According to Taiwan media reports, Chen Shui-bian suddenly held a press conference the day before yesterday, citing a bunch of data on "state secret expenses" and emphasizing that there was absolutely "no corruption." Taiwanese media commented on this, saying that from the fact t

2024/07/0200:10:33 hotcomm 1318

According to Taiwan media reports, Chen Shui-bian suddenly held a press conference the day before yesterday, citing a bunch of data on

According to Taiwanese media reports, Chen Shui-bian suddenly held a press conference the day before yesterday (7th), citing a bunch of data on "state secret expenses" and emphasizing that there was absolutely "no corruption." Taiwanese media commented on this, saying that from the fact that he repeatedly used "state affairs expenses" to justify his innocence at press conferences, we can probably trust the medical evaluation team for his diagnosis of neurodegeneration, dementia, etc. The health assessment should be correct.

Because Chen Shui-bian may have forgotten that the so-called "secrets that he wants to take to his grave" that he announced at the press conference the day before yesterday were actually at the beginning of his corruption case when prosecutors investigated "state secrets" When the case was filed, it was explained to the public at a press conference on November 5, 2006. Although these two press conferences were held fifteen or sixteen years apart, the contents were similar, even the opening remarks were similar, and at most they mentioned some names.

Also, Chen Shui-bian may be so busy with his many cases that he forgot that he was involved in several corruption cases, and the "state secret fees" was just one of them. If we analyze the various cases involved in A Bian , the four cases including the Longtan land purchase that have been decided so far, Chen Shui-bian and his family's behavior in the cases are very bad and disgusting to society.

Moreover, Chen Shui-bian's trial was suspended many years ago by the Taiwan High Court because the medical team assessed that his health condition was poor and unsuitable for trial. As the medical team has been continuously assessing A-Bian's health condition for several years and is still in poor condition, this case is not stressful for him. And no matter how much the sentence is, he will still not go to jail. He will still walk around freely outside.

Therefore, Taiwanese media believe that A-Bian chose to hold a press conference in a healthy and normal manner at this time not because of his future prospects in this case, but because he wanted to show that he was a former leader who sacrificed himself for the future of Taiwan. People who have not corrupted a dime at all, and then seek a positive position for themselves in Taiwan's history. However, he still forgot that the corruption impression he and his family gave people did not come from this case, but from the "Cape 700 Million" commonly known by the people.

What is "Cape 700 Million"? According to relevant information, on December 12, 2007, Swiss prosecutors suspected that the US$21 million remitted by Chen Shui-bian's family to a bank in Switzerland may be stolen money and posed a risk of money laundering, so they froze and seized it, and notified the Taiwan authorities for investigation. This amount, converted into New Taiwan dollars, is 700 million.

Although prosecutors' investigations have gradually revealed that the Bian family has other huge assets at home and abroad, the public generally views the Bian family's corruption as "700 million in the world." In addition, the legend that one finger of Bian's sister-in-law Wu Shuzhen is worth thousands of gold is also a symbol of the Bian family's insatiable greed.

As for whether Ah Bian tampered with the "state affairs expenses" and put the money into his own pocket, it should not have much impact on the image of Ah Bian and the Bian family in the minds of the public. After all, Taiwanese, who generally have a hard time making money, must choose to believe that the "Cape 700 million", even if it does not come from "state secret fees", must have come from somewhere else.

Therefore, Taiwanese media believe that there is really no need for A-Bian to hold a press conference to explain the "state secret fee". The only thing that can be thought of is that A-Bian is on medical parole , as assessed by the medical team, his brain nerves have degenerated and he has lost consciousness. Thinking that he had that "700 million", he forgot that the court had already convicted him of corruption in another case more than ten years ago, and he should be sentenced to 17 years and six months in prison.

#Taiwan# #Chen Shui-bian’s “Confidential State Affairs Expenses Case”#

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