According to the US "Forbes" website, the US military is now very worried about the combat effectiveness of the Ukrainian army. Now, not only are 96,000 Russian troops stationed in the border areas, but more Russian drones, electronic jamming systems, various artillery and rocket

2024/07/0200:24:32 hotcomm 1830

According to the US "Forbes" website, the US military is now very worried about the combat effectiveness of the Ukrainian army. The US military believes that the combat effectiveness of the Ukrainian army is not as good as it was seven years ago. Although Ukraine has hundreds of thousands of troops and militia, the only ones with real combat effectiveness are seven or eight armored brigades. These troops could not stop the Russian army from attacking for 3 days.

According to the US

Now in the border area, not only are 96,000 Russian troops stationed, but also more Russian drones, electronic jamming systems, various cannons and rocket launchers have been discovered. Therefore, foreign observers believe that once the Russian army launches an attack, Ukraine's elite troops will be quickly defeated. This has nothing to do with whether they dare to fight hard or whether they are afraid of death.

On the contrary, the Russian army’s tactics against Ukraine are unsolvable for the Ukrainian army. The American "Armor" magazine said that Russian drones and electronic warfare systems are integrated and cooperate with each other. Integrates reconnaissance, deception, jamming, and target indication into one system.

According to the US

U.S. Army Major Amos Fox said that a typical tactical process for the Russian army to eliminate the Ukrainian army is the same as the Russian army's elimination of three mechanized brigades of the Ukrainian army in July 2014. In July 2014, the Ukrainian army's three elite units, the 24 Mechanized Infantry Brigade, the 72nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade, and the 79th Assault Brigade, launched a counterattack against the eastern Ukraine region. At that time, these three elite brigades were only a short distance from the Russian border. They started camping 10 kilometers away from Zelenopirlia, preparing to launch an assault on Luhansk Oblast controlled by the Udong armed forces. However, in the early morning of July 11, the Russian drone located the specific location of the Ukrainian army and performed data calibration at the same time. At 4 o'clock in the morning, the Russian army launched electronic warfare to strongly interfere with all communications, radars and electronic systems in the area.

According to the US

The communication, reconnaissance, radar detection and command systems in dozens of campsites across 3 brigades in Ukraine were all cut off, and all connections between the Ukrainian army command center and various units were interrupted. Just when the Ukrainian army was in chaos, at 4:30 in the morning, multiple artillery groups deployed by the Russian army in the border areas began violent and precise shelling.

howitzers , rocket launchers firing various sub-munitions , cloud burst bombs, grenades , top-attack bombs, and precision-guided artillery shells. In one morning, they destroyed three elite brigades of the Ukrainian army. Although the Ukrainian army shot down a Russian drone that was conducting target guidance, it was too late. Now, they are completely surrounded by a sea of ​​steel and fire.

According to the US

Moreover, there is no ability to fight back at all. Where is the enemy? What is the coordinate data of the enemy's position? They have no idea where their troops are or where their artillery is. No matter how hard I try, I have no chance.

Now, Ukraine does not have the ability to counter Russia’s powerful electronic warfare system. Now, the United States has discovered that a large number of new electronic warfare systems of the Russian army, including signal intelligence systems, mobile reconnaissance systems, electronic warfare systems, and electronic jamming aircraft , have been deployed in border areas. Once a war breaks out, the Russian army will also conduct comprehensive interference with the Ukrainian army's communications, command, radar and electronic systems.

According to the US

Dozens of drones will then guide multiple Russian artillery groups to carry out devastating strikes against the Ukrainian army. These Ukrainian troops cannot receive orders, cannot detect the enemy, and cannot issue orders. Only the Russian artillery shells poured down accurately.

According to the US

Now the Russian army is fully replacing the new Hurricane M1 modular rocket launcher, the new 152mm self-propelled howitzer, and has also reactivated weapons such as the Peony 203mm howitzer and the Tulip 240mm giant mortar. Establish a heavy artillery division and 7 new self-propelled artillery regiments to enhance strike power.

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