation between high-end weapons between the United States and Russia in Ukraine has begun to emerge. This is a very special battle and a typical battle mode of proxy war. Russia began to dispatch bombers , killer artillery , rocket launchers , "Caliber" missiles, hypersonic missiles and other high-end weapons to attack Ukrainian military targets. The Russian military's "Dagger" hypersonic missile system used a sledgehammer to bomb targets in Ukraine. It was more of a show of its own trump card, mainly experimental strikes. The "Dagger" hypersonic weapon is an air-based ballistic missile improved from a land-based tactical ballistic missile. Its biggest feature and advantage is its excellent penetration capability. The current Ukraine does not have the ability to intercept such missiles at all. Once it is targeted by a Dagger missile, the consequences can only be left to fate. The "Dagger" can hit targets thousands of kilometers away, and its ballistic trajectory is adjusted throughout the entire process. The ballistic trajectory is unpredictable, making interception very difficult. It is impossible to use daggers in large quantities. Russia mainly uses them to test its actual combat capabilities, and it is also a psychological shock, especially to the West who is ready to make a move.

Half a year of 2022 has passed. It has been a very unstable half year and a heart-wrenching half year. The world has been very unstable in the past six months, with epidemics, wars, natural and man-made disasters, tens of millions of people around the world starving, and millions - DayDayNews

In addition to the Dagger hypersonic missile, Russia's high-end weapons have also frequently appeared in Ukraine. According to reports, T-90M main battle tanks, "Krasukha-4" electronic warfare systems, KH-101 stealth cruise missiles, etc. have begun to be applied to the Ukrainian battlefield. The Russian army also uses advanced drone systems , giant artillery systems, new howitzers systems and other high-end weapons. Russia also uses smart weapon systems, new precision strike weapon systems, etc. Russia also used a new high-precision multi-purpose missile weapon code-named "Product 305" when attacking Ukraine's ammunition depot, fuel depot, and oil depot. It is reported that this missile is mainly equipped with Mi-28NM and Ka-52M attack helicopters installed by the Russian army, and has extremely strong attack capabilities against fixed targets. It is reported that this missile is a very special smart ammunition with the ability to "fire and forget" and can change new targets mid-flight.This missile was developed by the Kolomna Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (KBM) under the orders of Russian Federal Security ServiceFSB and was only declassified in August 2021.

Half a year of 2022 has passed. It has been a very unstable half year and a heart-wrenching half year. The world has been very unstable in the past six months, with epidemics, wars, natural and man-made disasters, tens of millions of people around the world starving, and millions - DayDayNews

The "Iskander"-M missile is also one of the high-end weapons used by the Russian army in Ukraine, causing great trouble to Ukraine. The "Iskander"-M ballistic missile has a maximum take-off weight of 3.8 tons and a maximum range of about 480 kilometers. It uses a variety of guidance methods such as inertial guidance, satellite navigation and scene matching guidance. The circular probability deviation of the missile is less than 2 meters, and it has attack accuracy. It has many characteristics, such as high strength and high lethality, and played an important role in the Ukrainian battlefield. The SS-21 "Scarab" B is also a high-end weapon used by the Russian army. In this operation against Ukraine, Russia launched a "Scarab" B ballistic missile carrying submunition , successfully destroying the Ukrainian airport. This missile has a maximum range of 120 kilometers and a warhead weighing 480 kilograms, making it very suitable for use on the Ukrainian battlefield. The Kh-31P anti-radiation missile , with a maximum range of 110 kilometers and a maximum flight speed of Mach 3.5, is a missile used by Russia against the Ukrainian radar system. During the bombing, the Russian army also dispatched strategic bombers such as Tu-95 Tu-95 and Tu-160 strategic bombers to bomb Kiev.

Half a year of 2022 has passed. It has been a very unstable half year and a heart-wrenching half year. The world has been very unstable in the past six months, with epidemics, wars, natural and man-made disasters, tens of millions of people around the world starving, and millions - DayDayNews

In order to test its actual combat capabilities, Russia used almost all types of tactical ballistic missiles, land attack cruise missiles and various types of new weapons in active service under the background of controlling the battlefield situation in Ukraine. There is no doubt that Russia has also used Ukraine as a testing ground for new weapons while ensuring the purpose of military operations. Of course, the United States is not to be outdone and continues to provide Ukraine with various high-end weapons, trying to let Ukraine use such high-end weapons to fight against Russia, consume Russia, and cause trouble for the Russian army. High-end equipment such as the United States' Seamus rocket launcher system , special drones, new radar , special command and communication preparations, large-caliber artillery , have all arrived in Ukraine. In order to improve Ukraine's air defense capabilities, the United States also decided to provide Ukraine with medium- and long-range air defense missiles. According to reports, the United States will urgently order a batch of NASAMS mobile air defense missile systems from Norway to be sent to Ukraine. Raytheon AN/MPQ-64F1 Sentinel X-band three-coordinate air radar vehicle, fire control command vehicle, MSP500 photoelectric/infrared detection system detection vehicle and tactical control unit vehicle are also targets of US military assistance.

Half a year of 2022 has passed. It has been a very unstable half year and a heart-wrenching half year. The world has been very unstable in the past six months, with epidemics, wars, natural and man-made disasters, tens of millions of people around the world starving, and millions - DayDayNews

Of course, the US military is still providing assistance to Ukraine with new air defense systems such as short-range air defense missiles modified from AIM-9X combat air-to-air missiles, so that the Ukrainian army can pose a threat to Russian fighter jets. At present, the Ukrainian battlefield is becoming a battlefield for high-end weapons competition between the United States and Russia, and a battlefield for advanced weapons testing. Generally speaking, the weapons and equipment used by Russia have more advantages because the Russian military equipment is systematic and complete. Although the high-end weapon systems of the US military have advanced performance, it is difficult to exert their maximum power due to their small number and incomplete supporting facilities. Of course, the availability of high-end US military weapons has provided Ukraine with great help, ensuring that the Ukrainian army can carry out certain counterattacks. When the Russian army carried out continuous beheading operations and defeated a large number of targets of the Ukrainian army, the Ukrainian army also used the Seamas rocket launcher system assisted by the US military to counterattack the Russian army. It is reported that Ukraine used Seamus rocket launcher to sneak attack the frontline headquarters of the Russian 20th Group Army in Izyum, causing certain trouble to the Russian army. The Ukrainian army's sneak attack will not change the situation of the war, but it will cause losses to the Russian army.

Half a year of 2022 has passed. It has been a very unstable half year and a heart-wrenching half year. The world has been very unstable in the past six months, with epidemics, wars, natural and man-made disasters, tens of millions of people around the world starving, and millions - DayDayNews

With the arrival of high-end weapons aided by Western countries such as the United States, Britain and Europe, the Ukrainian army has begun to plan more military operations in addition to carrying out local counterattacks in some areas. Danilov, secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, clearly stated on June 27 that with the arrival of Western aid weapons, Ukraine will use missiles to find targets in Russia for precise strikes. Ukraine has previously attacked oil refining facilities and corresponding repair plants in Russia, causing a lot of trouble for Russia. Ukraine also attacked oil refining facilities in Crimea, causing casualties and property damage. Ukrainian officials also threatened to attack the Crimean Bridge in an attempt to create a greater conflict.In fact, once Ukraine attacks targets in Russia, the nature of the Russia-Ukraine conflict will change and become a confrontation between Russia and Ukraine, and Western countries such as the United States and Britain will have no legal reason to intervene.

Half a year of 2022 has passed. It has been a very unstable half year and a heart-wrenching half year. The world has been very unstable in the past six months, with epidemics, wars, natural and man-made disasters, tens of millions of people around the world starving, and millions - DayDayNews

Ukraine threatens to attack targets in Russia. From the current perspective, it is more of a threat and is difficult to implement on a large scale in reality. When the United States provided assistance to Ukraine with long-range weapons such as Haimas rocket launchers, it also claimed to have obtained Ukraine's commitment not to attack targets in Russia. Once Ukraine uses a large number of Western weapons to attack targets in Russia, the risk of direct confrontation between Russia and Western countries will also greatly increase. This is also a situation that the outside world does not want to see. Vice Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Medvedev believes that any attempt to attack Crimea will be regarded as a declaration of war against Russia. If a NATO country does this, it will mean the outbreak of conflict with the entire NATO. Medvedev's warning actually reflects Russia's tough stance. Of course, Russia's warning is not a verbal warning, but may be fulfilled at any time. How to control the war situation and avoid the deterioration of the Russia-Ukraine conflict has become a current concern of all walks of life.

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